
With only 20 days left, Yoon Suk-yeol may step down, and the high-level South Korean opposition visit to China brought a message to the Chinese side

author:Moderator: Anton

Yoon Suk-yeol faces more than 500,000 impeachments with only 20 days left, will he step down? At the same time, the high-level visit of the South Korean opposition to China brought a sentence to the Chinese side, what is the specific content? What is the purpose of their visit to China?

According to the global network, South Korea's political scene may change, and more than 500,000 people have launched a joint petition demanding that the South Korean parliament immediately submit a proposal to impeach President Yoon Suk-yeol. Under the Korean system, the Judiciary Committee of the National Assembly must review the petition as long as more than 50,000 people agree to it. It should be pointed out that South Korea's ruling party, the People's Power, and its allies hold more than one-third of the total number of seats in the National Assembly. Therefore, the opposition parties cannot directly initiate impeachment against Yoon. However, the petition will end by July 20, and there are still 20 days left before the Legislative and Judicial Committee of the National Assembly must review the petition. If the impeachment process is initiated, Yoon Suk-yeol will not escape the fate of stepping down.

With only 20 days left, Yoon Suk-yeol may step down, and the high-level South Korean opposition visit to China brought a message to the Chinese side

More than 500,000 people have petitioned for Yoon's impeachment, which shows the anger of the South Korean people against the incumbent president. In the latest South Korean opinion poll, Yoon Suk-yeol's approval rating remained at just 21 percent. The South Korean people's dissatisfaction with Yoon Suk-yeol is because after the latter came to power, South Korea's economy, people's livelihood, and diplomacy have problems. First, Yoon Suk-yeol forcibly promoted medical reform, ignoring the voice of the South Korean doctor community, triggering a collective strike of doctors across South Korea, which has not ended until now, paralyzing the country's medical system; Secondly, Yoon Suk-yeol encouraged South Korean companies to stay away from China, causing South Korea to have a trade deficit and its GDP ranking fell out of the top 10 in the world; In the end, Yoon Suk-yeol's all-out foreign policy toward the United States has sharply deteriorated the situation on the peninsula and put South Korea in a dangerous security situation.

With only 20 days left, Yoon Suk-yeol may step down, and the high-level South Korean opposition visit to China brought a message to the Chinese side

However, Yoon Suk-yeol still went his own way. Recently, South Korea publicly warned Russia, declaring that if Russia and North Korea carry out military cooperation, South Korea will carry out "no upper limit" aid to Ukraine. At the same time, South Korea has also launched joint military exercises with the United States and Japan, codenamed "Freedom Blade", and accelerated the deployment of the THAAD system in South Korea. It can be seen that Yoon Suk-yeol thinks that as long as he leans to the United States, he can sit back and relax, and he does not care about the attitude of the people and neighboring countries at all.

With only 20 days left, Yoon Suk-yeol may step down, and the high-level South Korean opposition visit to China brought a message to the Chinese side

These circumstances have made the Democratic Party of Korea, the largest opposition party in South Korea, very dissatisfied. On June 29, Lee Hae-chan, a top senior member of the Democratic Party of Korea and former Prime Minister of South Korea, arrived in Beijing for talks with Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi. At the scene, Lee Hae-chan gave a sentence to the Chinese side: "All circles in South Korea attach importance to ROK-China relations and are willing to continue to strengthen exchanges with China at all levels to promote the sustained development of bilateral relations." Lee Hae-chan's words have sent two important signals: First, although the Yoon Suk-yeol government has completely turned to the United States, all walks of life in South Korea attach great importance to China-South Korea relations. In South Korea's domestic and foreign affairs, Yoon Suk-yeol cannot cover the sky with one hand; Second, the Democratic Party of Japan will do its utmost to get China-ROK relations back on track.

With only 20 days left, Yoon Suk-yeol may step down, and the high-level South Korean opposition visit to China brought a message to the Chinese side

It is worth mentioning that Yoon Suk-yeol also sent Foreign Minister Cho Dui-yeol to visit China before, emphasizing the importance of China-South Korea relations and holding consultations with the Chinese side on economic and trade cooperation and the Korean Peninsula issue. It can be seen that Yoon Suk-yeol has realized that the crisis is coming, and if he fails to properly handle the impeachment case, he may end up in a more tragic fate than previous South Korean presidents. After all, South Korea has a precedent for the successful impeachment of a president, and the person involved is Park Geun-hye, who was sent to prison by Yoon Suk-yeol. Therefore, at a critical moment, Yoon Suk-yeol wants to "ask for help" from China. However, if Yoon Suk-yeol wants to get help from China, he must take concrete actions to improve China-South Korea relations.