
If you sweat a lot in summer, you should often eat 3 kinds of high-potassium vegetables to enhance your physique and spend the summer healthy

author:Colorful cattle to nourish themselves

Under the harsh hot sun, Lao Zhang's entire short sleeves were soaked, and he was about to shovel cement with a shovel, and complained in his mouth: "What the hell is the weather." ”

Gradually, he felt that his head was so dizzy that he could no longer exert his strength, and he had to work hard with a shovel in his hand, and his heart was beating wildly.

The colleague on the side noticed Lao Zhang's situation and hurriedly called someone: "Come on, Lao Zhang is afraid that he is suffering from heat stroke, so he should be carried to the infirmary." ”

If you sweat a lot in summer, you should often eat 3 kinds of high-potassium vegetables to enhance your physique and spend the summer healthy

After the doctor's examination, he found that Lao Zhang was hypokalemia, and hurriedly gave Lao Zhang a drip.

Not long after doing all this, Lao Zhang sobered up: "What's wrong with me?" The doctor said, "It's all right, you're just having hypokalemia." ”

Lao Zhang looked confused: "What kind of disease is this?" Is it serious? ”

What is hypokalemia? Is it serious?

The doctor explained: "In sweat, there is not only sodium but also potassium. Potassium is a substance that maintains water balance, normal cell function, and provides energy in the body. ”

"When summer comes, you will sweat a lot, especially those of you who work in hot environments, if you don't replenish potassium in time after sweating a lot, you will have hypokalemia."

"Judging from your situation, it's not serious, because your co-worker sent it in a particularly timely manner."

If you sweat a lot in summer, you should often eat 3 kinds of high-potassium vegetables to enhance your physique and spend the summer healthy

"Some patients have been deficient in potassium for a long time, and when they are sent, they have supraventricular tachycardia, ventricular tachycardia, ventricular fibrillation and other adverse cardiac conditions, and even lead to cardiac arrest, causing life-threatening conditions."

The doctor smiled, "So, thank your co-workers." ”

Lao Zhang nodded: "It seems that I have to stay well for the past few days, and I can't go anywhere." ”

The doctor said, "You can take care of it these days, and I suggest that you can eat some high-priced foods that will help you heal." ”

What are the high-potassium dishes? Doctor to recommend

The doctor said, "I recommend that you must eat these kinds of high-potassium dishes, which are cheap and easy to make, and are conducive to daily potassium supplementation." ”

1. Spinach

Spinach is rich in potassium, with a potassium content of about 558 mg per 100 grams of spinach.

If you sweat a lot in summer, you should often eat 3 kinds of high-potassium vegetables to enhance your physique and spend the summer healthy

Spinach is also rich in iron, vitamin A and vitamin C, which can effectively improve the body's immunity.

Before cooking, the spinach should be removed from oxalic acid, blanched in water, and served with garlic to make spinach tofu soup.

2. Cowpeas

Cowpea is a high-potassium vegetable, containing 737 mg of mineral potassium per 100 grams, and its dietary fiber content is relatively high, which can promote gastrointestinal peristalsis and prevent constipation.

If you sweat a lot in summer, you should often eat 3 kinds of high-potassium vegetables to enhance your physique and spend the summer healthy

Cowpeas can be made into cold cowpeas, or they can be stir-fried, boiled, stewed and other cooking methods.

3. Edamame

Summer is also the season when edamame is ripe, and edamame also has a lot of potassium, containing 478 mg of potassium per 100 grams of edamame, which can be boiled directly in salt water or peeled to stir-fry meat.

If you sweat a lot in summer, you should often eat 3 kinds of high-potassium vegetables to enhance your physique and spend the summer healthy

After that, the doctor said, "During this time, you can also eat some food to clear away heat and relieve fire." I see that your face is red, your ears are red, your lips are chapped, and your tongue is red and yellow, which is obviously a symptom of fire. ”

"It is recommended that your diet be light, choose some foods like cabbage, mung beans, kelp, fungus, mushrooms, cucumbers, bitter gourd, etc., which can help expel heat from the body."

"Eat less spicy and greasy food, so as not to increase the burden on the stomach and intestines and aggravate the feeling of tiredness."

If you sweat a lot in summer, you should often eat 3 kinds of high-potassium vegetables to enhance your physique and spend the summer healthy

brief summary

Heavy sweating in the summer can lead to hypokalemia, which can lead to dizziness, fatigue, and even abnormal heartbeats.

To prevent and treat hypokalemia, it is recommended to consume more potassium-rich foods such as spinach, cowpeas, and edamame.

In summer, it is recommended to choose cabbage, mung beans, kelp and other heat-clearing and fire-relieving foods in the diet, which can relieve the symptoms of fire, and avoid the intake of greasy and spicy foods to reduce the burden on the stomach and intestines.


[1] "Summer Health Recuperation and Heart Cultivation, Often Press 6 Acupuncture Points to Eliminate Annoyance and Accumulation". People's Daily Online-People's Health Network.2019-05-31.

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