
Zhaodu Congtai Choir: Listen to the party and follow the party to celebrate July 1st and praise the party's performance activities

author: View Handan

Listen to the party and follow the party

Celebrate July 1st and sing praises to the party's performance activities

Zhaodu Congtai Choir

July 1 every year

It's a day to remember

It is a sacred moment in the hearts of hundreds of millions of party members

To celebrate this great holiday

Carefully plan your event

July 1st Party Day

Zhaodu Congtai Choir: Listen to the party and follow the party to celebrate July 1st and praise the party's performance activities

To celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China and carry forward the great spirit of party building, a few days ago, the Zhaodu Congtai Choir organized a variety of programs with rich content in Congtai Park to express their best wishes to the party.

Zhaodu Congtai Choir: Listen to the party and follow the party to celebrate July 1st and praise the party's performance activities
Zhaodu Congtai Choir: Listen to the party and follow the party to celebrate July 1st and praise the party's performance activities

July 1st Party Day

The wonderful presentation of this event poured into the unremitting efforts and painstaking efforts of the Zhao Du Congtai Choir day after day, and profoundly interpreted the purpose of the choir's love, perseverance, pragmatism and dedication, they sang the main theme of the times with the most beautiful singing, sang the praises of the motherland with music, praised the party, sang the praises of happy life, and offered deep respect and good wishes for the party's 103rd birthday with sincere emotions.

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