
Tengchong Court held a work summary meeting for the first half of 2024

author:Tengchong Court
Tengchong Court held a work summary meeting for the first half of 2024

On July 1, Tengchong Court held a work summary meeting for the first half of 2024 and work deployment for the second half of 2024. Li Chengxian, secretary of the party group and president, attended the meeting and delivered a speech, Xu Junli, member of the party group and vice president, presided over the meeting, and all the cadres and police officers of the hospital attended the meeting.

Tengchong Court held a work summary meeting for the first half of 2024
Tengchong Court held a work summary meeting for the first half of 2024
Tengchong Court held a work summary meeting for the first half of 2024

The meeting pointed out that since the beginning of this year, Tengchong Court has adhered to the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, and with the joint efforts of the cadres and police of the whole court, it has paid close attention to the theme of "justice and efficiency", provided strong judicial services and guarantees for the construction of a new Tengchong of socialist modernization and happiness, accepted 8,741 cases of various types, and concluded 7,167 cases.

Tengchong Court held a work summary meeting for the first half of 2024

The meeting stressed that it is necessary to always put political construction in the first place, improve the position to serve the overall situation, and continue to do a good job in the second half of the year in accordance with the requirements of the "three ones" work with a sense of urgency and a sense of responsibility to face difficulties. The first is to maintain social security and stability. Earnestly fulfill the duties and missions of safeguarding national political security, ensuring overall social stability, promoting social fairness and justice, and ensuring that the people live and work in peace and contentment. The second is to continue to expand the path of dispute resolution. Adhere to the "Fengqiao Experience" in the new era of innovation and development, actively explore new methods and new ways of diversified mediation mechanisms, and strive to improve the people's sense of access to justice and satisfaction. The third is to strengthen the basic construction of grassroots units. We will do a good job of implementing various measures to be close to the people, convenient for the people, and beneficial to the people, and strive to make the people feel fairness and justice in every judicial case. Increase the extent of judicial safeguards for people's livelihood to meet the people's growing demand for diverse justice. Fourth, we will continue to promote high-quality development. Strengthen the judicial protection of property rights and intellectual property rights, accelerate the implementation of various tasks in the reform of the judicial system, and promote the improvement of the quality and efficiency of judicial adjudication work in the new era. Fifth, forge a strong court team. Promote the construction of clean courts, severely punish judicial corruption with a zero-tolerance attitude, and create a clean and upright political ecology. Adhere to the combination of strict management and benevolence, and strive to forge a court team that is politically strong, professionally proficient, and hard-working

Tengchong Court held a work summary meeting for the first half of 2024

At the meeting, Comrade Gu Fan, head of the discipline inspection team of the Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision stationed in the Political and Legal Committee of the Municipal Party Committee, also conducted case analysis and warning education for all cadres and police.

Contribution: Li Weiqiang Editor: Wu Dandan Review: Li Weiqiang Approval: Inch to aluminum

Tengchong Court held a work summary meeting for the first half of 2024

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