
The case occurred that 3 people from South Street, Huang Wu, and Zhichu were arrested!

author:Suxia Melting Medium

Crack down on traditional crimes such as embezzlement of property

The Zhifu Public Security Department continues to take action

Do not stretch out your hand, for you will be caught

South Street Police Station, Criminal Investigation Brigade

June 18th

Joint Criminal Investigation Brigade of South Street Police Station

Investigate and deal with Liu, a person suspected of theft

At about 8 o'clock that day, the South Street Police Station received a call from the public, saying that their motorcycles were stolen in Wenhua Lane 2. After receiving the police, the police quickly dispatched the police, and after visiting, touching the platoon, squatting and waiting to lock up the suspect Liu, and arrested him in a guest house in the jurisdiction. After investigation, Liu stole two motorcycles in the second and fourth lanes of culture in the jurisdiction, and the value of the case was about 600 yuan.

At present, Liu (male, 26 years old) has been sentenced to 7 days of administrative detention in accordance with the law.

The case occurred that 3 people from South Street, Huang Wu, and Zhichu were arrested!

Huangwu Police Station, Criminal Investigation Brigade

June 19th

Joint Criminal Investigation Brigade of Huangwu Police Station

Arrested the suspect Wang, who was suspected of theft

On June 17, people in the jurisdiction reported to the police that their mobile phones left at home had been stolen. After receiving the police, the police immediately rushed to the scene, and after analysis and judgment, locked up the suspect Wang and arrested him. After investigation, in the early morning of June 13, Wang went to Huangwu Zhangshan Village and burglarized five mobile phones.

At present, Wang (male, 38 years old) has been criminally detained in accordance with the law, and the case is under further investigation.

The case occurred that 3 people from South Street, Huang Wu, and Zhichu were arrested!

Only Chu Police Station, Criminal Investigation Brigade

June 22nd

The Joint Criminal Investigation Brigade of the Chu Police Station

Investigate and deal with Liu, a person suspected of theft

On the evening of June 21, the Zhichu Police Station received a report that a plastic pipe was stolen from a construction site near Miyajia Island, and the value of the case was more than 1,000 yuan. After receiving the police, the police quickly launched an investigation, locked up the offender Liu and arrested him. After investigation, on June 19 and 20, Liu stole plastic pipes from the construction site twice and sold stolen goods for illegal profits.

At present, Liu (male, 68 years old) has been sentenced to 7 days of administrative detention and a fine of 500 yuan in accordance with the law.

The case occurred that 3 people from South Street, Huang Wu, and Zhichu were arrested!

Source: Zhifu Public Security