
Do I need to take medicine if I have high uric acid above 500-600? Gout expert Zhou Guilan solves her doubts!

author:Gout expert Zhou Guilan

Uric acid levels are a health indicator that modern people are generally concerned about. So, when the uric acid value is high above 600, does it mean that medication is needed? The treatment options for hyperuricemia will be explained in detail here.

1. If the high uric acid is 500-600, do I need to take medicine?

Do I need to take medicine if I have high uric acid above 500-600? Gout expert Zhou Guilan solves her doubts!


The normal value of uric acid in women is generally 89~357μmol/L. Therefore, uric acid exceeding 500-600 μmol/L is indeed beyond the normal range and is on the high side.

Whether there are other comorbidities

If the patient only has an increase in uric acid, no other comorbid diseases (such as gout, hyperlipidemia, coronary heart disease, diabetes mellitus and renal impairment, etc.), and the blood uric acid is below 540 μmol/L, it can usually be controlled by a low-purine diet without taking medication, and the uric acid level can be checked regularly.

If the patient's uric acid is between 500 and 600 μmol/L, but there are gout attacks, coronary heart disease, hyperlipidemia, diabetes mellitus and renal impairment, it is necessary to take medication to control it, and combine it with dietary control to control the blood uric acid level within the ideal range.

In general, when serum uric acid is greater than 540 micromol/L, drug therapy should be considered.

2. What treatment options should be taken?

Do I need to take medicine if I have high uric acid above 500-600? Gout expert Zhou Guilan solves her doubts!

1. Medication

Drugs that promote the excretion of uric acid, such as benzbromarone. These drugs mainly inhibit the resorption of uric acid by the renal tubules, thereby increasing uric acid excretion. When taking it, it is necessary to ensure that the patient does not have kidney stones and has little damage to the liver and kidneys.

Drugs that inhibit uric acid synthesis, such as allopurinol. These drugs can reduce the production of uric acid. If the patient is allopurinol-allohydrol, febuxostat can be switched. It is important to note that medication should be carried out under the guidance of a doctor, and uric acid levels should be reviewed regularly so that the treatment regimen can be adjusted in time.

Do I need to take medicine if I have high uric acid above 500-600? Gout expert Zhou Guilan solves her doubts!

2. Increase the intake of alkaline foods

Do I need to take medicine if I have high uric acid above 500-600? Gout expert Zhou Guilan solves her doubts!

Alkaline food refers to food that contains more mineral elements such as potassium, sodium, calcium, magnesium, etc., and its metabolites are more alkaline after digestion. Increasing the intake of alkaline foods can help neutralize acids in the body, including uric acid, which helps in their excretion.

Common alkaline foods:


Spinach, broccoli, carrots, celery, cucumbers, lettuce, onions, tomatoes (tomatoes), mushrooms, green peppers, bean sprouts, etc.


Apples, bananas, cherries, grapes, lemons, oranges, pineapples, watermelons, peaches, plums, etc.

Beans and soy products: tofu, soybeans, mung beans, black beans, etc.


Seaweed (kelp, seaweed, etc.), sesame, honey, rice, potatoes (potato, yam, taro, etc.), rapeseed oil, etc.

3. Treatment of other complications

Do I need to take medicine if I have high uric acid above 500-600? Gout expert Zhou Guilan solves her doubts!

Other complications caused by high uric acid mainly include gouty arthritis, gouty nephritis, etc. Treatment for these complications is as follows:

Gouty arthritis

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs

Such as ibuprofen, indomethacin, etc., are used to relieve pain and inflammation.


Inflammation can be rapidly relieved by intra-articular injection or systemic administration.

Apply ice

In the acute phase, applying ice to the affected joint can help reduce swelling and pain.

Management of the chronic phase

The focus is on controlling uric acid levels and preventing recurrence.

drug therapy

Use urate-lowering drugs, such as allopurinol, to reduce uric acid production, or benzbromarone, such as benzbromarone, to promote uric acid excretion.

Dietary modifications

Avoid high-purine foods, such as animal offal, seafood, etc., reduce alcohol intake, and drink plenty of water to promote uric acid excretion.

Treatment of gouty nephritis

Protects kidney function

Medications, such as ACE inhibitors or ARBs (angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors or angiotensin receptor antagonists), may be needed to protect kidney function to lower blood pressure and protect the kidneys.

Diet management

A low-salt, low-protein diet may help reduce the burden on the kidneys. At the same time, maintaining adequate water intake can help prevent the formation of uric acid stones.

Monitor kidney function

Regular renal function tests, including serum creatinine and urea nitrogen, and urinalysis to assess kidney status.