
The city's prison has cultivated a large number of intangible cultural heritage artists, and a work costs 80,000 yuan

author:How happy people are on the journey


Ten years of felons

Become a master of jade carving

Intangible cultural heritage art within the high walls

Have you ever seen an art exhibition like this?

In the exhibition hall of NUODA, hundreds of intangible cultural heritage exhibits are all made by prisoners.

The city's prison has cultivated a large number of intangible cultural heritage artists, and a work costs 80,000 yuan
The city's prison has cultivated a large number of intangible cultural heritage artists, and a work costs 80,000 yuan

In this intangible cultural heritage exhibition, the whole Shanghai prison linkage performance:

It covers 43 intangible cultural heritage skills such as jade carving, Gu embroidery, and bamboo carving, with a total of 255 exhibits, all of which are handmade by inmates.

The city's prison has cultivated a large number of intangible cultural heritage artists, and a work costs 80,000 yuan

(Yixing purple clay pot)

The city's prison has cultivated a large number of intangible cultural heritage artists, and a work costs 80,000 yuan

(Gu Xiu: Qingming Riverside Picture)

The city's prison has cultivated a large number of intangible cultural heritage artists, and a work costs 80,000 yuan

Although it is a prison exhibition, the artistic level is extremely high:

The wood sculpture "Sitting and Watching the Clouds" of Beixinjing Prison won the gold medal of the third design competition;

The city's prison has cultivated a large number of intangible cultural heritage artists, and a work costs 80,000 yuan

The painted bean painting "Qingming Riverside Picture" in Shanghai Zhoupu Prison looks closely at the beans sticking to it.

The city's prison has cultivated a large number of intangible cultural heritage artists, and a work costs 80,000 yuan
The city's prison has cultivated a large number of intangible cultural heritage artists, and a work costs 80,000 yuan

Xu Xing straw weaving, Dongxiang bamboo weaving, Jiangwan noodle flowers, the most complete intangible cultural heritage to see Shanghai Prison!

The city's prison has cultivated a large number of intangible cultural heritage artists, and a work costs 80,000 yuan

There have been many jokes about Shanghai Prison on the Internet;

Tilanqiao Prison is nicknamed "Shangcai Branch" and "the cradle of China's top accountants";

There has even been funny news that the prisoner has been stealing for 10 consecutive years, just to enter the Tilanqiao Choir.

The city's prison has cultivated a large number of intangible cultural heritage artists, and a work costs 80,000 yuan

Here's what's really going on:

Shanghai prisons are indeed rich in artists.

Not only is it free to teach intangible cultural heritage, but it is also guaranteed to be employed when released from prison.

Shanghai Prison implements "art correction", and prisoners are not only free of tuition, but also teachers are national intangible cultural heritage inheritors.

The city's prison has cultivated a large number of intangible cultural heritage artists, and a work costs 80,000 yuan

Qingpu Prison, where felons are held, teaches state-level intangible cultural heritage Gu embroidery and jade carving;

If you want to learn Dafeng porcelain carving, you have to go to Wujiawa Prison;

The paper-cutting in Zhoupu Prison and Baimaoling Prison is a must, and Nanhui Prison can learn velvet embroidery in one year.

The city's prison has cultivated a large number of intangible cultural heritage artists, and a work costs 80,000 yuan

In 1960, Chairman Mao told American reporters:

Our prisons are not the prisons of the past. Our prisons are schools, factories, or farms.

And Shanghai Prison chooses to engage in art, which is by no means performance art

Only by transforming the people inside the walls can we make the lives of the people outside the walls better.

The city's prison has cultivated a large number of intangible cultural heritage artists, and a work costs 80,000 yuan


Prison man

Now pick up the embroidery needle

Among the many prisons in Shanghai, Qingpu Prison is the most dangerous.

Because the people who are held here are felons.

A minimum of 7 years in prison, life imprisonment abounds.

The artistic correction chosen by Qingpu Prison is to let this group of fierce men pick up embroidery needles.

The city's prison has cultivated a large number of intangible cultural heritage artists, and a work costs 80,000 yuan

They learned the intangible cultural heritage "Songjiang Gu Embroidery", which has been inherited for 400 years.

It is comparable to the original embroidery of ink painting and the royal tribute of ancient times.

Learn Gu embroidery, to be as careful as a hair.

Normal people are impatient, but for felons, they have more time.

At the age of 21, Xu Hua, a felony with a knife, was the only "embroidered lang" in Gu Xiu.

The city's prison has cultivated a large number of intangible cultural heritage artists, and a work costs 80,000 yuan

dropped out of school at the age of 13 and left his hometown in Henan, relying on his fists to make a name for himself in Shanghai, and the people in the rivers and lakes called "Brother Hua".

Once he "set things up" for his brother in KTV, he was thin and had more than one enemy, stabbed the other party in a scuffle, and was sentenced to 14 years.

