
Eat more eggplant in summer, clear away heat and relieve heat, enhance immunity, teach you 3 methods, appetizing and satisfying cravings

author:Little orange looking for food

Hello everyone, I'm Tachibana! The summer is scorching, and all kinds of fruits and vegetables are dazzling. At this time, it is the time when eggplant is on the market in large quantities, the taste is soft, tender and flavorful, more fragrant than meat out of the pot, and it is also very nutritious, suitable for people of all ages. If you don't know what to eat in summer, it's better to eat more eggplant, which has many benefits for the body. Eggplant, rich in vitamin P, vitamin E, potassium, calcium, magnesium and other nutrients, can enhance the body's immunity and improve resistance.

Eat more eggplant in summer, clear away heat and relieve heat, enhance immunity, teach you 3 methods, appetizing and satisfying cravings

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that eggplant is cool and sweet, and has the effect of clearing heat and detoxifying. In the scorching heat of summer, eating eggplant in moderation can help us lower our body temperature and relieve the discomfort caused by the summer heat. In addition, the high water content of eggplant can relieve the water lost by the body due to sweating, allowing you to quickly recover your energy in the hot summer, relieve tiredness and stay refreshed. In addition, eggplant has a certain effect on relieving symptoms such as sore throat and mouth and tongue sores caused by fire, so it is suitable to eat eggplant in summer.

Eat more eggplant in summer, clear away heat and relieve heat, enhance immunity, teach you 3 methods, appetizing and satisfying cravings

Not only that, eggplant is also a low-sugar, low-calorie food, which is very suitable for people who are losing weight. In addition, eggplant is also rich in dietary fiber, which can promote gastrointestinal peristalsis and facilitate digestion. Eat more eggplant in summer, clear away heat and relieve heat, enhance immunity, teach you the practice of never eating, appetizing and satisfying cravings, it is so fragrant, the family wants to eat it at two ends in three days, let's see how it is done!

Eat more eggplant in summer, clear away heat and relieve heat, enhance immunity, teach you 3 methods, appetizing and satisfying cravings

Recommended recipe 1: Eggplant fried noodles

Ingredients: eggplant, hand-rolled dough, carrots, tomatoes, green peppers, red peppers, shallots, garlic, salt, chicken essence, light soy sauce, cooking oil

Detailed Steps:

1. After the eggplant is washed, cut off the roots and head, then cut into thick slices, then cut into small strips, and finally cut into eggplant pieces, put them in a large bowl after cutting, add 1 tablespoon of salt, grasp and mix evenly, and let them marinate for 5 minutes.

Eat more eggplant in summer, clear away heat and relieve heat, enhance immunity, teach you 3 methods, appetizing and satisfying cravings

2. At this time, the eggplant has been pickled, and there is no need to clean it with water, just squeeze out the water with your bare hands, and squeeze it a little dry, so that it is not easy to get out of the water when frying, and it is ready to use after squeezing out the water.

Eat more eggplant in summer, clear away heat and relieve heat, enhance immunity, teach you 3 methods, appetizing and satisfying cravings

3. Pour more water from the pot, add 1 tablespoon of salt after the water boils, and then put in an appropriate amount of hand-rolled noodles.

Eat more eggplant in summer, clear away heat and relieve heat, enhance immunity, teach you 3 methods, appetizing and satisfying cravings

4. After cooking, take it out, put it in cold water to cool, so that the noodles are more smooth and strong, then take out the water, put it in a large bowl, add some cooking oil and light soy sauce, give it a bottom taste, stir evenly and set aside.

Eat more eggplant in summer, clear away heat and relieve heat, enhance immunity, teach you 3 methods, appetizing and satisfying cravings

5. Pour oil into another pot, add the eggplant after the oil is hot, stir-fry it quickly, fry the eggplant until the surface is slightly yellow, and then put it on a plate for later use.

Eat more eggplant in summer, clear away heat and relieve heat, enhance immunity, teach you 3 methods, appetizing and satisfying cravings

6. Leave the bottom oil in the pot, pour in minced garlic and green onions, stir-fry until fragrant, then pour in diced tomatoes, stir-fry evenly, fry out the juice of tomatoes, pour in carrots and green and red peppers after frying, and stir-fry until broken.

Eat more eggplant in summer, clear away heat and relieve heat, enhance immunity, teach you 3 methods, appetizing and satisfying cravings

7. Then put in the eggplant, season and add light soy sauce, salt, chicken essence, stir-fry evenly first, then put in the noodles, quickly stir-fry evenly, fry the ingredients in the pot until the flavor is incorporated, and finally put it on the plate out of the pot, and it is delicious.

Eat more eggplant in summer, clear away heat and relieve heat, enhance immunity, teach you 3 methods, appetizing and satisfying cravings

8. Eggplant learns to do this, the color and flavor are complete, every time a large plate is not enough to eat, the weather is hot and there is no appetite, you try this way to eat, to ensure that the appetite is open, since learning this practice, the children at home have to eat at the end of the three days.

