
In 1999, he fought 7 gangsters alone, was killed by 21 knives, and more than 100,000 people saw him off

author:Look at the ups and downs of history
In 1999, he fought 7 gangsters alone, was killed by 21 knives, and more than 100,000 people saw him off

In the memorial cemetery of Caiyun Lake Wetland Park in Chongqing, a commemorative bronze statue has been quietly erected here for 24 years.

The memorial plaque below the sculpture shows his deeds.

After understanding, you will know that this bronze statue is a Shandong guy named Lu Zhenlong, who was a registered police officer and was born in 1973.

If the accident hadn't happened, he would have been retiring now, and he would have been with his wife for half his life, and if he was lucky, he might have held his grandson.

In 1999, he fought 7 gangsters alone, was killed by 21 knives, and more than 100,000 people saw him off

Statue of the martyr Lu Zhenlong

But what is regrettable is that his life was fixed in 1999, with 21 stab wounds all over his body.

He was only 25 years old that year, and he had been working for less than a year.

Why is a young man born in rural Shandong a well-known hero in Chongqing?

What is the story of Lu Zhenlong? What tragic events did he experience before he came to the end of his life?

Let's move on.

In 1999, he fought 7 gangsters alone, was killed by 21 knives, and more than 100,000 people saw him off

The road to farewell in the empty alleys of thousands of people

The day is June 1, 1999, International Children's Day.

The flowers of the motherland are still asleep, and the sound of laughter has not yet filled the air.

But a park in Chongqing is already packed.

Early in the morning, everyone was rubbing shoulders with each other, and they almost stuck to the people next to them when they stood straight.

In such a crowded place, there was no discussion or laughter.

In 1999, he fought 7 gangsters alone, was killed by 21 knives, and more than 100,000 people saw him off

Everyone looked solemn, and there were small sobs from the crowd.

As if he was afraid of disturbing others and disturbing this early morning, he only dared to cry quietly.

In addition to the sorrow and sadness on their faces, people also wore white flowers on their bodies.

It is not difficult to see that they gathered here to see off some important person.

It rained early in the morning of June, and the people on the road stood along the main road for thousands of meters.

Many people didn't have time to wipe the rain from their faces, so they just looked at the middle of the road and waited.

Suddenly, there was a commotion in the crowd, and everyone looked in the middle of the road, and a car was slowly coming.

In 1999, he fought 7 gangsters alone, was killed by 21 knives, and more than 100,000 people saw him off

The personnel of the Municipal Public Security Bureau carried out the coffin, and under the watchful eyes of the people on both sides of the road, they carried the coffin into the mourning hall step by step, so that everyone could send off the last journey for this hero.

Many of the people came from Nan'an District, Yuzhong District, Banan District and other urban districts of Chongqing, with a total of more than 100,000 people.

Everyone is to see off this young policeman Lu Zhenlong, who sacrificed for the people.

Before Lu Zhenlong's death, many residents came to Orchid Village, which was under the jurisdiction of the police station, and everyone shed tears of emotion.

Many residents have seen this young but conscientious policeman, who shouted over and over again:

Lu household registration, all the way cherished.

In 1999, he fought 7 gangsters alone, was killed by 21 knives, and more than 100,000 people saw him off

Hands-on college student police

In July 1997, Lu Zhenlong, who had not yet graduated from Southwest University of Political Science and Law, was rated as a national outstanding college student, and was later assigned to the Shiqiaopu Police Station of the Public Security Department of Chongqing High-tech Zone.

When he first came to work in Shiqiaopu, the leaders of the institute saw that he was very good and had strong personal ability, so they first arranged for him to serve as a public security policeman.

But Lu Zhenlong is more able to endure hardships than the leaders in the institute imagined.

In 1999, he fought 7 gangsters alone, was killed by 21 knives, and more than 100,000 people saw him off

Martyr Lu Zhenlong

In order to implement the basic public security skills as soon as possible, he took the initiative to apply to the leaders of the institute to officially transfer from the public security police to the household registration police.

He also took over the most remote Orchid Village in Shiqiaopu and went to this area where everyone found it a little difficult to do household registration work.

But Lu Zhenlong is not afraid of hardship or tiredness, he feels that young people are the time to learn.

Only by accumulating enough experience can you take charge of yourself in the future.

