
Zhang Ziyi's choice was never Wang Feng, she just chose to give birth at the right age!

author:Guoguo Historical Time Machine

Some time ago, Wang Feng's new relationship was on the hot search, and his ex-wife Zhang Ziyi must have borne the brunt of it, and it also followed the hot search. It's just that this time, netizens seem to have a very tacit understanding and say bluntly: Good departure!

After all, when Wang Feng was showing off his sweetness, Zhang Ziyi was walking happily on the Cannes red carpet with her new work, and she was not disturbed by this incident at all.

Zhang Ziyi's choice was never Wang Feng, she just chose to give birth at the right age!

The domineering Zhang Ziyi seems to be back. This also made many netizens say that they had finally waited for this day. I have to say that Zhang Ziyi has too many career fans, because many people like the feeling of energy on her.

In fact, "ambition" has always been synonymous with Zhang Ziyi. Since her debut, she has put the word ambition on her face.

At the beginning, because of the popularity of the drama "My Father and Mother", when Zhang Ziyi followed Zhang Yimou to attend the film festival, Zhang Yimou explained in every possible way that when he came on stage to accept the award, he could go up by himself, who knows, Zhang Ziyi seemed to turn a deaf ear, and followed Zhang Yimou directly to the podium wearing a belly pocket.

Zhang Ziyi's choice was never Wang Feng, she just chose to give birth at the right age!

Zhang Yimou had no choice on stage, he smiled and took a photo with Zhang Ziyi, but as soon as he got off the stage, he scolded Zhang Ziyi, he was so ambitious!

Not only that, Zhang Ziyi did not let go of any opportunity to be on the throne. She is ruthless to herself and dares to fight.

When filming "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon", until the movie started, Ang Lee was not very satisfied with her, and she was always looking for a suitable actress. The play was all in person, and once her nails were kicked off directly, she endured the pain and didn't shout to stop, maybe it was this spirit of desperate Sanniang that made Li An completely relieved of her.

Zhang Ziyi's choice was never Wang Feng, she just chose to give birth at the right age!

Another time, Zhang Ziyi attended Jackie Chan's birthday party, and Jackie Chan teased that day, why didn't he bring me a gift? Zhang Ziyi said bluntly: Am I a gift?

Not only that, Zhang Ziyi was also very open, danced with Jackie Chan, and boldly kissed Jackie Chan directly on the face.

What's even more exaggerated is that Zhang Ziyi directly fed Jackie Chan to eat grapes, and also used his hands to pick up the skin of grapes, which once caused a stir, and was even used as a joke by peers in public to ridicule.

Zhang Ziyi's choice was never Wang Feng, she just chose to give birth at the right age!

But did any of this have any effect on Zhang Ziyi? In fact, she doesn't care at all, she only cares about whether she can get on top and whether she can bring better development to herself.

Zhang Ziyi also paid special attention to this when choosing lovers. thought that at the beginning, Zhang Ziyi and Huo Qishan's relationship was exposed, and they could marry into a wealthy family, but at this time, the Huo family spread the news that Zhang Ziyi would give up the entertainment industry, and then teach her husband and children at home with peace of mind, Zhang Ziyi refused directly without thinking about it, so she disdained to be this kind of wealthy lady who had no autonomy at all.

Zhang Ziyi's choice was never Wang Feng, she just chose to give birth at the right age!

Later, under the introduction of Wendi Deng, Zhang Ziyi met the wealthy businessman Vivi, and it turned out that when the good thing was approaching, the news that the other party asked her to sign a prenuptial agreement came out, and the marriage also fell through.

From these two relationships, it can be seen that Zhang Ziyi is a very selfish person, she is unwilling to cling to others and be a vassal of others, so it is not so difficult to understand that she married Wang Feng.

After all, Wang Feng is not bad, and the two are evenly matched.

Later, Zhang Ziyi gave birth to a child and unlocked a new role in her life, she softened visibly with the naked eye, completely hid the sharp edges and corners in the movie or attending entertainment industry activities, and got along happily with Wang Feng's family.

Zhang Ziyi's choice was never Wang Feng, she just chose to give birth at the right age!

Occasionally, in some variety shows, such as actors please be in place, we can see the former Zhang Ziyi, in fact, she has never changed.

After divorcing Wang Feng, many netizens reacted, in fact, Zhang Ziyi did not like Wang Feng as much as we imagined, she just chose a seemingly reliable man at the age when she should have a child and gave birth to her own child. Her life is still in control of herself.

Zhang Ziyi's choice was never Wang Feng, she just chose to give birth at the right age!

It looks like this, Zhang Ziyi is really cool.

has a career, money, prestige, children, and everything in life is not lacking, and there is no need to serve the in-laws and deal with those complicated conflicts between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law.

I believe that she can still give her children a very happy life with her own children, after all, she has the ability to do so. If you think about it carefully, too, how could such a woman who can use any method in order to be famous be willing to lock herself into a marriage?

Come on, Zhang Ziyi!

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