
Children have a strong liver fire, and eating these foods will be very effective

author:Zhang Linlin, nutritionist

Liver fire is a physical disorder caused by liver dysfunction in children, which is manifested as irritability, irritability, and irritation, which is more common in children. I would like to recommend several foods that can effectively alleviate the problem of liver fire.

1. Bitter gourd: Cucumber is a good product for antipyretic and liver cleansing, and has the effects of clearing heat and detoxifying, lowering lipids and lowering sugar. Eating bitter gourd can reduce the damage of liver fire to the body and improve the problem of children prone to fire. Bitter gourd can be sliced or juiced and drunk, or it can be stewed with bitter gourd or stewed pork bone broth.

2. Celery: Celery has a sweet and cold taste, has the effect of clearing heat and reducing fire, and eating celery often can help children regulate their body temperature and relieve irritability caused by strong liver fire. Celery can be cut into sections, stir-fried with other vegetables or juiced to drink, which can play a role in relieving liver fire.

3. Grapefruit: Grapefruit has a sour taste, cool nature, and has the effect of soothing the liver and relieving depression and regulating the liver and gallbladder. Grapefruit is rich in vitamin C and pectin, which can accelerate the excretion of metabolic waste products in the body and reduce the burden on the liver. Children can eat grapefruit in moderation or juice it, but be careful not to overdo it to avoid diarrhea.

4. Okra: Okra is rich in vitamin C and dietary fiber, which can help children smoothly discharge waste and toxins and reduce the burden on the liver. Okra can be stir-fried or made into a soup, which is both delicious and relieves liver fire.

When restocking your child's food, you need to make sure that the ingredients are safe and fresh. In addition, sleep and mood stability are also key to relieving liver fire. In order to improve the problem of liver fire, it is also necessary to pay attention to the quality of children's sleep and cultivate a good life routine and a positive attitude.

Children have a strong liver fire, and eating these foods will be very effective
Children have a strong liver fire, and eating these foods will be very effective
Children have a strong liver fire, and eating these foods will be very effective

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