
What are the different uses of live maggots? A British man faces amputation due to an infection, and 400 live maggots save his life


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What are the different uses of live maggots? A British man faces amputation due to an infection, and 400 live maggots save his life

Text: Yu Yu

Edited by Yu Yu


Maggots are often seen as disgusting creatures in our daily lives, but can you imagine that these tiny creatures can save human lives?

In the UK, a 45-year-old man is in danger of having his leg amputated because of an accident, but fate gives him an unexpected turn.

What was the miraculous power that allowed him to avoid the fate of amputation? What is the secret behind this?

What are the different uses of live maggots? A British man faces amputation due to an infection, and 400 live maggots save his life

Accidental injuries: The difficult journey from burns to near amputation

Life's disasters often come unexpectedly. Britain's 45-year-old James Murray originally lived an ordinary life, but on an ordinary night, he encountered a fate-changing accident.

As he was immersed in his sleep, an inadvertent movement caused the forefoot of his right foot to touch the hot radiator.

What are the different uses of live maggots? A British man faces amputation due to an infection, and 400 live maggots save his life

It was supposed to be a heart-wrenching moment, but James was unaware of it, and it turned out that he was a diabetic, a disease that often causes patients to be insensitive to pain.

When James finally found the wound, the burns were already quite severe, and the diabetic patient's wound healing ability was already low, and the infection quickly spread due to the late detection.

What are the different uses of live maggots? A British man faces amputation due to an infection, and 400 live maggots save his life

In such a situation, even the slightest wound can turn into a fatal threat, and the family rushed him to the hospital while the doctors frowned.

The extent of the wound infection has gone beyond conventional treatment, and amputation seems to be the only option.

This cruel decision came like a bolt from the blue, shattering all of James' hopes for the future.

What are the different uses of live maggots? A British man faces amputation due to an infection, and 400 live maggots save his life

However, fate seems to want to play a joke on James, and when he finally makes up his mind to undergo an amputation, the doctor brings another bad news: James is allergic to anesthetics and cannot be given general anesthesia.

This meant that even an amputation could not be carried out, and James fell into the abyss of despair. The pain of the wound is getting worse day by day, the infection is spreading, and life is passing little by little.

What are the different uses of live maggots? A British man faces amputation due to an infection, and 400 live maggots save his life

Just when everyone was helpless, a professor came up with an unbelievable suggestion that not only saved James' life, but also offered a new way of thinking about modern medicine.

The miracles of life often come in the most incredible ways, and James' experience teaches us that it's crucial to keep an open mind and not give up when faced with adversity.

What are the different uses of live maggots? A British man faces amputation due to an infection, and 400 live maggots save his life

Maggot Therapy: A Modern Revival of Ancient Wisdom

In today's highly developed modern medicine, it is difficult for us to imagine that such a primitive treatment method will be regained.

However, the history of maggot therapy can be traced back to ancient times, and it is the result of the wisdom of human beings living in harmony with nature.

They observed that some wounds did not deteriorate but healed more quickly after being crawled with maggots, a simple observation that planted the seeds for later generations of medical practice.

What are the different uses of live maggots? A British man faces amputation due to an infection, and 400 live maggots save his life

Over time, this seemingly crude treatment found an unexpected application in warfare, where post-Renaissance wars were surprised to find that soldiers whose wounds had been visited by maggots not only recovered faster, but also had significantly lower morbidity and mortality.

This discovery was further confirmed during Napoleon's expeditions to Egypt and Syria, where Napoleon's surgeon, Baron Dominique Laray, astutely observed that certain species of flies only destroyed dead tissue, and had a positive effect on wound healing.

What are the different uses of live maggots? A British man faces amputation due to an infection, and 400 live maggots save his life

This discovery laid the theoretical foundation for later maggot therapy, but it was only after the plastic surgeon William Murphy in World War I that it really pushed maggot therapy to the height of scientific research. S. Bell.

While caring for a wounded soldier, he witnessed first-hand the miracle of maggot debridement, and the wound of a seriously wounded soldier was crawling with maggots, but unexpectedly, the wound not only did not deteriorate, but instead showed beautiful pink healing tissue.

What are the different uses of live maggots? A British man faces amputation due to an infection, and 400 live maggots save his life

This astonishing discovery sparked Bell's enthusiasm for research, and for a time maggot therapy became the new favorite of the medical community, but the advancement of science and technology was always full of drama.

Just when maggot therapy was in the limelight, antibiotics were born, these miracle drugs can effectively prevent and treat various infections, so that maggot therapy gradually faded out of people's sight.

What are the different uses of live maggots? A British man faces amputation due to an infection, and 400 live maggots save his life

The Miracle Debride: The Biology and Therapeutic Mechanism of Maggots

Many people may frown involuntarily when we talk about maggot treatment, but behind this seemingly uncomfortable treatment, there is a wonderful wisdom of nature.

Let's unravel the mysteries of maggot treatment and discover how these little creatures can be lifesavers for humanity.

First we need to clear up a common misconception: not all maggots are suitable for medical use.

What are the different uses of live maggots? A British man faces amputation due to an infection, and 400 live maggots save his life

Modern maggot therapy uses carefully selected and sterile cultured green fly larvae, which have a unique biological property that eats only dead and infected tissue, with no interest in healthy living tissue.

Imagine these tiny creatures acting as a trained cleaning team, precisely removing carrion from wounds without harming the surrounding healthy tissues.

What are the different uses of live maggots? A British man faces amputation due to an infection, and 400 live maggots save his life

This highly selective debridement capability is hard to achieve with any surgical procedure, but the magic of maggots goes far beyond that.

Studies have found that the saliva of these little ones contains a special enzyme that is effective in breaking down necrotic tissue.

