
The armies of 30 countries have gathered, the Chinese side is not allowed to take over Taiwan, US military planes have crossed Taiwan Island, and the People's Liberation Army (PLA) has made continuous large-scale moves

author:Moderator: Anton

The 30-nation Asia-Pacific region has massed forces and will not allow China to take back Taiwan. The US military plane suddenly flew over Taiwan Island, targeting the PLA aircraft carrier? At critical moments, the PLA continued to carry out major movements. What impact will the build-up of troops by the 39 countries have on the situation in the Taiwan Strait? What major moves has the PLA made?

According to a report by, on June 27, the US-led "Rim of the Pacific" joint military exercise was launched and will last until August 1. The U.S. military's "RIMPAC military exercise" involved 40 warships from 29 countries, more than 150 military aircraft, and about 25,000 soldiers. Taiwan is very excited about the large-scale military exercises of the United States to rally allies, and some experts claim that "this is aimed at Chinese mainland" and that the purpose is to warn the mainland that "it must not change the status quo in the Asia-Pacific region." In other words, the build-up of the 30-nation military is not allowed to allow China to take over Taiwan, nor to "clean up the Philippines" in the South China Sea.

The armies of 30 countries have gathered, the Chinese side is not allowed to take over Taiwan, US military planes have crossed Taiwan Island, and the People's Liberation Army (PLA) has made continuous large-scale moves

At the beginning of the "Rim of the Pacific Military Exercise," a US RC-135W electronic reconnaissance plane was suspected to have crossed Taiwan Island and entered the Bass Strait on the afternoon of 28 June. Lu Lishi, a "former captain" of the Taiwan military, said that the US military reconnaissance plane's move was aimed at the PLA aircraft carrier. Earlier, the PLA's Shandong aircraft carrier appeared near the Bass Strait, and the next step is likely to enter the western Pacific waters for ocean cruise. It is worth mentioning that the key project of the US military exercise is to sink the decommissioned 40,000-ton "Tarawa" amphibious assault ship. The US media quoted US officials as saying that the purpose of this move was to prepare for "Chinese mainland's armed takeover of Taiwan." Judging from these circumstances, the US military has released a very strong signal: As long as the PLA initiates an operation to take over Taiwan by force, the US military will "sink China's large ships."

The armies of 30 countries have gathered, the Chinese side is not allowed to take over Taiwan, US military planes have crossed Taiwan Island, and the People's Liberation Army (PLA) has made continuous large-scale moves

The US military's words are very tough, but their actual actions have exposed their true attitude. Previously, the Shandong ship once approached less than 400 kilometers from the Philippine island of Luzon, and had already included areas including Manila, the capital of the Philippines, into the scope of the strike. However, the US aircraft carrier has long since withdrawn from the South China Sea. Zhang Yanting, a "retired general" of the Taiwan military, said that the appearance of the PLA aircraft carrier near the Bass Strait can not only contain the Philippines, but also deter Taiwan Island. However, the US Navy not only withdrew the aircraft carrier "Roosevelt", but also did not let the aircraft carriers "Reagan" or "Carl Vinson" fill the position. It can be seen that the US military has no intention of "intervening by force" in either the Taiwan Strait or the South China Sea, and has no intention of "going head-to-head" with the PLA. The high-profile sinking of a 40,000-ton retired quasi-aircraft carrier during the exercise was nothing more than a "show" by the US military.

The armies of 30 countries have gathered, the Chinese side is not allowed to take over Taiwan, US military planes have crossed Taiwan Island, and the People's Liberation Army (PLA) has made continuous large-scale moves

However, the PLA's successive large-scale moves in the Taiwan Strait have indeed aroused the vigilance of the US military. From 21 June to 1 July, a large number of PLA warships and planes appeared in the sea and airspace near Taiwan Island almost every day, and many military planes crossed the so-called "center line of the strait" and at one point approached a position of just over 30 nautical miles from Taiwan Island. In particular, in the 24 hours from the 27th to the 28th, 18 PLA warplanes and 6 warships surrounded Taiwan Island from the north and south, and the nearest distance was only 30 nautical miles. These circumstances have made the US military realize that the PLA may launch an operation to take over Taiwan at any time. The fact that the US reconnaisance planes made a move to cross Taiwan Island shows that when they learned that the Shandong warship had appeared near the Bass Strait, they were panicked and hurriedly dispatched reconnaissance planes to the relevant sea areas in order to obtain first-hand information.

