
Inheritance in the interview room "as I am complaining"

author:Fangzi Inspection
Inheritance in the interview room "as I am complaining"

Tong Yukun, a demobilized military cadre born in 1985, is Wu Huiqing's most proud "student". Whenever he has time, Tong Yukun will always take the initiative to find the "master" Wu Huiqing to talk about what is in his heart.

Inheritance in the interview room "as I am complaining"

On the morning of June 20, 2024, Wu Huiqing received a client who came to submit an application for supervision.

Inheritance in the interview room "as I am complaining"

Wu Huiqing taught Tong Yukun in front of the computer to enter the case card and fill in the information of the appeal case.

  In the 12309 Procuratorial Service Center of the Changchun City Procuratorate in Jilin Province, there is a studio named after the prosecutor - "Wu Huiqing Studio", and all seven members of this studio are party members. Wu Huiqing, transferred to the Changchun Municipal Procuratorate in 1996, began to engage in the reception of letters and visits in 1998, and has been working for 26 years.

  In June this year, the research team of the Supreme People's Procuratorate learned that Wu Huiqing was about to retire during the investigation of the Changchun City Procuratorate, and Ying Yong, Secretary of the Party Group and Procurator General of the Supreme People's Procuratorate, said: "We must continue to inherit and develop the good tradition, good style and good image of the studio, and strive to cultivate more 'Wu Huiqing-style' prosecutors." ”

  Tong Yukun, a demobilized military cadre born in 1985, is Wu Huiqing's "student". When Tong Yukun first came to work at the reception window for letters and visits, he was not very comfortable and did not understand the job. "How can visitors still ask for a different prosecutor to receive them? The law is there, and when it's done, it's done, what else can we do? Tong Yukun said.

  During that time, Wu Huiqing often took Tong Yukun with her. When working, Wu Huiqing was responsible for receiving interviews, and Tong Yukun was responsible for recording. After lunch, the two walked together, and Wu Huiqing told Tong Yukun about the complicated cases she had handled back then, and about the emotional parties she had received at the beginning.

  Wu Huiqing said: "Serving the people wholeheartedly is the fundamental purpose of the Communist Party of China, and to do a good job in the work of making accusations and appeals, we must put the masses of the people in the highest position in our hearts. ”

  After more than 4 years of shadowing, Tong Yukun changed his thinking. "As a prosecution and prosecution police officer, it is not enough to know the provisions of the law and be familiar with the law, but also to 'sit on the side of the people', listen to the voices of the masses with the sincerity of 'as I am complaining', and truly care about the weal and woe of the masses, so as to do this job well." Tong Yukun said.

  (Reporter Cheng Ding, Wang Haomiao, Yu Hewen/Photo)

Source: Procuratorate Daily