
Mourn! Academician Song Jiashu of the Chinese Academy of Sciences died in Beijing on June 30 at the age of 93 due to illness

author:Little Tiger returns home

Academician Song Jiashu, born on March 21, 1932 in Changsha, Hunan, a native of Shucheng, Anhui Province, is a researcher at the China Academy of Engineering Physics, a well-known metal physicist in mainland China, mainly engaged in the research of alloy phase diagram, heat resistance, oxidation and protection, diffusion, wear resistance, etc.

Mourn! Academician Song Jiashu of the Chinese Academy of Sciences died in Beijing on June 30 at the age of 93 due to illness

Academician Song Jiashu studied in the Department of Applied Physics of Dalian University of Technology from 1950 to 1952, graduated from the Department of Physics of Northeast Renmin University (now Jilin University) in 1954, and was elected as a member of the Chinese Academy of Sciences in 1993.

Mourn! Academician Song Jiashu of the Chinese Academy of Sciences died in Beijing on June 30 at the age of 93 due to illness

Academician Song Jiashu served as the chief engineer of the Ninth Academy of the Second Ministry of Machinery Industry, the chief engineer of the Military Industry Bureau of the Ministry of Nuclear Industry, and later served as a researcher at the China Academy of Engineering Physics.

Academician Song Jiashu has won the National Science and Technology Progress Award, the National Technological Invention Award, the Ministerial Major Scientific and Technological Achievement Award and other awards, has carried out long-term pioneering research in the field of special nuclear materials application research, and has made a series of scientific and technological achievements with application value, and participated in the technical research of key components of the mainland's first atomic bomb and hydrogen bomb, and has made important contributions to the development of China's nuclear weapons technology.

The picture below shows Academician Song Jiashu working in the Radioisotope Laboratory of Jilin University in 1960.

Mourn! Academician Song Jiashu of the Chinese Academy of Sciences died in Beijing on June 30 at the age of 93 due to illness

In May 1983, Academician Song Jiashu took a group photo with the leaders of the institute and the factory. From left: He Wenzhao, Chang Huixin, Deng Jiaxian, Li Yingjie, Song Jiashu

Mourn! Academician Song Jiashu of the Chinese Academy of Sciences died in Beijing on June 30 at the age of 93 due to illness


In 2005, Academician Song Jiashu (right) took a group photo with his teacher, Academician Zhu Guangya (left), winner of the "Two Bombs and One Star Meritorious Service Medal".

Mourn! Academician Song Jiashu of the Chinese Academy of Sciences died in Beijing on June 30 at the age of 93 due to illness

Academician Song Jiashu through the ages

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