The armies of 30 countries have gathered, the Chinese side is not allowed to take over Taiwan, US military planes have crossed Taiwan Island, and the People's Liberation Army (PLA) has made continuous large-scale moves

Ironically, the situation has developed to this point, and the "Taiwan independence" elements on the island are still deceiving the people of Taiwan. Yu Beichen, a "retired major general" of the Taiwan military and a "councilor" of Taoyuan City, who was previously named and punished by the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council, claimed that the PLA would only circle Taiwan during the day and would not act at night, because night flights were prone to "space trek" situations, and pilots saw that the sky was dark and the ground was also dark, and the starlight formed a reflection on the sea surface, and it was easy to distinguish where the sky was and where the sea was. Immediately after that, Yu Beichen boasted that the Taiwan military "has a very strong ability to fly at night" and that all pilots have reached the "standard of aircraft carrier pilots." In this regard, Zhang Yanting exposed Yu Beichen's lies, pointing out that pilots in all countries and regions fly much longer than at night during the day, mainly for two reasons: first, there are very few subjects that can be carried out in night flight; Second, the aircraft will produce noise when flying at night, which will affect the work and rest of residents near the base.

As soon as Yu Beichen's voice fell, CCTV Military released a training video of the People's Liberation Army, showing the scene of the J-15 carrier-based aircraft refueling in the air at night. Obviously, the mainland is telling certain people on the island that the PLA not only has the ability to sail at night, but also that the aircraft carrier can carry out 24-hour uninterrupted flight operations. Shi Hsiao-wei, a military expert on Taiwan, said that some people claimed that the PLA "will not move at night", and now the mainland has released a video to shatter the relevant lies.

The armies of 30 countries have gathered, the Chinese side is not allowed to take over Taiwan, US military planes have crossed Taiwan Island, and the People's Liberation Army (PLA) has made continuous large-scale moves

Some analysts have pointed out that the US military plane's crossing of Taiwan not only highlights their anxiety about the PLA's actions, but also shows that the Taiwan authorities have handed over military command and operational authority on the island to the United States. When asked about this by the media on the island, Taiwan's "defense department" pretended to be deaf and dumb and said that it would not comment on it. Zhang Yanting pointed out that the fact that the US military crossed Taiwan Island in a grand manner shows that they have no worries at all, and it is obvious that they have won the "cooperation" of the DPP authorities in Taiwan. However, Taiwan is Chinese territory, and what the US military is doing is blatantly touching China's red line. Then, in order to safeguard national sovereignty and territorial integrity, the PLA can carry out a flight across Taiwan Island. Now that the US military has made a radical provocation and the mainland has issued 22 "opinions" on punishing "Taiwan independence," the time is ripe for the PLA to carry out an operation to penetrate the island!

All in all, as the US military gathers the military forces of its allies in the Asia-Pacific region and increases the frequency of military aircraft activities in the Taiwan Strait, and considering the continuous large-scale actions of the People's Liberation Army in the Taiwan Strait, the military confrontation between China and the United States in the Taiwan Strait and the first island chain region is bound to heat up in the future. This means that the frequency of direct confrontation between Chinese and US military aircraft will also increase. In fact, the United States has characterized China as its "biggest strategic rival," and its anxiety can be seen from the encirclement and suppression of China in various fields, to the build-up of troops by 30 countries against China. However, it is very difficult for the US plan to succeed, and China will continue to narrow the gap with them and complete the cause of cross-strait reunification!