
Dandelion soaked in water is cleverly matched, and the nutrition may be doubled

author:Zhang Linlin, nutritionist

1. Dandelion + osmanthus

Osmanthus has a fragrant smell that relieves the bitterness of dandelions. Drinking in this way can be appetizing and refreshing, strengthen the spleen and replenish deficiency, remove dampness from the body and relieve pain. You can drink a little after the fire, which can relieve the swelling and pain of the gums, clear away heat and detoxify, and have a good effect on reducing fire. People who have ulcers in the mouth can also drink a little to promote recovery.

2. Dandelion + red dates

Although dandelion is good, it is cold, and people with weak spleen and stomach are prone to diarrhea after drinking it. At this time, it can be paired with red dates to neutralize its coldness. Drinking them together has a good liver-nourishing effect, which can promote detoxification and reduce the detoxification burden of the liver. It can also replenish blood, improve the phenomenon of lack of qi and blood, and play a role in nourishing blood and nourishing beauty.

3. Dandelion + hawthorn

People who don't have an appetite in summer can use dandelions with hawthorn. Hawthorn has the effect of promoting digestion, can invigorate blood circulation and promote blood circulation in the digestive system. Together, they help regulate the amount of fat in the body, dilate blood vessels, promote blood circulation, and help to lower lipids and lose weight. People who often cough up a lot of phlegm can drink a little more often, which helps to calm asthma and relieve cough.

4. Dandelion + cloves

Dandelion and cloves soaked in water to drink, can protect the liver, reduce inversion in temperature, regulate the spleen and stomach, promote appetite, antibacterial and pain-relieving, etc. People with bad breath can drink a little more, which can reduce liver fire, promote detoxification, improve the internal environment, and have a good effect on removing bad breath.

5. Dandelion + chicory root

Often eating barbecue and drinking beer is easy to hurt the spleen, stomach and liver, you can use dandelion with chicory root to soak in water to drink, diuretic detoxification effect, can help the body as soon as possible to discharge substances that are not good for the body, reduce the harm of alcohol and barbecue to the body, and have a certain auxiliary effect of lowering uric acid.

In addition, dandelions can also be paired with root roses, goji berries and corn whiskers. Although dandelion is beneficial to the body, you can't drink too much at a time, you can soak about 5g at a time, it is best not to drink it for a long time, after drinking for a period of time, you should stop drinking it for a few days. In addition, people with spleen and stomach deficiency, people who are prone to diarrhea, and people who are prone to allergies should drink less, which does not play a good role in health preservation and is easy to hurt the body.

Dandelion soaked in water is cleverly matched, and the nutrition may be doubled
Dandelion soaked in water is cleverly matched, and the nutrition may be doubled
Dandelion soaked in water is cleverly matched, and the nutrition may be doubled

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