
In 1977, a Chinese doctor saved a Pakistani woman, whose son spent half his life looking for grace across borders

author:Look at the ups and downs of history
In 1977, a Chinese doctor saved a Pakistani woman, whose son spent half his life looking for grace across borders

When it comes to the country of "Pakistan", I believe that most Chinese will affectionately call it "Pakistan Railway".

Because not only at the beginning of the founding of New China, it was one of the first countries to recognize the mainland.

Moreover, because the two countries have always been friendly and close, they are important political and economic partners.

In 1977, many Chinese enterprises were stationed in Pakistan, a friendly country.

This includes the Chinese hospital that occurred in this article.

In 1977, a Chinese doctor saved a Pakistani woman, whose son spent half his life looking for grace across borders

At the hospital in Pakistan's village of Paso, a 16-year-old local teenager, Majilon, was grieving for his seriously ill mother.

It was the appearance of Shang Jiyue, a Chinese doctor, that gave him a glimpse of hope.

Shang Jiyue succeeded in saving Ma Jilong's beloved mother, which made the latter extremely grateful, and this incident made the two become close friends who talked about everything.

So much so that after Shang Jiyue returned to China in 1979, Ma Jilong has not forgotten him, and 38 years later, he "crossed borders to find relatives".

However, in the vast sea of people, can he successfully find a life-saving benefactor?

In 1977, a Chinese doctor saved a Pakistani woman, whose son spent half his life looking for grace across borders

The happy Majilong family fell into the abyss due to the serious illness of his mother

This Pakistani man named "Majilon" had a simple and happy childhood, although he was not rich.

Because he had a brave and upright military father, and a gentle and simple virtuous mother.

Born in 1961, Ma Jilong is the second eldest brother and two younger brothers, and a family of six lives happily in Pasu Village, Hunza, Pakistan.

Although there are many boys in the family, the closest to his mother is none other than Ma Jilong.

For him, the daytime belongs to him and his playmates, and the nighttime belongs to his gentle mother.

In 1977, a Chinese doctor saved a Pakistani woman, whose son spent half his life looking for grace across borders

Majilon's mother

Because my mother was free at night, she was able to chat with Ma Jilong for a long time.

Therefore, at this time, he can especially enjoy the care brought by his mother, so that he will not feel lonely because of his father's perennial work outside the home.

It is precisely because there is usually only one parent in the family, so she is working hard to keep the family's food and clothing.

When he was very young, he remembered his mother's selfless dedication:

When it was still dark, my mother got up and went to work on the farm;

When the children woke up, their mother had already rushed home and kept making them a fresh breakfast.

The mother who does not stop every day supports a complete home with her weak shoulders.

So that the father outside can work with peace of mind, so that the children at this end can always have a warm harbor shelter.

In 1977, a Chinese doctor saved a Pakistani woman, whose son spent half his life looking for grace across borders

The sensible Ma Jilong is looking forward to growing up quickly, so that he can share his mother's work.

However, before he could reach adulthood, his mother became exhausted from the long and hard work, and finally fell ill in bed.

That year, Ma Jilong was only 16 years old.

In the end, his mother was so sick that she couldn't eat properly, and Ma Jilong looked at his dying mother and felt heartache.

He was really afraid that one of them would die if he didn't pay attention to his mother, and his brothers were in tears, and they were so anxious that they couldn't do anything.

At this time, it was inevitable to inform his father of his return, and after Ma Jilong's brother calmed down, he finally succeeded in urging his father to rush home.

After asking for leave from the army, the father immediately returned to his wife, saw the latter's condition, and quickly rushed her to Gilgit Hospital.

I thought it was just a problem of poor health caused by too much work, but unexpectedly, the doctor's words were like a thunderbolt from the blue, completely crushing the Ma Jilong family.

"She has a tumor in her abdomen, I'm sorry, we can't treat it at the current level of our hospital......"
In 1977, a Chinese doctor saved a Pakistani woman, whose son spent half his life looking for grace across borders

Doctors advised them to be taken to a larger hospital for treatment.

All the circumstances point to the brutal fact that Majilon's mother is suffering from a serious illness and that time is running out!

This made the young man Majilong desperate and sad, he remembered that his mother rarely got sick, but he didn't expect this disease to be so serious!

The father had to take his wife back to Pasu for the time being, but this did not mean that everyone gave up on treating her.

Feeling that he could not sit still, Majilon's father traveled around hoping to find a hospital that could treat his wife's illness.

At that moment, a Chinese hospital gave them hope for life.

In 1977, a Chinese doctor saved a Pakistani woman, whose son spent half his life looking for grace across borders

Chinese doctors who came to Pakistan to provide assistance successfully treated Majilong's mother

What is the situation at this hospital?

Looking at its origin, everyone can involuntarily feel the greatness of our China and the sincere friendship between the two countries.

In 1968, the Pakistani government entrusted China to help build the Karakoram Highway, so many Chinese workers went to work there.

In 1977, a Chinese doctor saved a Pakistani woman, whose son spent half his life looking for grace across borders

Subsequently, the Chinese side also built a hospital to facilitate the daily health management of the workers.

