
In July, the new regulations affect you and me, and a new chapter in the comprehensive rule of law in the province

author:Nanyang Demonstration Zone Politics and Law

A series of important regulations and policy measures will come into effect on July 1, 2024, aiming to strengthen consumer protection, corporate governance, traffic management, international exchanges, environmental protection, cybersecurity, financial regulation, electricity market, foreign contracted projects, judicial practice, credit management, medicine and health, and local governance. In terms of the protection of consumer rights and interests, the Regulations for the Implementation of the Law of the People's Republic of China on the Protection of Consumer Rights and Interests have added provisions on the protection of the rights and interests of elderly and minor consumers, and clearly stipulates that operators use technical means to force consumption, automatic renewal service reminders, advance payment processing, and advance payment collection in response to business risks.

In July, the new regulations affect you and me, and a new chapter in the comprehensive rule of law in the province

The revision of the Company Law focuses on improving the level of corporate governance, strengthening the responsibilities of controlling shareholders, strengthening the protection of the rights and interests of small and medium-sized shareholders and employees, adjusting the registered capital subscription registration system, and clarifying the requirements for the payment of registered capital of limited liability companies.

In July, the new regulations affect you and me, and a new chapter in the comprehensive rule of law in the province

The eight convenience measures launched by the public security traffic management department, such as the pilot of electronic driving licenses, the simplification of motorcycle registration, the cancellation of online cars, and the door-to-door delivery service, aim to improve the efficiency and convenience of public services.

In July, the new regulations affect you and me, and a new chapter in the comprehensive rule of law in the province

The adjustment of foreign exchange policies includes the trial visa exemption policy for New Zealand, Australia and Poland, aiming to promote international exchanges and cooperation.

In July, the new regulations affect you and me, and a new chapter in the comprehensive rule of law in the province

The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology and other three departments jointly issued the adjustment of the preferential vehicle and vessel tax policy, and updated the technical requirements for new energy vehicle products to promote green travel.

In July, the new regulations affect you and me, and a new chapter in the comprehensive rule of law in the province

The Ministry of Ecology and Environment's revised Measures for the Administration of Pollutant Discharge Permits implements comprehensive permit management, covering more types of pollutant discharge, and strengthens the "one-permit" management of fixed pollution sources.

In July, the new regulations affect you and me, and a new chapter in the comprehensive rule of law in the province

In the field of network security and informatization, the Provisions on the Security Management of Internet Government Applications emphasize the requirements for the safe and stable operation and data protection of government applications, and regulate the opening and naming of government websites.

In July, the new regulations affect you and me, and a new chapter in the comprehensive rule of law in the province

The CSRC's regulations on the management of securities transaction fees are aimed at reducing fund transaction costs, strengthening the compliance responsibilities of fund managers, and improving the transparency of trading commissions.

In July, the new regulations affect you and me, and a new chapter in the comprehensive rule of law in the province

The Measures for the Management of Operational Risk of Banking and Insurance Institutions and the Basic Rules for the Operation of the Electricity Market have refined and improved the operational risk management process of financial institutions and the trading mechanism of the electricity market respectively.

In July, the new regulations affect you and me, and a new chapter in the comprehensive rule of law in the province

The Ministry of Commerce's Measures for the Administration of the Filing and Initiation of Foreign Contracted Projects simplifies the filing process of foreign contracted projects and improves work efficiency.

In July, the new regulations affect you and me, and a new chapter in the comprehensive rule of law in the province

The judicial interpretation of the Supreme People's Court on monopoly civil dispute cases provides clearer guidance for anti-monopoly litigation.

In July, the new regulations affect you and me, and a new chapter in the comprehensive rule of law in the province

The three amendments to the loan management approach clarify the maximum maturity of different loan types to meet different financing needs.

In July, the new regulations affect you and me, and a new chapter in the comprehensive rule of law in the province

The State Food and Drug Administration and other departments have adjusted the list of psychotropic drugs to strengthen the control of specific drugs.

In July, the new regulations affect you and me, and a new chapter in the comprehensive rule of law in the province

Shandong Province has issued a number of local policies in the fields of comprehensive rural reform fund management, medical device business standards, work-related injury insurance for specific employees, community correction and protection of the Yellow River, so as to promote the healthy development of local economy and society and the construction of the rule of law.

In July, the new regulations affect you and me, and a new chapter in the comprehensive rule of law in the province

The implementation of these new regulations reflects the mainland's continuous efforts and innovations in promoting fair competition in the market, optimizing the business environment, protecting citizens' rights and interests, promoting green development, and strengthening social governance.

In July, the new regulations affect you and me, and a new chapter in the comprehensive rule of law in the province
In July, the new regulations affect you and me, and a new chapter in the comprehensive rule of law in the province
In July, the new regulations affect you and me, and a new chapter in the comprehensive rule of law in the province
In July, the new regulations affect you and me, and a new chapter in the comprehensive rule of law in the province
In July, the new regulations affect you and me, and a new chapter in the comprehensive rule of law in the province