
Euro Romania vs Netherlands: Morning and evening results are not suitable for the European Cup

author:Untie the ball with the wind

In the just-concluded 2-day knockout round of the European Cup, a very interesting phenomenon is that the strong teams in the morning often play very struggling, but the strong teams in the evening play very calmly, even heartily.

Italy in the early game of the first match day slept directly to Switzerland 0-2, and England in the early game of the second match day drew Slovakia in the last minute and barely won in extra time.

Euro Romania vs Netherlands: Morning and evening results are not suitable for the European Cup

Bellingham equalised

I have mentioned this phenomenon in the Asian Cup and the World Cup, and some institutions tend to let the team cooperate to carry out some operations to use the results of the morning game to influence the judgment of fans and bettors, so as to play a contrast effect in the evening game to harvest everyone.

This makes full use of the first cause effect in football psychology, which we often refer to as first impressions.

Euro Romania vs Netherlands: Morning and evening results are not suitable for the European Cup

So let's say the European Championship starts doing the same and gets back to the game

Romania vs the Netherlands, a team that was eye-catching in the group stage, and a team that played in the group stage in an embarrassing way.

Romania itself gives people the feeling of a dark horse, if you are a fan bettor, in the last few days of the European Championship 0:00 big team upset, do you still have confidence in the embarrassed Netherlands?

I'm sure most people will be suspicious of the Netherlands, which is inherently unreliable.

Euro Romania vs Netherlands: Morning and evening results are not suitable for the European Cup

What is the core of regular play? I have heard such a sentence: laws are never fixed and unchanging, they are all cyclical, and periodicity is the only unchanging law.

Generally speaking, the core of the law is that any law changes periodically, and the most important thing for us is to find the node.

Euro Romania vs Netherlands: Morning and evening results are not suitable for the European Cup

If one thing happens again and again, it will make most people rebellious and make people adapt to this law.

If a strong team upsets in the first game of the European Championship knockout round for three consecutive days, most fans and bettors will find out and adapt to the change, so they will be wary of the upset. At this time, if there is another upset, the effect will be counterproductive.

Euro Romania vs Netherlands: Morning and evening results are not suitable for the European Cup

Personally, I am optimistic that there will be no upset in the Netherlands, and this game is a node that disrupts the periodic node of the inertial thinking of fans and bettors.

Favor the Netherlands to beat Romania 2-0.

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