
Will Vietnam turn to China? The pro-China faction Vo Van Thuong was elected president of Vietnam, and the defeat of the pro-American faction was decided

author:Brother History

In March 2023, the Southeast Asian nation of Vietnam held an election of key leaders in the eyes of the world. Among them, pro-China figure Vo Van Thuong was elected president of Vietnam with a high vote, which is also the youngest national leader in Vietnam's history.

The election of Wu Wenxun was undoubtedly an impact on the world political pattern, and after repeatedly confirming the correctness of the news, the United States, a capitalist country on the other side of the ocean, was completely panicked.

After all, Wu Wenxun is a well-deserved pro-China faction, and I believe that with the election of Wu Wenxun, he will certainly strengthen cooperation with China in the future, which will be more conducive to the stability of Southeast Asia and the development of multilateral relations. This is a huge blow to the pro-American faction in Vietnam, and the defeat they will face has long been doomed.

Will Vietnam turn to China? The pro-China faction Vo Van Thuong was elected president of Vietnam, and the defeat of the pro-American faction was decided

China and Vietnam are originally large Southeast Asian countries connected by mountains and rivers and cultures, and both have profound histories and similar Southeast Asian cultures. In 1950, the second year after the founding of the People's Republic of China, peaceful diplomatic relations were established with Vietnam.

In the wars against the aggression of foreign powers in modern times, the peoples of China and Vietnam stood even more closely together. They helped each other, supported each other, and contributed immensely to achieving each other's independence.

In the process of friendly interaction between China and Vietnam, it is absolutely inseparable from the promotion of one major figure, and this person is President Ho Chi Minh, the founder of the Democratic Republic of Vietnam. He led the proletarian revolution in Vietnam for a long time and made an immeasurable contribution to the realization of Vietnam's independence.

Ho Chi Minh, who came from a poor background, was given the opportunity to study in France, where he unexpectedly became acquainted with Premier Zhou Enlai, an early leader of the Communist Party on the mainland. Although they have different nationalities, they all have the same goal, which is to change the backward country.

Will Vietnam turn to China? The pro-China faction Vo Van Thuong was elected president of Vietnam, and the defeat of the pro-American faction was decided

The same situation brought the two young men together very quickly, and the two took care of each other in France. After witnessing Zhou Enlai's resolute return to China in order to save his life, Ho Chi Minh was deeply shaken.

Since the situation of revolution in Vietnam was not ripe, Ho Chi Minh simply retreated to the second best thing and went to Guangzhou, China, where he learned first-hand how to carry out the revolution.

Ho Chi Minh has benefited a lot from his time in China! He eagerly studied the revolutionary achievements of the Communist Party of China, but soon after the failure of the National Revolution, Ho Chi Minh had to go to the Soviet Union to continue his studies.

After the outbreak of the Anti-Japanese War, Ho Chi Minh actually reappeared in China. As a soldier of the Eighth Route Army, he actively organized the interaction between the southwestern provinces and Vietnam, and promoted the development of Sino-Vietnamese relations.

Will Vietnam turn to China? The pro-China faction Vo Van Thuong was elected president of Vietnam, and the defeat of the pro-American faction was decided

In 1945, thanks to the efforts of Ho Chi Minh and other communists, the Democratic Republic of Vietnam was founded. Four years later, the great leader Chairman Mao announced to the world from the tower of Tiananmen Square: "The People's Republic of China has been founded!" ”

Countries that had also experienced foreign colonization and socialist systems were united at this time, and the leaders of both sides were in the same vein, so the two countries established close contacts. In the second year after the founding of the People's Republic of China, formal diplomatic relations were established with Vietnam.

It is worth mentioning that New China was the first country in the world to establish diplomatic relations with Vietnam. The Vietnamese people also designated the day of the establishment of diplomatic relations as "Diplomatic Victory Day" as a sign of changes in the country's diplomatic relations.

However, in the 50s, Vietnam ushered in a new challenge, and the French tried to retake the colony. China, as the big brother, has vigorously supported itself when it is not yet developed, not only providing a large amount of supplies and food, but even sending troops to support it.

Will Vietnam turn to China? The pro-China faction Vo Van Thuong was elected president of Vietnam, and the defeat of the pro-American faction was decided

After the battle with the French came to an end, the United States, a country with bad intentions, suddenly appeared again and was ready to "pick up the leaks."

China has always provided help, but I didn't expect that this time it would actually raise tigers for trouble, and Vietnam would actually hit China with the idea!

