
Zheng Zhuang obviously hated his mother's partiality, why did he try his best to meet his mother in Huangquan, and the mother and son made peace?

author:Fumishi Haruro

Jeffrey Kluger, a senior editor at Time magazine, once said: "Ninety-five percent of parents are biased, and the remaining 5 percent just don't want to admit it." ”

There are cases of parental partiality, such as Zheng Zhuanggong, the first overlord in the Spring and Autumn Period, who was a victim of parental partiality.

Because he hated his mother for only loving his younger brother and embarrassed himself everywhere, Zheng Zhuanggong even made a vow of "not seeing each other again if you don't go to Huangquan". But not long after the oath was made, Zheng Zhuanggong regretted it......

Zheng Zhuang obviously hated his mother's partiality, why did he try his best to meet his mother in Huangquan, and the mother and son made peace?


Zheng Zhuang Gong is the son of Zheng Wugong, the second monarch of Zheng State, who is quite eloquent, and his nickname is Kou Sheng. 寤生, that is, "reverse birth", "difficult birth" meaning.

The ancients did not have cesarean section, no matter how difficult it was to give birth, they had to try their best to give birth, so incidents of causing people to die because of giving birth abounded, and Zheng Zhuanggong's mother Wu Jiang also thought that she would hang up because of this.

Fortunately, after some struggle and hard work, Zheng Zhuanggong still fell to the ground alive.

Looking at the energetic little baby, Wu Jiang, who had turned around from the ghost gate, didn't like it at all, and secretly complained in his heart that this son had brought him endless pain before he was born.

In order to express this resentful emotion, Wu Jiang deliberately named him "Kou Sheng".

After two years, Wu Jiang became pregnant again, and with the lesson of the last time, Wu Jiang prayed every day not to let her suffer again during childbirth.

God seemed to have really heard Wu Jiang's call, and this time, he gave her a "baby angel" who gave birth smoothly, that is, Zheng Zhuanggong's younger brother - Gongshu Duan.

This different feeling of production directly affected Wu Jiang's attitude towards the two children.

Every time I see "Kou Sheng", Wu Jiang is nose is not a nose, his eyes are not eyes, and he finds fault with him in various ways, hoping that he will give everything he has to his younger brother.

"Kou Sheng", knowing that his mother doesn't want to see him, he doesn't argue about anything, he can let his younger brother go, as long as his mother is happy, it is not a problem for him to be wronged at all.

Once the brothers competed in archery, and Uncle Duan shot first, and the results were very good. When it came to "Kou Sheng", he raised the arrow but put it down, the reason was: his younger brother is a sharpshooter, and he is willing to bow down.

The performance of "Kou Sheng" was seen by his father Zheng Wugong, and he was anxious in his heart, and it was his lifelong wish to strengthen Zheng Guo, and to put Zheng Guo in the hands of such a "nest" son, wouldn't it ruin Zheng Guo's future?

Zheng Zhuang obviously hated his mother's partiality, why did he try his best to meet his mother in Huangquan, and the mother and son made peace?


Of course, Zheng Wugong's worries are justified, and Zheng Guo's development to this day is not smooth sailing. If it weren't for Zheng Wugong's quick decision and brave charge, maybe as early as the fall of the Western Zhou Dynasty, Zheng Guo would have disappeared into the smoke and clouds of history.

The new monarch of Zheng Guo must be a mighty and capable monarch, can he, the eldest son who is humble in everything, be able to take on the great responsibility of governing the country? When he was upset, Zheng Wugong also had the idea of abolishing the elder and standing young.

However, in the Xia, Shang and Zhou dynasties, people adhered to the principle of succession that was to pass on the elders but not to the young, and to pass on the descendants but not to the young. As the eldest son, no matter how bad he is, there is no reason to remove him.

What's more, although the youngest son, Gongshu Duan, is lively and active, and he is top-notch in everything, but he can't compare with his elder brother in terms of stability and maturity.

In this way, Zheng Wugong passed away in hesitation, and Kou Sheng successfully inherited his father's throne for Zheng Zhuanggong.

The nestled Kou Sheng actually inherited the throne? Wu Jiang was very angry when she heard the news, she took out the same set of treating the brothers differently, found Zheng Zhuanggong and said: "You are the king, but your brother has nothing, don't you feel distressed and guilty?" In my opinion, you should hurry up and give him the land in the capital. ”

Although Zheng Zhuanggong was unhappy, he was still unwilling to go against his mother's wishes, so he gave the capital to his younger brother Gongshu Duan, and gave him a great title: Uncle Tai.

But this did not satisfy Wu Jiang and Gongshu Duan, and after a while, Wu Jiang found Zheng Zhuanggong again and said, "Your brother guards a city but has no army, so where will anyone listen to his orders?" ”

In desperation, Zheng Zhuanggong gave some soldiers to Gongshu Duan and asked him to form an army.