The city's prison has cultivated a large number of intangible cultural heritage artists, and a work costs 80,000 yuan

Xu Hua's tutor is Shen Lili, the female embroiderer of Songjiang Gu Embroidery Museum.

She found that Xu Hua was a good seedling, with understanding, understanding of landscape and ink rhyme, and willingness to endure hardships, which was very rare.

The city's prison has cultivated a large number of intangible cultural heritage artists, and a work costs 80,000 yuan

The characteristic of Gu embroidery is that the embroidery thread is extremely thin, only 1/16 of the ordinary silk thread, which is to make a fuss on the tip of the needle;

The subtleties of the worm should be divided into 1/1024 fine, and it is difficult to distinguish with a microscope!

The city's prison has cultivated a large number of intangible cultural heritage artists, and a work costs 80,000 yuan

Gu embroidery boutique Han Ximeng "Gu embroidery flowers, insects and fish book"

Eight months later, Xu Hua completed his first embroidery, Bamboo Dove.

You must know that even if Gu embroidery becomes a national intangible cultural heritage, there are only a dozen people in the country who can embroider.

A reckless man in a prison who fights and kills actually embroiders a piece in a year, and the Songjiang Cultural Center even proposed to invest 80,000 yuan to collect this work!

Put down the butcher's knife and pick up the embroidery needle, and the big wall is actually cultivated into a non-genetic person!

The city's prison has cultivated a large number of intangible cultural heritage artists, and a work costs 80,000 yuan
The city's prison has cultivated a large number of intangible cultural heritage artists, and a work costs 80,000 yuan


Prison studies the arts

Getting out of prison is good for employment

Open the video account of "Shanghai Prison", and you can't even tell whether this is a rule of law propaganda account or an art account.

A video with 18 million+ views at the top is recording the porcelain carving art of inmates in Wujiawa Prison.

The city's prison has cultivated a large number of intangible cultural heritage artists, and a work costs 80,000 yuan

Through techniques such as carving, chiseling, and scratching, the criminals connected the small pits into beautiful lines, and finally outlined the rhyme of ink painting.

If you have one more force, the porcelain bowl may be broken; If you have less force, you can't carve a trace.

Therefore, porcelain engraving is also called "embroidery on porcelain".

The city's prison has cultivated a large number of intangible cultural heritage artists, and a work costs 80,000 yuan

The Dafeng porcelain carving is the intangible cultural heritage feature of Shanghai Wujiawa Prison.

Chen Yinfu, a national intangible cultural heritage inheritor, is the 5th generation inheritor of Dafeng porcelain carving.

The city's prison has cultivated a large number of intangible cultural heritage artists, and a work costs 80,000 yuan

Dafeng porcelain carving inheritor Chen Yinfu

When he was first invited by the prison authorities, Chen Yinfu did not agree at all.

He felt that Wujiawa Prison was full of criminals who had been sentenced to six or ten years, and that they were people who had made big mistakes.

Learning intangible cultural heritage can cultivate sentiment and should be regarded as a reward.

How can a prisoner be rewarded for serving a sentence? It's supposed to be a punishment!

The city's prison has cultivated a large number of intangible cultural heritage artists, and a work costs 80,000 yuan

In the end, it was the warden who persuaded him:

"We have to transform the people inside the wall to make our lives outside the wall better."

Social stability requires a person who has been released from prison after completing his sentence and keeps to himself;

And not a criminal who has a hard time making ends meet.

The city's prison has cultivated a large number of intangible cultural heritage artists, and a work costs 80,000 yuan

Porcelain carvings of prisoners

Chen Yinfu was convinced.

One day a week, the porcelain carver would hand over his ID card and mobile phone and walk through prison doors to teach the convicts.

The city's prison has cultivated a large number of intangible cultural heritage artists, and a work costs 80,000 yuan

The porcelain carving workshop in Wujiawa Prison has achieved remarkable results:

The prisoner was armed with sharp weapons such as hammers and nails, but never wounded anyone;

Criminals who are not part of the traditional intangible cultural heritage and who cultivate violence:

Even the criminals themselves sighed: in the past, quarrels would break out over trivial matters, but now they are slowly learning to "think twice".

The city's prison has cultivated a large number of intangible cultural heritage artists, and a work costs 80,000 yuan

After seeing the change of criminals, Chen Yinfu even offered them a job to get out of prison:

If you perform well, you can sign a contract with the studio, and you can go straight to work after you are released from prison.

In the first phase, there was a student who officially became an intangible cultural heritage porcelain carver after being released from prison.

The city's prison has cultivated a large number of intangible cultural heritage artists, and a work costs 80,000 yuan

Porcelain carvings of prisoners


A master of jade carving who walked out of prison

"The high employment rate in Shanghai prisons" sounds like black humor, but it is actually the truth.

The jade carving of Qingpu Prison is a well-known signboard in the Shanghai jade carving industry.