Eat more eggplant in summer, clear away heat and relieve heat, enhance immunity, teach you 3 methods, appetizing and satisfying cravings

Recommended Recipe 2: Scrambled eggs with eggplant

Ingredients: eggplant, egg, green pepper, red pepper, green onion, garlic, ginger, bean paste, soybean paste, chicken essence, sugar, light soy sauce, salt, white vinegar, cooking oil

Detailed Steps:

1. Rinse the eggplant, change the knife and cut it into small cubes, the size is according to your liking, put it in a bowl after cutting, pour in more water, add salt and white vinegar to prevent the eggplant from oxidizing and turning black, and put it aside for later use.

Eat more eggplant in summer, clear away heat and relieve heat, enhance immunity, teach you 3 methods, appetizing and satisfying cravings

2. Beat a few eggs into a small bowl, beat a few eggs if you want to beat a few eggs, and then use chopsticks to fully break up the eggs, stir until the egg liquid can't be picked up with chopsticks.

Eat more eggplant in summer, clear away heat and relieve heat, enhance immunity, teach you 3 methods, appetizing and satisfying cravings

3. Then drain the eggplant, pour it into a large bowl, then pour the egg liquid into the eggplant, and stir well with chopsticks, so that each piece of eggplant can be stained with a thin layer of egg liquid.

Eat more eggplant in summer, clear away heat and relieve heat, enhance immunity, teach you 3 methods, appetizing and satisfying cravings

4. Mix the sauce, add 1 tablespoon of bean paste, 1 tablespoon of soybean paste, a little chicken essence, a little sugar, 1 tablespoon of light soy sauce to the bowl, then add some water, and stir well with a spoon.

Eat more eggplant in summer, clear away heat and relieve heat, enhance immunity, teach you 3 methods, appetizing and satisfying cravings

5. Heat the oil, pour the eggplant and egg liquid into the pot, fry it until the bottom is set, then turn it over and continue to fry, fry the eggplant and egg liquid until the surface is slightly yellow, and put it on a plate for later use.

Eat more eggplant in summer, clear away heat and relieve heat, enhance immunity, teach you 3 methods, appetizing and satisfying cravings

6. In another pot, pour down the green onions, ginger and garlic and fry until fragrant, after stir-frying, add the eggplant that has just been fried, and continue to stir-fry evenly, so that all the ingredients can be fried until fragrant.

Eat more eggplant in summer, clear away heat and relieve heat, enhance immunity, teach you 3 methods, appetizing and satisfying cravings

7. After stir-frying, pour in the seasoned sauce, continue to stir-fry evenly, add the green and red peppers before coming out of the pot, fry it until it is broken, turn on high heat and stir-fry quickly, so that the juice inside is thick, so that the sauce fragrance is more intense.

Eat more eggplant in summer, clear away heat and relieve heat, enhance immunity, teach you 3 methods, appetizing and satisfying cravings

8. After frying, put it out of the pot and put it on the plate, the eggplant that comes out of this way is fresh and tender, the sauce is fragrant, and it is particularly enjoyable to eat, which is good for wine and rice, and is more fragrant than big fish and meat. If you like eggplant, why not collect it and try it.

Eat more eggplant in summer, clear away heat and relieve heat, enhance immunity, teach you 3 methods, appetizing and satisfying cravings

Recommended recipe 3: Eggplant with garlic paste

Ingredients: eggplant, garlic, millet spicy, coriander, white vinegar, salt, sugar, light soy sauce, balsamic vinegar, oyster sauce, sesame oil, pepper oil

Detailed Steps:

1. Cut the eggplant from the middle and divide it into four, don't rush to steam the cut eggplant, put it in clean water, add a little white vinegar, soak it slightly, prevent the eggplant from oxidizing and turning black, and also remove its own astringency.

Eat more eggplant in summer, clear away heat and relieve heat, enhance immunity, teach you 3 methods, appetizing and satisfying cravings

2. After soaking, pour out the water inside, control the moisture, put it directly into the steamer, cut it and spread it out to steam, which can reduce the steaming time, make it easier to mature, easier to steam, and steam on high heat for 10 minutes after gassing.

Eat more eggplant in summer, clear away heat and relieve heat, enhance immunity, teach you 3 methods, appetizing and satisfying cravings

3. Prepare small ingredients, millet spicy cut into small rings; Crush a small handful of garlic, then put it in the garlic mortar, add a little salt to increase the friction, mash the garlic into garlic puree, and put it in a bowl with millet spicy.

Eat more eggplant in summer, clear away heat and relieve heat, enhance immunity, teach you 3 methods, appetizing and satisfying cravings

4. Then pour in the hot pepper oil to stimulate the fragrance, then add 1 tablespoon of light soy sauce, 1 tablespoon of balsamic vinegar, half a spoon of oyster sauce, a little salt, a little sugar, a little sesame oil, stir well, and a bowl of garlic sauce is ready.

Eat more eggplant in summer, clear away heat and relieve heat, enhance immunity, teach you 3 methods, appetizing and satisfying cravings

5. After the eggplant is steamed, let it cool slightly, put on gloves, and tear it into small strips with your hands.

Eat more eggplant in summer, clear away heat and relieve heat, enhance immunity, teach you 3 methods, appetizing and satisfying cravings

6. After all the tears are finished, pour the garlic juice that has just been mixed into the bowl, then put in the soul coriander segment, and mix evenly with your hands.

Eat more eggplant in summer, clear away heat and relieve heat, enhance immunity, teach you 3 methods, appetizing and satisfying cravings

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