
The U.S. election suddenly changed, Biden lost confidence after the initial debate, discussed withdrawing from the election, and Trump won lying down?

author:Mo Wenchu

There was an unexpected change in the US election, and just after the first TV debate, Biden admitted that he was too old and would discuss with his family, will Trump lock in the victory in advance?

The U.S. election suddenly changed, Biden lost confidence after the initial debate, discussed withdrawing from the election, and Trump won lying down?

In the televised presidential debate a few days ago, the incumbent US President Joe Biden appeared to be on the left and right, and was visibly suppressed by Trump in the conversation, which raised concerns among the Democratic Party about Biden's ability and, more importantly, Biden himself appeared to have lost confidence. Previously, on the day after the televised debate, Biden said in a campaign speech that he was indeed no longer a young man, that he did not walk as easily as before, and admitted that he did not speak as fluently as before, and the debate was not as good as before, which was a rare bow to the issue of age by Biden. But then, Biden stressed that he still believes he can do the job or he will not run again, in response to criticism that he did not perform well in the debate.

The U.S. election suddenly changed, Biden lost confidence after the initial debate, discussed withdrawing from the election, and Trump won lying down?

However, although Biden has not yet directly withdrawn from the election as some Democrats have called for, there is no doubt that the previous TV debate has dealt a big blow to his confidence, and the situation of the entire US election has become even more unfavorable for the Democratic Party. Some described the Democratic camp as "panicking" rather than disappointed after the initial televised debate, because Biden's performance completely shattered all hopes of Democrats. Many sources point out that the Democratic Party has used various ways to send signals to Biden and his family, calling on Biden to withdraw from the election as soon as possible so that others can represent the Democratic Party in the US election.

Among them, there is a very noteworthy news, that is, the first lady of the United States, Jill, has become the focus of the Democratic lobby, and it is said that the Democratic party sponsor is trying to contact Jill in the hope of getting her to persuade Biden to quit. Considering that the first lady has a strong influence over Biden, if Jill really does that, Biden may really give up. NBC recently quoted sources as saying that Biden will discuss the future of his re-election campaign with his family during his vacation at Camp David, and seems to be making major decisions about the election or retreat.

The U.S. election suddenly changed, Biden lost confidence after the initial debate, discussed withdrawing from the election, and Trump won lying down?

The Republican camp is undoubtedly very happy about the current situation, Biden's poor performance has increased the probability of Trump's victory, and even a quick change on the Democratic side will inevitably lead to more chaos and affect the success rate of the Democratic camp. In this case, can it be asserted that Trump has sealed the victory ahead of schedule? It has to be said that, despite the unexpected setbacks, it is too early to say that the Democratic camp will be defeated.

First of all, judging from the approval rating, Trump and Biden are still evenly divided, and the two have not opened up too much gap, which is destined to be very suspenseful in this year's US election.

Second, in recent years, the political rift in the United States has intensified, the Democratic and Republican camps have a high degree of hatred for each other, and the "loyalty" of supporters on both sides has increased. Therefore, it is unlikely that Democratic supporters will abandon their support for the Democratic Party because of Biden's performance, even if the Democratic Party proposes the "aging" Biden.

The U.S. election suddenly changed, Biden lost confidence after the initial debate, discussed withdrawing from the election, and Trump won lying down?

Moreover, despite the initial setbacks, this does not mean that Biden has lost the opportunity to turn the tables. To put it simply, if Biden can prove that he is still energetic and quick-thinking, it will help alleviate concerns about his age and reduce the "panic" within the Democratic Party. In fact, Biden's response this time was not bad, he took the initiative to admit that he was really old, and it may not be so effective to attack him on the issue of age in the future. Moreover, Biden's response, which is believed to help win the sympathy of American voters and show his "honesty" to the outside world, may turn bad things into good things, and in turn restore his own approval ratings. Considering that the Democratic camp has been attacking Trump's persona, trying to portray Trump as a liar, and Biden's creation of his own honest persona is a targeted campaign strategy on the Democratic side, the initial TV argument may imply that Biden is not energetic enough, but not only did it not impact Biden's "honest" persona, but it may also strengthen this impression, which cannot be denied.

The U.S. election suddenly changed, Biden lost confidence after the initial debate, discussed withdrawing from the election, and Trump won lying down?

All in all, after a short period of "panic" after the end of the TV preliminary debate, the Democratic Party has slowly gained a foothold, and there is no sign of a "big collapse", and so far, senior Democratic Party leaders have still publicly expressed support for Biden, including former Presidents Obama and Clinton, which makes Biden's base still solid. If Biden's physical condition does not deteriorate, and there is no similar "rollover" incident in the future, then the possibility of a replacement on the Democratic side is actually unlikely, and Biden still has a good chance to compete with Trump for the presidency. Of course, if Biden does lose confidence completely, then it is possible that he will announce a candidate to replace him at the Democratic convention in August this year. It remains to be seen how the situation will develop next, but Trump and the Republican camp will probably rejoice too soon if they "open champagne" now.

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