
Fantasy Journey to the West: 7.2 Maintenance, Special Beast Decisive Divine Beast Anchor God Doudou

author:Dreamy old Xing

Fantasy Journey to the West: 7.2 Maintenance, Special Beast Decisive Divine Beast Anchor God Doudou

The official finally went down in person to certify the price of the Shenma Fuyun and Sumeru Beast Duel. In this week's maintenance, the output method of 100 billion special beast duel has been added, and the output method of all divine beasts, simply put, the previous random has become the current fixed change, and all the consumption required for exchange is directly marked.

Fantasy Journey to the West: 7.2 Maintenance, Special Beast Decisive Divine Beast Anchor God Doudou

A new item is called Battle Spirit Flame, and another item is called Demon Essence Essence, which has different aura value differences.

The Flame of the Battle Spirit is used to refine the Divine Doudou, and the result of refining is the Demon Essence of Determination.

One of them, the Flame of the Battle Soul can refine up to 495 Divine Doudou, and for each Divine Doudou that refines, the Demon Duel Essence that comes out will have 1 point of aura.

Fantasy Journey to the West: 7.2 Maintenance, Special Beast Decisive Divine Beast Anchor God Doudou

So what's the use of the Demon Essence of Demonic Decision? You can consume a certain amount of aura to exchange for special beast duels. What are the special beasts? It's the previous list of 100 billion beasts.

Fantasy Journey to the West: 7.2 Maintenance, Special Beast Decisive Divine Beast Anchor God Doudou

This time, the price is directly marked, and it is clear how much aura all the special beasts need. However, the list that opens each time is random, and you may not be able to switch to the Floating Cloud Horse every time.

For example, the most expensive Floating Cloud Divine Horse and Sumeru Mantra all require 1,600 points of Demon Essence Essence, which can be understood as requiring 1,600 Divine Doudou.

Here we can see that why don't you just exchange the gods for 100 billion beasts, but go around in such a big circle? The key is in this Flame of Warsoul, how do you get this thing?

Fantasy Journey to the West: 7.2 Maintenance, Special Beast Decisive Divine Beast Anchor God Doudou

The first is the Martial God Altar, where all the top 64 teams can get the Flame of Battle Spirit.

The second way is the knockout and final stages of the Gang League, and after each game, you can exchange 5 God Doudou for 1 Battle Spirit Flame at the master.

Fantasy Journey to the West: 7.2 Maintenance, Special Beast Decisive Divine Beast Anchor God Doudou

Note that the Flame of War Spirit is a limited-time item, valid for 72 hours, permanently bound and not tradable.

The Demon Essence is also permanently binding.

From such an overall point of view, it can be concluded that it is the bosses of high-end PKs such as the Martial God Altar and the Gang League that restrict the exchange of 100 billion beasts. Only they can produce the Flame of the Battle Spirit, and then further produce special beast duels. Ordinary players should not participate, that is, a chance of 100 billion.

So the question is, the output path of the Flame of War Spirit is clear, but what about the output path of God Doudou? The pocket version is not sold, the Spring Festival gift package is only once a year, and there are only a few tasks in the district?

So as soon as this announcement came out, I suddenly found that the Shendoudou on the stalls in the district was wiped out in seconds, at least in the short term, Shendoudou will usher in a wave of big price increases.

According to the official New Year's gift package every year, 2000 yuan 25 god doudou, a god doudou is worth 80, and a floating cloud god horse and Sumeru mantra are worth 80 * 1600 = 128000. This is also in line with the current transaction price.

However, the price of the gods collected by the merchants in the district is low, about 60-70, it is calculated at 65, and it only costs 104,000 to exchange it for the Sumeru Beast. No wonder God has been robbed.

Fantasy Journey to the West: 7.2 Maintenance, Special Beast Decisive Divine Beast Anchor God Doudou

Look at the second divine beast is also anchored in the god doudou, it used to be 99 god doudou random exchange, but now it has been changed to, designated exchange. In the Divine Beast Paradise, all the Divine Beasts can be seen and exchanged. However, the number of divine doubs required by each divine beast will fluctuate up and down according to the situation.

This is to consider the value of CBG. The exact amount of each divine beast needed is not listed.

Here's what else to maintain this week:

1. The function of reducing the stall handling fee from 7% to 1% has finally been released on the whole server!

Fantasy Journey to the West: 7.2 Maintenance, Special Beast Decisive Divine Beast Anchor God Doudou

Starting tomorrow, the first batch of double locks will also be unlocked one after another, and I believe that a new economic system will be ushered in.

2. Jinghe Orphan has increased the optimization of prompts, and the last ring will lose the battle, and the summoned beast will not be forcibly recycled.

Fantasy Journey to the West: 7.2 Maintenance, Special Beast Decisive Divine Beast Anchor God Doudou

I just tested this two days ago and complained about it.

3. The name of the newly opened server is Donghai Dragon Palace, which is named after the Tang Dynasty Mansion again. And there is an event here called Gathering the Four Seas, and it is also an event to rush to the ranks, and if you choose the Dragon Palace and become the chief disciple, you will get a figure.

Fantasy Journey to the West: 7.2 Maintenance, Special Beast Decisive Divine Beast Anchor God Doudou

I suddenly found a business opportunity, brothers, hurry up and practice dozens of Dragon Palace trumpets, and when the time comes, I will wait for the boss to collect the chief ticket.