
The "purse bulging" bags lined up by many people are cultural and creative products in the West Lake Scenic Area? The latest response is here

author:Tide News

Chao News client reporter Yu Qianwei Zhang Ran

"The scenic spot queued up to bring it back", "The price of 1280 meters (yuan) is now only 88 yuan in the live broadcast room"......

On July 1, a citizen reported to Chao News that a merchant was selling a cloth bag with a "bulging purse", which claimed to be a cultural and creative product in the West Lake Scenic Area. The bag is printed with lotus leaves on one side, and the words "make a fortune" on the other, and can also be equipped with pendants such as small ingots, tassels, bells, and lotus lotuses.

The "purse bulging" bags lined up by many people are cultural and creative products in the West Lake Scenic Area? The latest response is here

Bags are sold in the live broadcast room

In the video released by the merchant, there are many scenes of people in the store and the picture of this bag on their backs.

The "purse bulging" bags lined up by many people are cultural and creative products in the West Lake Scenic Area? The latest response is here

Screenshot of the video posted by the merchant

The person who shot the video said: "The bag is so good-looking, many people queue up to buy it."

"Why have I never seen it in the West Lake Scenic Area? Is this bag really a product launched by the scenic spot? Ms. Zhou, who helped the reporter with the report, was a little puzzled.

According to the clues provided by netizens, the reporter consulted the customer service of the store as a consumer. The customer service said: "The bag was requested by the cultural and creative store in the West Lake Lingyin Scenic Area. ”

The "purse bulging" bags lined up by many people are cultural and creative products in the West Lake Scenic Area? The latest response is here

The reporter consulted customer service as a consumer

When asking the customer service about the specific location of the offline sales point, the customer service sent the reporter a photo of the cultural and creative store. In the photo, the specific name of the store is erased, leaving only the word "Lingyin". The customer service explained, "The platform can't send those words, you can see it if you look for it." ”

In the store, the streamer is selling the bag live. In the live broadcast room, the price of bags ranges from 88 yuan to 248 yuan. The anchor explained: "The price is 1280 yuan offline, and the live broadcast room gives the baby a welfare price for the first time, and it will be delivered in seconds." ”

They also mentioned: "Here is a priority for the live broadcast of the anchor, many of which are only available online, and the live broadcast room is a preferential price." ”

The "purse bulging" bags lined up by many people are cultural and creative products in the West Lake Scenic Area? The latest response is here

A photo of the offline point of sale sent by the customer service

Is this product really a cultural and creative product of the West Lake Scenic Area? Is it an official production of the West Lake Scenic Area?

Chao News immediately asked the West Lake Scenic Area Management Committee for verification, "It should be made by the merchant himself, this is not an official product." ”

The Lingyin Management Office also said that this is not the official product of the Lingyin Scenic Area. It is also not an official product of Lingyin Temple.

The "purse bulging" bags lined up by many people are cultural and creative products in the West Lake Scenic Area? The latest response is here

The price of the bag in the online store

"There have been similar things before, pretending to be and rubbing the traffic of Lingyin Temple." The relevant staff said. If the product directly discloses the name of Lingyin Temple, you can apply to the relevant departments to deal with it, but some businesses play the side ball and use the word "Lingyin" to express it obscurely. These two words are not only the name of Lingyin Scenic Area, but also the name of Hangzhou: "In the face of this kind of product that rubs the side of the traffic, we can do very little, and it is a repeated prohibition." "The staff was helpless.

On March 31 this year, Lingyin Temple issued a "Statement on Online Platforms Fraudulently Using the Name of Hangzhou Lingyin Temple to Carry Out Commercial Activities".

The statement mentioned that the merchant accounts that appear on online platforms and online channels to introduce the information of "Lingyin Temple" attractions as the display page, or registered in the name of "Lingyin Temple", are engaged in the sale of goods or provide paid services, such as "tickets, incense coupons, free opening, tour guide services, prayer ropes, prayer strips, Lingyin Temple blessings, high incense, Buddhist beads, bracelets, Buddha statues, electronic explanations, real explanations, one-day tours, Buddhist explanations", etc., have not been authorized by Hangzhou Lingyin Temple, and are not the behavior of Hangzhou Lingyin Temple, please beware of being deceived. Never buy.

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