
In the Tang Long coup, Li Longji worked hard, why didn't he become the emperor himself but helped his father to ascend the throne?

author:History of Wenxu

If there was one dynasty whose coup d'état was the most influential, it would have to be the Tang Dynasty. The coups of the Tang Dynasty were not only influential, but also numerous, from the beginning of the founding of the country to the Kaiyuan period, in less than 100 years, there were several coups in a row, each of which directly affected the pattern of the dynasty. For example, the Xuanwumen Change, the Shenlong Coup, the Tanglong Coup and so on. It can be seen that the succession to the throne of the Tang Dynasty was full of blood.

In the Tang Long coup, Li Longji worked hard, why didn't he become the emperor himself but helped his father to ascend the throne?

Today, we will also briefly talk about the coup d'état of Tanglon.

This was a major event that took place in the first year of Tang Long. The cause of the incident can be traced back to the death of Tang Gaozong and the succession of Tang Zhongzong. At that time, because Tang Zhongzong was not a qualified emperor, it aroused the dissatisfaction of the Empress Dowager Wu Zetian, and she directly chose to abolish Zhongzong. Therefore, Li Xian, who lost the throne, was in a very bad situation in the future. Especially after understanding Wu Zetian's ruthlessness, he was trembling every day.

Li Xian carried it with his wife Webster in such a high-pressure environment, so the two can be regarded as a couple in distress. Later, Zhang Cambodia and others launched a coup d'état, and Li seemed to have successfully restored and re-became emperor, and he was very indulgent to his wife, who shared his suffering. However, Wei is not a simple woman, she saw that Wu Zetian became the Ninth Five-Year Emperor with a woman, and she also had thoughts that she shouldn't have, so she got involved in government politics, formed a party for personal gain, and planned to become the second Wu Zetian in the future. In addition, his daughter Princess Anle also dreamed of becoming an emperor, and wanted Tang Zhongzong to make her the princess.

In the Tang Long coup, Li Longji worked hard, why didn't he become the emperor himself but helped his father to ascend the throne?

Gradually, the court formed a dictatorship group headed by Empress Wei, Wu Sansi and Princess An Le. These people had deep contradictions with the crown prince of the current dynasty, so they repeatedly persuaded Tang Zhongzong to abolish the crown prince. As a last resort, the crown prince Li Chongjun launched a mutiny, and although he successfully killed Wu Sansi, Wei and Princess An Le were still there, causing him to fail and be killed in the end.

Although Wu Sansi died, Empress Wei's power grew stronger and stronger, and the contradictions with the Li Tang royal family, that is, Princess Taiping, Li Dan and others, deepened day by day.

With the passage of time, Empress Wei was no longer satisfied with being the queen, she also wanted to become the Ninety-Five Emperor like Wu Zetian, so she and Princess Anle secretly poisoned Tang Zhongzong.

In the Tang Long coup, Li Longji worked hard, why didn't he become the emperor himself but helped his father to ascend the throne?

In 710 AD, Tang Zhongzong Li Xian was killed, and Empress Wei learned from Wu Zetian's original practice and supported Li Chongmao as the emperor, wanting to become the emperor step by step, and the Li Tang clan was naturally a stumbling block.

The ambitions of Empress Wei and Princess An Le were clearly revealed, and Princess Taiping and Li Dan both felt the crisis, so they launched a coup d'état in Tanglong and successfully killed Empress Wei and Princess An Le. After the completion of the great achievement, Li Dan was proclaimed emperor without knowing it.

And in the entire process of Tanglong's coup d'état, in addition to Princess Taiping, the one who contributed the most was Li Dan's third son, Li Longji. The entire coup d'état was basically planned by him, and he personally eradicated the Wei Hou clan.

To tell the truth, with Li Longji's prestige and the Praetorian Guard in his hands at that time, he could be the emperor himself, so why did he support his father as the emperor?

In the Tang Long coup, Li Longji worked hard, why didn't he become the emperor himself but helped his father to ascend the throne?

First of all, Li Longji's coup d'état was carried out under the banner of Prime Minister Li Dan. In the Li Tang clan at that time, Li Dan, the prime minister, was the desire of the people, although Li Longji's contribution was indeed great, but in the final analysis, he was only Li Dan's son, and everyone was convinced of Li Dan if he could succeed.

The second reason is that Li Dan was the most legitimate heir of the emperor at that time. When Tang Zhongzong was deposed for the first time, Wu Zetian was appointed as the emperor by Li Dan, the prime minister, for Tang Ruizong. And only Tang Zhongzong died, although with the support of Empress Wei, Li Chongmao was set up as the new emperor, but it was not recognized by everyone at all, so the most legitimate heir at this time is Li Dan, the prime minister, who can also be called "brother to brother" from the legal point of view, and the inheritance is the throne of Tang Zhongzong. And Li Longji really succeeded to the throne at that time, so what is it?

In the Tang Long coup, Li Longji worked hard, why didn't he become the emperor himself but helped his father to ascend the throne?

Of course, after Li Dan succeeded to the throne, Li Longji did not get nothing, his eldest brother Li Chengqi understood Li Longji's merits very well, and he did not dare to be the prince at all, worried about when there would be another change in Xuanwumen, so he directly gave up the position of prince to Li Longji. At this point, Li Longji became the heir of Datang. In this way, the future succession can be justified.