
The flowers bloom like wine jugs, people call them "chicks drinking", the roots are of high value, and people who understand it rush to dig them

author:Dietitian Ho Haizhen

The countryside is rich in land and resources, and wild resources are naturally very abundant, especially plant resources. In the countryside in the wild, we can not only see a variety of wild grasses, but also a lot of blooming wildflowers, which are all natural gifts from nature to us humans, and have unique values and uses.

The so-called "love of beauty, everyone has it", in the wild we meet good-looking wildflowers will always can't help but look at it twice, some friends who love flowers and plants will even transplant home to make potted plants, good seeds and easy to raise, ornamental value is very high.

The flowers bloom like wine jugs, people call them "chicks drinking", the roots are of high value, and people who understand it rush to dig them

Today, this plant shared by the author, it is also a very good-looking flower plant, and many people also grow it in rural areas. Because of the peculiar shape of the flowers, which resemble the shape of a sake jug, and because the flowers hang down, it looks like a chicken is drunk, which is particularly interesting.

So many people jokingly call it "chicken drinking", a very interesting name. In addition, in some places, there are other names for old men drinking wine and wine pot flowers. Many people must have guessed that this plant is the famous rehmannia in the countryside.

Speaking of Rehmannia rehmannia, everyone knows that it is one of the "four major medicines", and it is a Chinese herbal medicine with excellent efficacy and a long history of medicinal use. But everyone doesn't know about its plants, and even if they meet it in the wild, they don't know it, so it's a pity to miss it.

Rehmannia is a perennial herbaceous plant of the family Radix Radix Radix family, which is distributed in many provinces and regions of the mainland, mainly grows in rural areas, and can be seen in rural roadsides, hillsides, foot of mountains, walls, grasslands, wastelands, etc., and is a common and precious plant in rural areas.

The flowers bloom like wine jugs, people call them "chicks drinking", the roots are of high value, and people who understand it rush to dig them

Rehmannia is a dwarf plant, about 20 cm high, the whole plant is densely covered with white pubescence, the leaves are usually grown at the base of the stem, some are ovate, some are oblong, it looks rosette-shaped, although the leaves are soft and soft, but the color is emerald green, which can set off the difference of the flowers.

Rehmannia generally blooms around May to June, and its unique shape and color are eye-catching, the color is dark purple-red, the flowers are in the shape of a wine jug, and there is a lot of honey hidden in it, and there is a sweet taste when you suck it in your mouth, I believe many people have eaten it when they were young.

The greatest value of the whole plant is its underground roots, whose rhizomes are fleshy and yellow in color, which is how the scientific name of Rehmannia is derived. This root is a very precious Chinese medicinal material, and it is one of the "four great medicines", which has extremely high medicinal value.

It is recorded in the "Compendium of Materia Medica" that Rehmannia has the effect of clearing heat and generating Jin, cooling blood and stopping bleeding, nourishing yin and nourishing kidneys, strengthening the heart and diuresis, and has certain curative effects on fever and injury yin, soreness and weakness of waist and knees, blood deficiency and chlorosis, sore throat, vomiting blood, dizziness and tinnitus, menstrual irregularities, dysentery, polydipsis and other diseases.

The flowers bloom like wine jugs, people call them "chicks drinking", the roots are of high value, and people who understand it rush to dig them

It is precisely because of the fact that rehmannia has so many effects, people who understand it will dig it home, it can be used fresh, it can also be dried for later use, and it can be used to make soup and drink in life, and the health value is very high. In addition, there are many people who dig up and make potted plants, which can be ornamental, edible, and used as medicine.

Dear friends, do you have this kind of rehmannia in your hometown? Its flowers bloom like wine jugs, known as "chick drinking", and the roots are of high value, and anyone who knows it will dig them. If you meet it in your hometown, you have earned it, don't miss it!


1. This article is a popular science article and does not constitute medication advice, please follow the doctor's advice!

2. If you want to know more about herbal medicine, please pay attention to the WeChat public account: nutritionist He Haizhen, thank you for your support!