Therefore, Lu Zhenlong will only face difficulties head-on and think of solutions.

He studied hard since he was a child, just to serve the people.

After being admitted to university, Lu Zhenlong devoted himself to his goal, successfully went to work in the police station, and became a people's policeman.

Therefore, he did not complain about taking on the most tiring work.

In 1999, he fought 7 gangsters alone, was killed by 21 knives, and more than 100,000 people saw him off

Lu Zhenlong's work notes before his death

At that time, Lu Zhenlong was in charge of Orchid Village, which was located in a remote corner of the Shiqiaopu Police Station.

There are a lot of temporary residents from outside, and the population is highly mobile and mixed, so the security problem here is more complicated.

In order to familiarize himself with the area more quickly, Lu Zhenlong usually sets off in the morning and walks from the police station to Orchid Village.

Wait until noon and walk back to the police station, and repeat the route again in the afternoon.

If you are busy with work, you have to walk several times a day.

But in fact, the household registration police do not need to come every day.

But Lu Zhenlong is conscientious, and if he feels that the problem has not been solved, or the work is not deep enough, he cannot rest.

In 1999, he fought 7 gangsters alone, was killed by 21 knives, and more than 100,000 people saw him off

Therefore, Lu Zhenlong insisted on going back and forth several times a day to understand the problems of the people at the grassroots level.

He would knock on the doors of the masses and talk to them and help them solve their problems.

However, during the visit to carry out the work, Lu Zhenlong was afraid that other people in need would not find him, so he could not give feedback and ask for help in time.

In order to solve this problem, Lu Zhenlong thought about it, and then when he went to his area again, he first went to the neighborhood committee.

At that time, the members of the neighborhood committee were already very familiar with Lu Zhenlong, after all, everyone often saw and mentioned such a hands-on police comrade.

The staff of the neighborhood committee asked Lu Zhenlong what was the matter, and Lu Zhenlong replied that he needed two blackboards.

The members of the neighborhood committee were a little puzzled by this, and asked Lu Zhenlong what he wanted to do and where to find a blackboard for him.

In 1999, he fought 7 gangsters alone, was killed by 21 knives, and more than 100,000 people saw him off

In the 90s, chalkboards were not as convenient as they are now, when they were painted with a special black paint on the walls so that the white letters of chalk could be clearly seen on them.

Lu Zhenlong said that if you want to brush two blackboards in a lively place, it is best to be a place where people come and go.

This way, everyone who lives here will be able to see it as they pass by, and he can write the notice on the blackboard.

In this way, even if Lu Zhenlong comes to visit, some residents are not at home, and the message he left can be seen on the way home.

After listening to this, the members of the neighborhood committee suddenly realized that Lu Zhenlong was not only able to endure hardships, but also very careful, and thought of such a good method.

With the support of the neighborhood committee, the blackboard was quickly painted, and when Lu Zhenlong came to visit, he passed by the blackboard and could see the notice on it read by people passing by.

In the days that followed, Lu Zhenlong worked diligently in his post and continued to help local residents.

In 1999, he fought 7 gangsters alone, was killed by 21 knives, and more than 100,000 people saw him off

Lu Zhenlong's work notes before his death

On one occasion, the pipes in a resident's house were blocked, and there was nothing they could do.

Lu Zhenlong didn't say a word after knowing it, stretched his arm into the pipe, and forced his hand to pull out the dirty thing that blocked the pipe.

He was such a college student policeman who was not afraid of dirt or tiredness, and knew how to go deep into the grassroots to solve the practical problems of the people, which was really rare in those days.

After coming and going, the residents in the jurisdiction are very trusting and respectful of this young "Lu household registration".

When mentioning Lu Zhenlong, the locals all give a thumbs up.

In 1999, he fought 7 gangsters alone, was killed by 21 knives, and more than 100,000 people saw him off

One against seven

But fate sometimes likes to joke with people.

That day was May 27, 1999, and the night before, when Lu Zhenlong was inspecting Orchid Village, he found people gathering to gamble.

Among them, Wei was also involved in armed brawls and was a well-known member of a local criminal gang.

So at half past six in the afternoon of the next day, Lu Zhenlong waited at the intersection where Wei went home to summon Wei back to the police station.

