
Zhao Benshan's backing was exposed, and no one dared to offend him in the Northeast, and he couldn't do without the help of these three nobles

author:Aiden Fashion Note V

Who is Feng Xiaogang? How many people knelt and licked him.

However, in Zhao Benshan's eyes, he is nothing. even slapped him mercilessly in public, and the arrogance was staggering.

Zhao Benshan's backing was exposed, and no one dared to offend him in the Northeast, and he couldn't do without the help of these three nobles

As we all know, no one dares to mess with Zhao Benshan in the Northeast, he is simply a local snake, but he didn't expect to be unrestrained in front of Feng Xiaogang.

I can't help but wonder, who is covering him?

At the 2021 Huading Award ceremony, Feng Xiaogang and Zhao Benshan sat together, and they talked politely at first.

But the next scene directly caused an uproar among the audience.

It turned out that Feng Xiaogang made an inopportune joke in the process of presenting Zhao Benshan, and the purpose was also to reconcile the atmosphere.

He said softly: "You are a wonderful flower that blooms on the underworld. ”

Zhao Benshan's backing was exposed, and no one dared to offend him in the Northeast, and he couldn't do without the help of these three nobles

Originally, this was just a joke, but after Zhao Benshan heard it, he felt uncomfortable, so he raised his hand and slapped him directly. Feng Xiaogang was obviously beaten, and he didn't dare to fight back, so he could only laugh.

Zhao Benshan is so arrogant, is it really the underworld as Feng Xiaogang said?

Regarding Zhao Benshan's growth history, I believe everyone already knows. Although he is a farmer, he has become a pivotal figure in the comedy industry with his contributions to sketches and the art of two-person turns.

Whether it is fame or wealth, it far surpasses many people in the circle and is respected by many people.

Zhao Benshan's backing was exposed, and no one dared to offend him in the Northeast, and he couldn't do without the help of these three nobles

But if you want to link him with the underworld, it's really a bit of a misunderstanding of him. Although he is powerful, he will not be arrogant, after all, the three bigwigs behind him are not allowed to float.

Zhao Benshan can have everything now, and no one dares to mess with it in the Northeast, in fact, it is all the credit of these three bigwigs.

Zhao Benshan's backing was exposed, and no one dared to offend him in the Northeast, and he couldn't do without the help of these three nobles

Jiang Kun

Zhao Benshan is full of talent, but he can only succumb to the small world in the northeast, which is simply overkill.

It was Jiang Kun's wisdom that saw pearls, from discovering him to taking him into Beijing, and then into the Spring Festival Gala, and into the hearts of audiences across the country. Without Jiang Kun's Zhao Benshan, there would be no current achievements.

In 1987, Jiang Kun's name was already a household name, but when he went to the Northeast, he would be ridiculed, and some people even said: Jiang Kun is not as good as half of Zhao Benshan's fingers.

Zhao Benshan's backing was exposed, and no one dared to offend him in the Northeast, and he couldn't do without the help of these three nobles

In this way, a person who didn't know Zhao Benshan originally, with curiosity and dissatisfaction, found Zhao Benshan, intending to see how many catties and taels he had.

Unexpectedly, after watching his performance, he was completely conquered and admitted his shortcomings. He believes that a talent like Zhao Benshan really deserves a bigger stage.

So he took him out of the Northeast and walked on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala. Through this stage, Zhao Benshan has become a household name.

Zhao Benshan's backing was exposed, and no one dared to offend him in the Northeast, and he couldn't do without the help of these three nobles

Zhao Benshan's stepfather

A person can succeed, not just rely on noble people to lead the way. If you are not good yourself, how can you be worthy of the trust of nobles? Obviously, Zhao Benshan's success is not the credit of Jiang Kun alone.

Zhao Benshan's backing was exposed, and no one dared to offend him in the Northeast, and he couldn't do without the help of these three nobles

His stepfather is Li Zhongtang, the director of the Tieling Art Museum, and since he saw the blind man performing by Zhao Benshan, he has made up his mind to train him well. At that time, although Zhao Benshan was already famous, he also ate the last meal but did not have the next meal, and he did not have a fixed job at all.

In order to keep Zhao Benshan in the art museum, Li Zhongtang accepted him as a righteous son, and then cultivated him, so that his artistic attainments became higher and higher.

Zhao Benshan's backing was exposed, and no one dared to offend him in the Northeast, and he couldn't do without the help of these three nobles

Many people are puzzled, isn't Zhao Benshan a rural person, how did he embark on the road of art?

This has to say that his blind second uncle.

At that time, his parents died early, and his second uncle was his only relative in this world, in order to support him, the second uncle taught him a craft of playing erhu, and took him to play and sing everywhere after learning.

Whenever there is a happy event, it is the happiest time for the uncle and nephew.

Zhao Benshan's backing was exposed, and no one dared to offend him in the Northeast, and he couldn't do without the help of these three nobles

Through the training of the second uncle, he mastered the basic skills, played suona well, and entered the commune's literary and artistic propaganda team in the future, and his life became more and more stable.

If you look at Zhao Benshan when he was a child, he would never dare to think that he would achieve today's achievements, because he is too ordinary and too poor.

But unexpectedly, just these 3 people changed his fate and allowed him to live a life that he couldn't even imagine.

Zhao Benshan's backing was exposed, and no one dared to offend him in the Northeast, and he couldn't do without the help of these three nobles

Although Zhao Benshan has left the stage of the Spring Festival Gala, he is still the most respected one in the northeast.

He cherishes talents very much, accepts many apprentices, shoots a lot of film and television dramas, and has made greater achievements.

All the way he came, he was all crawling and rolling. So when Feng Xiaogang ridiculed him for being the underworld, he was naturally very angry.

It's okay if you don't understand me, but you can't stigmatize me.

From a farmer to the current big brother in the Northeast, he represents countless low-level people, such people should not be hacked, and should be respected.

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