The city's prison has cultivated a large number of intangible cultural heritage artists, and a work costs 80,000 yuan

Many factories will go to the prison to rob people and sign labor contracts with those who are about to be released from prison in advance. Even many jade carving bosses are from here.

Qingpu Prison is the alma mater of many jade carving masters in Shanghai.

"Shanghai-style jade carving", one of the four major schools of Chinese jade carving, a national intangible cultural heritage.

Master Wu Desheng's Shanghai-style jade carving work "Fun" was auctioned at a high price of 13.8 million yuan!

The city's prison has cultivated a large number of intangible cultural heritage artists, and a work costs 80,000 yuan

Learning jade carving cannot be achieved overnight.

Some people spend tens of thousands of yuan to attend training courses, and even if they work as apprentices for three years in vain, they can only learn a little scratch.

In Qingpu Prison, even the police officers are all graduates of jade majors.

The city's prison has cultivated a large number of intangible cultural heritage artists, and a work costs 80,000 yuan

Since 1994, Qingpu Prison has established the "Qingliu Jade Carving Studio" and trained more than 100 prison jade carving masters.

The city's prison has cultivated a large number of intangible cultural heritage artists, and a work costs 80,000 yuan

At the age of 24, Liu Qiang (pseudonym) was imprisoned for a crime and sentenced to more than 10 years in prison.

Felons often present two extremes because their sentences are too long:

Give up hope, eat and wait for death;

or repeatedly violating discipline and continuing to be a prison thorn.

The kind-hearted police officer asked Liu Qiang to enter the jade carving studio to study: since he can't get out, it is better to work here quietly for more than ten years and learn this craft solidly.

The city's prison has cultivated a large number of intangible cultural heritage artists, and a work costs 80,000 yuan

There are 9 steps to learn Shanghai-style jade carving:

Material selection, cutting, rough painting, fine painting, fine painting, carving, grinding, polishing, waxing.

Carved jade is like carving people, and there can be no sloppiness.

The city's prison has cultivated a large number of intangible cultural heritage artists, and a work costs 80,000 yuan

Liu Qiang, a felon, is 34 years old this year.

He lamented that his peers are now married and have children outside, but he is still in prison. But fortunately, he has not wasted himself, at least he has become a jade carving journeyman.

The city's prison has cultivated a large number of intangible cultural heritage artists, and a work costs 80,000 yuan

Qingpu jade carvings provide a complete system for the reintegration of prisoners.

Jade carving craftsmen have a state certificate, and prisoners who are qualified for labor can apply to take the state examination.

The city's prison has cultivated a large number of intangible cultural heritage artists, and a work costs 80,000 yuan

At present, a group of "prison masters" have been trained, and two of them have been rated as "Shanghai jade carving masters" after being released from prison.

The students' works have won the highest award in the jade carving category of Shanghai, the Best Creativity Award, the Silver Award, the Bronze Award, and the Excellence Award of the Jade Dragon Award, a total of 11 times.

The city's prison has cultivated a large number of intangible cultural heritage artists, and a work costs 80,000 yuan

Every morning at eight o'clock, the jade carving workshop in Qingpu Prison is full of people, and thirty or forty inmates with small heads sit next to the engraving machine for eight hours.

The city's prison has cultivated a large number of intangible cultural heritage artists, and a work costs 80,000 yuan

After more than ten years of "further study" in Qingpu Prison;

Of the nearly 300 people who have returned to society who have been released from prison to learn jade carving, none of them have reoffended.

"The day he is released from prison is the day he gets re-employed," said a prison guard.

The city's prison has cultivated a large number of intangible cultural heritage artists, and a work costs 80,000 yuan

A thank you letter to the prison after you get out of prison

From felons to jade carving masters, the artistic correction of Shanghai prison is not a preferential treatment for prisoners;

It's about reassuring us who live a normal life.

Allowing the prisoners to step on the sewing machine is a punishment for the mistakes they have made;

What's more important is to stop committing crimes and enter the palace after being released from prison.

The city's prison has cultivated a large number of intangible cultural heritage artists, and a work costs 80,000 yuan

Inmates learn a trade and are able to support themselves after being released from prison.

A person who can survive in society will not extend his hand of sin to others.

The city's prison has cultivated a large number of intangible cultural heritage artists, and a work costs 80,000 yuan

This time, Shanghai Prison held a special "Art Exhibition of Inmates", which was an excellent opportunity to communicate "inside and outside the walls":

The people inside the walls gain respect with their works.

Outside the walls, we see the results of the transformation of those who make mistakes.

The city's prison has cultivated a large number of intangible cultural heritage artists, and a work costs 80,000 yuan

This is the reason why Chinese prisons implement "art correction":

"Only by transforming the people inside the wall can the people outside the wall live well."

Only by using the pure power of art to cleanse people's hearts of evil can we truly keep the peace of one party.

(Excerpted from the WeChat public account to find the beauty of craftsmen)

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