A black motorcycle came from far and near, Wei obviously recognized this grassroots policeman every day, and hurriedly jumped off the motorcycle and ran.

How could Lu Zhenlong let him run away like this, and catch up without saying a word.

After that, Lu Zhenlong followed Wei around, and suddenly his figure flashed and he entered a dim and remote alley, and Lu Zhenlong followed without having time to think about it.

But after entering the alley, Wei's speed slowed down, and he saw that Lu Zhenlong was about to catch Wei.

As a result, several people surrounded him and stopped him in his tracks.

At this time, Lu Zhenlong realized that he didn't know when he had chased so far, and the entrance of the alley was out of sight.

There were a total of 6 men ambushed here, and what was even more terrifying was that each of them had a sharp knife glowing with white light in their hands.

In 1999, he fought 7 gangsters alone, was killed by 21 knives, and more than 100,000 people saw him off

It turned out that they were other members of Wei's criminal gang, and they were rampant and domineering in this neighborhood, and they had long been dissatisfied with an upright policeman like Lu Zhenlong.

Lu Zhenlong, who was stopped, did not panic, he shouted loudly, indicating his identity as a policeman, and he summoned Wei according to the regulations.

When those gangsters heard the name of the police, they flinched a little.

But they looked at the current situation again - these outlaws, plus Wei, there are 7 in total, can't they still beat this weak person?

These people lick blood with the tip of their knives, play cat and mouse games with the police every day, and have a long-standing grudge against the police.

Therefore, after a short hesitation, several people raised the knives in their hands and slashed at Lu Zhenlong.

Lu Zhenlong's physical fitness is not bad, but there are too many people on the other side.

In 1999, he fought 7 gangsters alone, was killed by 21 knives, and more than 100,000 people saw him off

The bloody clothes worn by the martyr Lu Zhenlong when he died

Although he stopped the hand that was slashed in front of him, he couldn't dodge the slash that slashed at him from the side.

During the fight, Lu Zhenlong was slashed on the forehead, and warm blood flowed into his eyes.

But he didn't have time to care about his wounds, because the gangster's knife hand had not stopped.

Suddenly, the back of Lu Zhenlong's head ached violently, and his eyes suddenly went black.

It turned out that the gangsters behind him actually attacked him in the back of the head with weapons.

Lu Zhenlong, who suffered a dark loss, staggered and stood unsteadily, almost falling forward.

No, he couldn't fall, Lu Zhenlong endured the sharp pain in his head and barely managed to keep his balance.

These people are the most vicious people, and slashing at such a fatal part as the head, and falling down is also the result of killing under a random knife.

In 1999, he fought 7 gangsters alone, was killed by 21 knives, and more than 100,000 people saw him off

The leather shoes worn by Lu Zhenlong when he died

Lu Zhenlong is a policeman, he can't compromise with the underworld forces, he is bound to fight until the last moment.

The gangsters saw that he was half crooked and stood up again, but they were even more ruthless, they did not stop, but wanted to make Lu Zhenlong succumb.

They were no longer rational at this time, and reached out and slashed down Lu Zhenlong's two calves.

As the blade fell, bright red blood poured out, and Lu Zhenlong was so painful that he couldn't stand this time, and fell down again.

The eyes of the gangsters were red with blood, and they looked like demons who had lost their humanity.

Seeing that Lu Zhenlong did not give up struggling although he fell, the angry gangster actually slashed madly at his body.

At this time, Lu Zhenlong's blood was losing all over his body, and the pain was so severe that he didn't know which wound was hurting.

By this time, he was completely on his own willpower.

In 1999, he fought 7 gangsters alone, was killed by 21 knives, and more than 100,000 people saw him off

couldn't fall down, Lu Zhenlong relied on such a belief to stand up again.

His wide-eyed eyes were soaked in his own blood, and he glared at the criminals in front of him.

The gangsters were a little trembling after seeing these eyes, but they had reached this point, and if they didn't do anything, so many of them didn't believe that they couldn't solve a single person.

After that, the gangsters rushed up again and swung the knife at Lu Zhenlong's already weak body again.

At this time, Lu Zhenlong's torso and limbs were full of wounds caused by random knives, and several gangsters surrounded Lu Zhenlong against the wall, and he was close to the wall.

Every time his body was crooked, Lu Zhenlong would struggle to stand up and hold on to his breath.

