
It's so easy to save Vimeo videos! Missing this article is a big loss!

author:There is no circle for entertainment
It's so easy to save Vimeo videos! Missing this article is a big loss!

Vimeo is a video-centric social networking site, so naturally there are many friends who like to watch videos on vimeo, but when they encounter a favorite video and want to save it, they are helpless. Let's make the gospel for my friends today! I would like to share with you a super easy way to save vimeo videos, and if you want to save vimeo videos, come and take a look!

First of all, we open Vimeo, select the video we want to save, click it, and then click [Share] below

It's so easy to save Vimeo videos! Missing this article is a big loss!

Click [Copy Link], and then open [Save a picture]

It's so easy to save Vimeo videos! Missing this article is a big loss!

Click Save Image below and paste the link you just copied in the box

It's so easy to save Vimeo videos! Missing this article is a big loss!

Then click [Get Footage] and select 1080p

It's so easy to save Vimeo videos! Missing this article is a big loss!

At this time, you can directly click [Go to view], and click [Extract] after waiting for the video download to be completed

It's so easy to save Vimeo videos! Missing this article is a big loss!

You can also put the video in the background for processing, wait for a period of time and then open [Save a picture], click [My] below, and then click [Download Record]

It's so easy to save Vimeo videos! Missing this article is a big loss!

Then click [Member Exclusive], and then click [Withdraw]

It's so easy to save Vimeo videos! Missing this article is a big loss!

After waiting for the pop-up [Save Successful], you can open the [Album], and you will find that the video has been saved to the album

It's so easy to save Vimeo videos! Missing this article is a big loss!

Have you learned this method if you want to save vimeo videos? Don't worry if you don't have a [saved a picture app], whether it is an Apple or Android phone, you can go to the app store to search for [save a picture] and download it! Hurry up and follow along with the tutorial!

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