Seeing that Zheng Zhuanggong was so "easy to speak", Wu Jiang and Gongshu Duan's ambitions became more and more inflated, and they were busy cultivating cronies, reorganizing the team, and building cities every day.

In 722 B.C., Gongshu Duan felt that everything was ready, and only the east wind was missing, so he informed his mother and said: When I give the order, please help me open the city gate, and we should cooperate inside and outside, and this matter will be done.

Wu Jiang agreed to his youngest son's request without hesitation.

As everyone knows, Zheng Zhuanggong, who is regarded as air by them, is not really stupid, the reason why he indulges his mother and younger brother so much, in addition to the fact that he doesn't want to give up family affection easily, the biggest reason is that he wants to "kill" them, so that he will not be burdened with moral pressure when he makes a move.

Zheng Zhuang obviously hated his mother's partiality, why did he try his best to meet his mother in Huangquan, and the mother and son made peace?


Sure enough, before Gongshu Duan sent troops, Zheng Zhuanggong easily wiped out Gongshu Duan's soldiers with lightning speed.

Gongshu Duan could only flee to Yandi overnight to temporarily save his life. This is the story of the famous "Zheng Boke Duan Yuyan" in history.

After cleaning up his younger brother, Zheng Zhuanggong, who was extremely disappointed in his mother, no longer held back, he directly exiled his mother to Yingdi, and swore a poisonous oath: "If you don't go to Huangquan, you will never see each other!" ”

Don't you like your youngest son? Then you should be without my son, and we will never see each other again in this life.

I have to say that although Zheng Zhuanggong's move was impulsive, it was also a strong counterattack to his mother's long-standing eccentricity.

It's just that Zheng Zhuanggong underestimated his determination, he was used to forbearance since he was a child, where would his heart be so hard?

While punishing his mother, Zheng Zhuanggong's heart was also dripping blood. No matter how wrong his mother is, he is the one who gave birth to himself after all. I don't like what she does, just don't have anything to do with her, why do you have to break the net and be an unfilial son in the mouth of the world?

Thinking of this, Zheng Zhuang Gong was sitting on pins and needles, but Jun didn't joke, he really didn't know how to end.

At this time, an official named Uncle Yingkao made a special trip to meet Zheng Zhuanggong, saying that he was willing to pay tribute to Zheng Zhuanggong local specialties, and at the same time answer questions for Zheng Zhuanggong.

Zheng Zhuanggong was very happy, so he set up a banquet to entertain this Uncle Yingkao. Uncle Yingkao is also very interesting, looking at the table full of good wine and food, but he doesn't move his chopsticks.

Zheng Zhuanggong asked him why he didn't eat it, and Uncle Yingkao replied: "I have an elderly mother at home, and I will let her taste all the meals I have eaten first." Now I have the opportunity to eat the food that the king has bountied, but she has not had the opportunity to taste it. Therefore, I want to bring this food back to her old man's house, I don't know if the king will be gracious. ”

Zheng Zhuanggong was shocked after hearing this, what kind of mother-son affection is this, even a meal must be eaten by his mother first. As for himself, he turned against his mother, and in comparison, he was simply inferior to a beast.

When Uncle Yingkao saw Zheng Zhuanggong's expression, he knew what he was thinking. So he persuaded Zheng Zhuanggong: "Your Excellency doesn't have to be so sad. If you want to meet your mother, you don't have to wait until the lights go out, you can dig a tunnel and meet your mother underground, isn't this the so-called 'meeting in the Yellow Spring'? ”

Zheng Zhuanggong nodded again and again when he heard this, and then sent someone to dig a tunnel outside the city. After digging, he sent someone to pick up his mother from Yingdi, and the two hugged and cried after meeting in the tunnel, releasing their suspicions.

Zheng Zhuang obviously hated his mother's partiality, why did he try his best to meet his mother in Huangquan, and the mother and son made peace?


The story of Zheng Zhuanggong's Huangquan mother has been widely circulated for thousands of years. Many people will use this story to educate the next generation to be filial to their elders, otherwise parents and children will be like fire and water between them, and in the end, both parties will suffer.

In fact, Zheng Zhuang Gong Huangquan's mother, in addition to being closely related to his own soft-heartedness, was also closely related to the ideology of the time.

In the patriarchal system of the Western Zhou Dynasty, unfilial piety was the greatest evil.

Zheng Zhuanggong, who wanted to make a career, later became the first overlord of the Spring and Autumn Period. Let's ask, if he has a reputation for unfilial piety, how many enemies should he make for himself, how much hatred he should pull, and how much internal friction he will induce?

Therefore, Huangquan Huimu, whether it is true or false, is what Zheng Zhuanggong must do.

Do you think Zheng Zhuang Gong Huangquan's mother really forgave his mother Wu Jiang? Welcome to leave a message to discuss.

Zheng Zhuang obviously hated his mother's partiality, why did he try his best to meet his mother in Huangquan, and the mother and son made peace?

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