
Is it necessary to buy an AI intelligent learning machine if the child's grades are average? (What about iFLYTEK AI?) )

author:The watermelon gentleman who sets up a stall

Hello everyone, I'm a watermelon gentleman who sets up a stall (๑╹◡╹)ノ"

Today I will talk to you about the average academic performance of children, is it necessary to buy an AI learning machine, and is the AI learning machine of iFLYTEK really worth buying as touted on the Internet?

Without further ado, let's get straight to the point.

First of all, the learning machine is just an auxiliary learning tool, just a tool, a tool, not a wish.

Is it necessary to buy an AI intelligent learning machine if the child's grades are average? (What about iFLYTEK AI?) )

iFLYTEK learning machine

Many parents think that after buying a learning machine, their children's academic performance will be on the rise, and they will outwit 985/211 and other famous schools in the future.

Especially after spending a budget of several thousand, it can also improve the child's academic performance at the worst, for example, after the original fifty or sixty points have a learning machine, at least there must be a sixty or seventy points.

Parents who have this idea should hurry up and pray to God and Buddha, metaphysics is estimated to be more reliable than buying a learning machine.

Is it necessary to buy an AI intelligent learning machine if the child's grades are average? (What about iFLYTEK AI?) )

Learning aids

The learning machine is only a tool to assist learning, whether the tool can help children learn, the core factor of improving academic performance lies in whether children are willing to learn, whether they are willing to use learning machines to learn, and whether they will use learning machines correctly to learn, which is the core essence of improving children's academic performance.

Is it necessary to buy an AI intelligent learning machine if the child's grades are average? (What about iFLYTEK AI?) )


If the child is unwilling to learn and rejects learning in his heart, then even if he hires a tutor 24 hours a day, the child will still not study well and his academic performance will still not be much better.

In the face of this kind of child, it is definitely not recommended to buy a learning machine, or rather, it is useless for you to buy any learning tools, the child has given up on himself, unless there is a way to change the child's attitude towards learning, otherwise all external factors are nonsense.

Is it necessary to buy an AI intelligent learning machine if the child's grades are average? (What about iFLYTEK AI?) )

Self-directed learning

If the child is willing to learn, but the learning progress is relatively slow, the comprehension ability is relatively poor, or the learning method is not mastered correctly, resulting in temporary poor academic performance, new knowledge can not be listened to, and the child is still willing to learn.

This kind of child is very worthwhile whether it is to buy a learning machine or hire a responsible tutor, its essence is that the child has not mastered the appropriate learning methods, and needs to be assisted by external forces to help learn, this external force can be parents, teachers, tutors, learning machines and so on.

Therefore, for children with low academic performance, the essence of whether to buy a learning machine or not depends on what kind of attitude the child has towards learning.

This requires parents to calm down, very serious and serious to ask their children, what kind of view they have on learning, if they really don't want to learn, then what parents have to do is how to guide their children to slowly regain their interest in learning.

Whether it is realistic education or coaxing, at least let the child put his attitude right, stick education and high-pressure education can only be superficial, and the child will still resist this thing in his heart, so it is not particularly recommended for everyone to choose.

If it's the wrong way to learn, it's easy, just find the right way to learn.

Things about the iFLYTEK AI learning machine:

From the perspective of personal understanding of the current learning machine market, iFLYTEK's learning machine products are exclusive to the middle and high school stages.

Including for children in grades 4-6 who are about to enter the elementary school, their AI precision learning function is very applicable. At the same time, it is also the product advantage that other learning machine brand products cannot match.

First of all, why is it said that iFLYTEK is a monopoly in middle and high school:

Is it necessary to buy an AI intelligent learning machine if the child's grades are average? (What about iFLYTEK AI?) )

Subjects of study

The biggest problem in junior and senior high school is that there are many subjects, and many learning machines (such as Xiaodu, Xueersi, Homework Help, and a series of others) are only adapted to the course synchronization video resources of the four subjects of language, mathematics and foreign objects in the middle and high school stages, and iFLYTEK is the only one that realizes the curriculum synchronization of all science subjects (language and mathematics, physics, chemistry, and biology), which is the advantage.