What's even more amazing is that they also have antimicrobial peptides in their secretions, which can kill a variety of recalcitrant bacteria, including methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus.

What are the different uses of live maggots? A British man faces amputation due to an infection, and 400 live maggots save his life

In today's context of the increasing prevalence of drug-resistant bacteria due to the misuse of antibiotics, this property of maggots is undoubtedly a major discovery, which provides us with a new way of thinking about fighting superbugs.

Another significant advantage of maggot therapy is its excellent effect on chronic wounds, which are often treated with little success in difficult wounds such as diabetic foot ulcers and pressure ulcers.

What are the different uses of live maggots? A British man faces amputation due to an infection, and 400 live maggots save his life

Maggots can not only debride efficiently, but also promote blood circulation and tissue regeneration of wounds, greatly speeding up healing.

From an economic point of view, maggot therapy also offers unique advantages, with studies showing that maggot therapy can significantly reduce the time and cost required for debridement compared to traditional surgical debridement.

This is undoubtedly a boon in areas where medical resources are scarce, but we cannot ignore the potential risks that maggot therapy can pose.

What are the different uses of live maggots? A British man faces amputation due to an infection, and 400 live maggots save his life

Some patients may experience allergic reactions, while others may find it difficult to accept this type of treatment due to psychological factors.

In addition, in some special cases, such as heavy bleeding or deep infection, maggot therapy may not be appropriate.

What are the different uses of live maggots? A British man faces amputation due to an infection, and 400 live maggots save his life

Despite this, the value of maggot therapy has been widely recognized, and in 2004 the U.S. Food and Drug Administration officially approved medical maggots as a prescription medical device.

This decision undoubtedly paved the way for the popularization and application of maggot therapy, and when we look at the principle and effect of maggot therapy, we can't help but sigh at the wonder of nature.

What are the different uses of live maggots? A British man faces amputation due to an infection, and 400 live maggots save his life

Renewing a New Life: James Murray's Maggot Therapy Experience

Let's go back to James Murray's story, when all conventional treatments failed, maggot therapy became his last hope.

However, in the face of this unconventional treatment, James and his family could not help but feel apprehension and hesitation.

Imagine how you would feel when a doctor told you to place hundreds of live maggots on your wound, which is undoubtedly a huge psychological challenge for most people.

What are the different uses of live maggots? A British man faces amputation due to an infection, and 400 live maggots save his life

But between life and fear, James chose to face it bravely, and at the beginning of the treatment, the medical staff carefully placed 400 sterilely treated medical maggots on James's wound.

The little beings immediately began their work, gnawing on carrion to clean the wounds, and James recalled, at first he felt only a slight itch, far more pleasant than he had imagined.

What are the different uses of live maggots? A British man faces amputation due to an infection, and 400 live maggots save his life

Over time, miracles began to manifest, and just four days later, when the doctors removed the maggots, they were pleasantly surprised to find that the condition of the wound had improved significantly.

The carrion was cleaned and healthy granulation tissue began to grow, a result that not only ecstatic the medical team, but also gave James hope for a new life.

Over the next month, James' wound continued to heal, the infection was effectively controlled, and the new tissue gradually filled the wound.

What are the different uses of live maggots? A British man faces amputation due to an infection, and 400 live maggots save his life

Eventually, the doctor announced that James no longer needed to have his leg amputated, and the news was undoubtedly the best consolation for him and his family.

James' experience is not only a personal victory, but also a powerful testament to the value of maggot therapy in modern medicine.

It demonstrates the unique advantages of this ancient treatment in dealing with complex wound infections, and in some cases can provide more precise and gentler treatment results than traditional surgical procedures and antibiotic treatments.

What are the different uses of live maggots? A British man faces amputation due to an infection, and 400 live maggots save his life

However, we cannot ignore the limitations of maggot therapy, not all wounds are suitable for this method, and some types of infections may require other forms of intervention.

In addition, the psychological acceptance of patients is also a factor that cannot be ignored, and James's story has sparked interest in maggot therapy in the medical community, and more and more research has begun to focus on the modern application of this ancient treatment.

What are the different uses of live maggots? A British man faces amputation due to an infection, and 400 live maggots save his life

Some hospitals have even begun to set up specialized maggot culture facilities to provide treatment opportunities for more patients like James.

It reminds us that while pursuing medical advancement, we must also maintain respect and exploration of conventional wisdom.

James' experience teaches us a vivid lesson, and it teaches us not to give up hope easily when faced with adversity.

What are the different uses of live maggots? A British man faces amputation due to an infection, and 400 live maggots save his life


The resurgence of maggot therapy is not only an important breakthrough in the medical field, but also a model of the perfect combination of scientific innovation and traditional wisdom.

James Murray's story teaches us that even in the most desperate moments, hope can present itself in the most unexpected ways.

What are the different uses of live maggots? A British man faces amputation due to an infection, and 400 live maggots save his life

As members of society, we should be more open-minded about unconventional treatments, because in the field of medicine, even the most inconspicuous creatures may have the potential to save lives.

At the same time, James's experience also reminds us to stay strong and courageous in the face of difficulties, because miracles often befall us when we least expect them.

What are the different uses of live maggots? A British man faces amputation due to an infection, and 400 live maggots save his life


On August 28, 2015, People's Daily Online published "I Heard that maggots can cure diabetic feet, and sons "raise maggots" to help their father cause serious infections"

What are the different uses of live maggots? A British man faces amputation due to an infection, and 400 live maggots save his life

On March 28, 2016, Healthy China released "Maggot Therapy" Saves Legs for Diabetic Patients

What are the different uses of live maggots? A British man faces amputation due to an infection, and 400 live maggots save his life


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