The United States was not as easy to deal with as France, and at that time the United States was in a leading position in the world, both in terms of military and influence, which China could not catch up with at that time.

It was at this time that the Soviet Union threw an olive branch to the Vietnamese side. They promised to help Vietnam as long as they were friendly with the Soviet Union. The Chinese government was extremely disgusted by the Soviet authorities for such behavior, because Sino-Soviet relations had already deteriorated at this time.

Will Vietnam turn to China? The pro-China faction Vo Van Thuong was elected president of Vietnam, and the defeat of the pro-American faction was decided

If they send troops to Vietnam, they can form an encirclement of China, leaving China in an extremely passive situation. The time has come for Vietnam to make a choice, but helplessly, they completely forgot that China helped them at the beginning, and actually chose the Soviet Union!

The mainland government, of course, was dissatisfied, and withdrew its troops in Vietnam. As the saying goes, there are only eternal interests, no permanent friends, and after the end of the Vietnam War, Vietnam faced the problem of reconstruction in China.

At this time, they put our old friend who was abandoned by them on the bright side, eager to make friends with China, eager for China to provide them with economic resources, and even offered to give them 8 billion yuan.

Will Vietnam turn to China? The pro-China faction Vo Van Thuong was elected president of Vietnam, and the defeat of the pro-American faction was decided

At that time, China was already in turmoil, how could it be able to provide them with so much support! In the end, China provided them with a total of 2.5 billion yuan in free support. Still, Vietnam is not satisfied.

Just two years later, then Vietnamese Prime Minister Le Duan visited China, eager to get more help from China. Out of humanitarian thoughts, the country's leaders also provided some help, but the Vietnamese leaders were really shameless, and after Le Duan left China, he rushed to the Soviet Union non-stop!

When the Soviet Union proposed to establish a naval base on the Vietnamese mainland, Le Duan immediately agreed. As a result, China's relationship with Vietnam has been pushed to the brink.

What is even more excessive is that Vietnam itself is a country that has been invaded by foreign powers, and he even went so far as to promote the war between Laos and Cambodia in a vain attempt to achieve Vietnam's hegemonic rule in Southeast Asia.

Will Vietnam turn to China? The pro-China faction Vo Van Thuong was elected president of Vietnam, and the defeat of the pro-American faction was decided

Their idea was doomed to fail, and soon the Vietnamese government's conspiracy went bankrupt. At this time, they were like clowns jumping off the beam, and they repeatedly provoked on the Sino-Vietnamese border, so that in the end, the mainland launched a self-defense counterattack.

Even in terms of the struggle for maritime sovereignty, Vietnam has repeatedly launched intrusion wars against the Paracel Islands and other places. With a wave of Chairman Mao's big hand, it took only four hours to completely defeat Vietnam's conspiracy and defend the integrity of the mainland's territorial sovereignty.

Despite this, relations along the Sino-Vietnamese border remain tense, with frequent clashes.

Will Vietnam turn to China? The pro-China faction Vo Van Thuong was elected president of Vietnam, and the defeat of the pro-American faction was decided

Time has come to the 21st century, when the world pattern has changed again, and China has already become a world power. With the collapse of the Soviet Union, Vietnam was divided into pro-China and pro-American factions, and people from both factions were active in the domestic political arena based on their own views.

Vo Van Thang is one of the representatives of the pro-China faction, and with his coming to power, Sino-Vietnamese relations will inevitably undergo tremendous changes.

At this time, the pro-US faction in Vietnam also exposed two huge corruption scandals one after another, which greatly reduced the credibility of the pro-US faction in China. Taking advantage of this opportunity, Vo Van Thanh will certainly rectify Vietnam's political scene and renew his friendship with China.

Will Vietnam turn to China? The pro-China faction Vo Van Thuong was elected president of Vietnam, and the defeat of the pro-American faction was decided

However, the truth of the farmer and the snake has long been confirmed in the former Sino-Vietnamese relations, and how to maintain good relations with Vietnam while ensuring the security of the mainland is also the focus of the current work. In any case, it is hoped that China and Vietnam will establish more cooperation in the future to promote the development of Southeast Asian countries. #长文创作激励计划#


March 2, 2023 Source: Xinhuanet Vu Van Thanh was elected President of Vietnam

Will Vietnam turn to China? The pro-China faction Vo Van Thuong was elected president of Vietnam, and the defeat of the pro-American faction was decided

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