At this time, the gangsters found that Lu Zhenlong had become a bloody man, and he could still stand up again, and his eyes were still staring at a few people.

They finally couldn't stand this powerful coercion and threw down the murder weapon and fled the alley in a hurry.

Seeing such a scene, the residents who rushed to the scene broke out in a cold sweat, tears flowed down at once, choked up and shouted Hurry up, find a doctor.

In 1999, he fought 7 gangsters alone, was killed by 21 knives, and more than 100,000 people saw him off

This is the "Lu household registration" that they are all familiar with, and now it appears in front of them covered in blood, how can they not be shocked?

After the ambulance took Lu Zhenlong away, the incident of him being attacked by gangsters spread throughout Orchid Village overnight.

At home, the villagers only hope that the "Lu household registration" can turn evil into good fortune.

But God didn't fulfill people's wishes.

In the early morning of May 28, Lu Zhenlong, who had been rescued for several hours by 21 knives, still closed his eyes forever.

People's hearts are cold, but the comrades of the public security organs know that it is not the time to be sad, and they cannot let these gangsters go unpunished.

Immediately after that, the public security department set up a special task force to set up checkpoints on various traffic arteries to prevent the gangsters from escaping.

Under the full investigation of the Chongqing Municipal Public Security Bureau, all the murderers were quickly arrested.

In 1999, he fought 7 gangsters alone, was killed by 21 knives, and more than 100,000 people saw him off

Forever missed

"No one's path in life is straight."

Lu Zhenlong wrote this sentence in his diary before his death.

He also implemented this concept in his life and work, and met difficulties when he encountered them, but his life came to an end at the age of 25.

Wu Tongyuan, then the security director of Orchid Village, recalled that Lu Zhenlong worked here for several months and hardly took a vacation.

Whenever he has time, he visits Orchid Village to help the residents.

"In our Orchid Village, there is no one who does not know him, and there is no one who does not miss him!"
In 1999, he fought 7 gangsters alone, was killed by 21 knives, and more than 100,000 people saw him off

Statue of the martyr Lu Zhenlong

In May 1999, Lu Zhenlong, who died his life, was approved as a revolutionary martyr, and two months later the Ministry of Public Security posthumously awarded him the title of "first-class heroic model".

On April 3, 2024, in the Martyrs Park on Fengxi Road in Chongqing, two gray-haired elderly people appeared, who came from Shandong to see their son Lu Zhenlong.

His statue was previously erected in Caiyun Lake Wetland Park, but he moved here last year, and his parents came to see him for the first time.

The elderly mother, looking at the statue, saw the young face of her son, who had been gone for 25 years.

As usual, she took out the handkerchief in her pocket and erased the tablet with her son's name engraved on it over and over again.

In 1999, he fought 7 gangsters alone, was killed by 21 knives, and more than 100,000 people saw him off

She wept as she wiped it, as if it was the only thing she could do for her son.

My mother is getting old year by year, and I don't know how many times I can come to see it, so my mother stood in front of the monument and wiped away her tears, and she didn't leave for a long time.

Finally, before leaving, she whispered, "Son, we are always proud of you." ”

In 1999, he fought 7 gangsters alone, was killed by 21 knives, and more than 100,000 people saw him off


In addition to Lu Zhenlong's parents, students from the School of Criminal Investigation of Southwest University of Political Science and Law also come to Lu Zhenlong's monument every year, and they are Lu Zhenlong's younger students.

They were all familiar with the heroic deeds of the senior brother, and in front of the statue of the senior brother, the young people set great ambitions:

"We will take over the banner in the hands of the martyrs and contribute our own strength to the construction of a rule of law in China."
In 1999, he fought 7 gangsters alone, was killed by 21 knives, and more than 100,000 people saw him off

His spirit is remembered by every student of the Criminal Investigation Academy, as well as by police officers.

And we must not forget such a people's hero.


After 25 years of leaving, people still remember the "Lu household registration" ------ Xinhua News Agency

【Salute to Public Security Heroes】Public Security Heroic Deeds: The immortal hero Lu Zhenlong ------ Beijing Municipal Public Security Bureau

Bravely fighting 7 gangsters, with more than 20 knives in his body Lu Zhenlong, a first-class heroic model, has been sleeping peacefully for 22 years------ upstream news