Is it necessary to buy an AI intelligent learning machine if the child's grades are average? (What about iFLYTEK AI?) )

Synchronous Learning Course Resources

Synchronous learning curriculum resources are video teaching resources that can be synchronized with the content of textbooks and textbooks, many learning machine brands will use supporting teaching resources or something, to confuse the public, for example, they are all teaching resources in the seventh grade, synchronous learning refers to the content of the seventh grade textbooks in the first half of 2024, and the supporting teaching resources may be the seventh grade resources in 23 or 22 years, and the content of the children's books may not be completely compatible, this is the gap.

Therefore, when children in the upper grades buy learning machines, they all recommend iFLYTEK products without brains, and do not consider other brands of learning machines.

As for iFLYTEK's AI precision learning function:

Is it necessary to buy an AI intelligent learning machine if the child's grades are average? (What about iFLYTEK AI?) )

Precision features

iFLYTEK's AI precision learning function is one of the most practical learning machine products to assist the learning experience.

The whole process of AI precision learning can be expressed as three processes: "diagnosis, learning, and practice".

You can understand AI precision learning as a virtual teacher, who will continue to collect children's learning information in the process of using the learning machine, and diagnose the weak links of knowledge points through a large number of learning situations.

Is it necessary to buy an AI intelligent learning machine if the child's grades are average? (What about iFLYTEK AI?) )

Detailed summary of knowledge points

For example, if a child is doing a trigonometric function knowledge point, the time spent will be significantly more than that of other types of knowledge points, then this phenomenon will be recorded by AI, thinking that there may be problems with the mastery of knowledge points, including various after-school exercises, test questions, and mistakes in the past exam papers, will also be recorded, and the test points of the questions and the corresponding knowledge points will be split out and labeled as weak knowledge points.

Then the learning opportunities are unified for children to carry out targeted learning and training to achieve the effect of improving academic performance.

Therefore, for children in high school years, the AI precision learning function of the iFLYTEK learning machine is very practical, especially for various science subjects, and the learning assistance effect is very obvious.

The current iFLYTEK learning machine purchase recommendation:

Is it necessary to buy an AI intelligent learning machine if the child's grades are average? (What about iFLYTEK AI?) )

Prices are indicative only

First of all, the content resources of high-end flagships and entry-level learning machines are the same, and the software functions are similar, so from the perspective of practicality, the entry-level learning machine is the most cost-effective and the most practical.

However, the high-end flagship learning machine also has its own advantages, such as a larger screen, longer battery life, better eye protection of the screen, and some additional auxiliary learning functions will be added.

Is it necessary to buy an AI intelligent learning machine if the child's grades are average? (What about iFLYTEK AI?) )

Sitting posture detection

For example, installing a camera can monitor whether the child's sitting posture is correct in real time, and there are some AI one-to-one dialogue functions to chat with the child, which can solve some simple questions and ideas of the child.

All in all, if you care about cost performance and price budget, then choose the iFLYTEK C10S tablet.

If you have a sufficient budget and want to buy a learning machine for your child that is easier to use and more comfortable to use, then you can choose the P30 learning machine or the S30 learning machine.

As for everyone who wants to save trouble simply and money is not a problem, then you can choose iFLYTEK's top flagship T20 Pro learning machine without brains. All the features that should be there are the best experiences. It's as simple as that.

As for the learning machine Lumie 10 :

Is it necessary to buy an AI intelligent learning machine if the child's grades are average? (What about iFLYTEK AI?) )

Prices are indicative only

This learning machine is aimed at children at a young age, it is equivalent to a TV, it needs to be used on a table, it cannot be carried around, and it must be plugged in.

This avoids the way that younger children cannot use electronic devices correctly, and avoids developing some incorrect learning postures, at least Lumie 10 must sit upright in front of the table to use it normally, and it is also a function that supports sitting supervision, and parents can grasp their children's learning in real time.

So that's all for this article, thank you all for reading this.

If you still have any questions, you can leave a message in the comment area to discuss.

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