
The Dongfang City Procuratorate has gathered various forces to work together to promote the comprehensive management of drunk driving with active performance of duties

author:Oriental Prosecution
The Dongfang City Procuratorate has gathered various forces to work together to promote the comprehensive management of drunk driving with active performance of duties

Dongfang City People's Procuratorate No. 593

Issue 25 of 2024

Friday, June 28, 2024

The Dongfang City Procuratorate has gathered various forces to work together to promote the comprehensive management of drunk driving with active performance of duties

In order to enhance the people's awareness of safe travel, the Dongfang City Procuratorate has gathered multiple forces to work together while cracking down on drunk driving crimes, insisting on the promotion of the rule of law on drunk driving governance into towns and communities, and continuously strengthening accurate publicity while expanding the coverage of publicity.

The Dongfang City Procuratorate has gathered various forces to work together to promote the comprehensive management of drunk driving with active performance of duties
The Dongfang City Procuratorate has gathered various forces to work together to promote the comprehensive management of drunk driving with active performance of duties
The Dongfang City Procuratorate has gathered various forces to work together to promote the comprehensive management of drunk driving with active performance of duties

On the morning of June 28, the Gancheng Procuratorate of Dongfang City, together with the Traffic Police Brigade of the Public Security Bureau and the Gancheng Township Judicial Office, went to the Gancheng community to carry out the "Life is Priceless, Refuse to Drink and Drive" rule of law publicity activity. At the event site, the police officers of the procuratorate took advantage of the morning tea time of community residents to comprehensively publicize "refuse drunk driving" to catering store operators and dining personnel, and persuaded the masses to "drink and not drive, and do not drink while driving", and distributed more than 200 leaflets on the spot.

The Dongfang City Procuratorate has gathered various forces to work together to promote the comprehensive management of drunk driving with active performance of duties
The Dongfang City Procuratorate has gathered various forces to work together to promote the comprehensive management of drunk driving with active performance of duties
The Dongfang City Procuratorate has gathered various forces to work together to promote the comprehensive management of drunk driving with active performance of duties
The Dongfang City Procuratorate has gathered various forces to work together to promote the comprehensive management of drunk driving with active performance of duties

On the morning of the same day, the prosecutor of the Dongfang City Procuratorate walked into Donghe Town, and the town government organized representatives of village cadres in the jurisdiction to carry out a special lecture on "Life is Priceless and Refuse to Drink Driving".

The Dongfang City Procuratorate has gathered various forces to work together to promote the comprehensive management of drunk driving with active performance of duties

Text丨Zhao Rui

Picture丨Xiao Liangbin, Fu Yulong

Editor丨Xiao Liangbin

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