When the Pakistani people heard that there was a hospital, they would rush to see the doctor.

Shang Jiyue, a Chinese doctor who had formed a friendship with Majilong, worked as a general surgeon in a hospital in Xinjiang, on the mainland.

Later, when he learned that the Chinese side had established a friendship hospital in Pakistan, he resolutely went to provide medical support, and thus became a doctor in the third phase of the Karakoram Highway construction team.

Many local residents knew that the doctors at this Chinese hospital were highly skilled, so they informed Majilong's father of its existence.

The latter's eyes rekindled the light of hope, no matter what, for the sake of his wife and this family, he had to try hard!

After that, Ma Jilong's father quickly took his wife to the Chinese hospital.

In 1977, a Chinese doctor saved a Pakistani woman, whose son spent half his life looking for grace across borders

After a detailed examination by the doctor, they were greeted with a happy news:

His wife's illness could be cured, but he had to undergo surgery and give her a lot of blood.

Hearing this, Ma Jilong's father was both happy and worried.

He was relieved that he had finally grasped the lifeline, but he was worried about whether his wife would survive the major operation......

"It's okay, you can think about it for one night and give you a reply tomorrow."

The hospital was relieved.

Ma Jilong's father thought about it all night, and finally chose to trust the superb medical skills of Chinese doctors.

Before the operation, he also consulted with his fellow villagers, who said that if they needed blood, they would donate their own without hesitation.

In the blink of an eye, it was the day of surgery.

But unfortunately, the villagers who had promised to donate blood did not come as promised.

In 1977, a Chinese doctor saved a Pakistani woman, whose son spent half his life looking for grace across borders


This made the Ma Jilong family, who were waiting in the hospital early, very anxious and worried.

Seeing that his mother was about to be pushed into the operating room, Ma Jilong was also so anxious that he stomped his feet:

What to do, what to do? If they don't come, maybe my mother will be in danger!

At this time, the gentle image of his mother resurfaced in his mind, and Ma Jilong became more and more painful.

He couldn't accept the fact that his dear family might go to Elysium.

Thinking that he might never be accompanied by his mother again in the future, he couldn't help but cry loudly.

At that moment, the chief surgeon Shang Jiyue appeared in front of Ma Jilong like timely rain.

In 1977, a Chinese doctor saved a Pakistani woman, whose son spent half his life looking for grace across borders

When he understood the reason for the child's crying, he patted him on the shoulder and said:

"Don't cry, aren't there still us? We, the doctors, would like to donate blood to your mother. ”

Then, he pointed to the other doctors and assistants who followed behind him.

Ma Jilong looked at Shang Jiyue and them, who looked sincere and full of certainty, and immediately burst into tears and laughed, because he felt the endless courage given by the other party.

Immediately after that, it was time for the nerve-wracking operation.

Although Ma Jilong and his family trusted the doctor's strength, they couldn't stop being anxious.

Father, he, and his brothers paced back and forth outside the operating room, praying in their hearts for their mother's safety.

I don't know how long it took, but the door to the operating room finally opened.

In 1977, a Chinese doctor saved a Pakistani woman, whose son spent half his life looking for grace across borders

The father was the first to step forward to inquire about the situation, and Ma Jilong, who was following behind, also looked anxiously at Shang Jiyue, who took off his mask.

"Rest assured, everyone! Everything went well and the surgery was a success. She just needs to recuperate calmly for a while before she can get all right. ”

Shang Jiyue said with a smile, and his words instantly made Ma Jilong and their whole body relaxed.

In 1977, a Chinese doctor saved a Pakistani woman, whose son spent half his life looking for grace across borders

The doctor visited the doctor many times for follow-up, and Ma Jilong was happy and grateful

Afterwards, Ma Jilong couldn't wait to enter the ward to see his mother.

At this time, the mother was already awake, and she grabbed her son's hand tightly and said:

"We really have to thank this doctor, I feel so much better, my mother will never leave you again......"


Ma Jilong nodded like pounding garlic, deeply remembering his mother's words.

When his mother was in the hospital for observation and treatment, Ma Jilong could be said to be waiting by her side every step of the way, and the relationship between mother and son could be seen.

It was during this period of time that Ma Jilong became more and more familiar with the monk.

As a thank you to Dr. Shang, Ma Jilong often brought him apricots grown at home.

In 1977, a Chinese doctor saved a Pakistani woman, whose son spent half his life looking for grace across borders

Shang Jiyue knew the situation of his family, and even though he refused with kindness, he couldn't stop Ma Jilong from sending food again and again, so he gladly accepted it so as not to embarrass him.

However, Shang Jiyue would always save his own rations to give to Ma Jilong, and the two established a strong friendship between frequent interactions.

After three months in the hospital, my mother recovered completely and was happily taken home.

Happily, the Chinese hospital waived all the fees for his mother's treatment, considering that Ma Jilong's family was too poor to pay for the operation.

This made the Ma Jilong family grateful, and they were more and more grateful.

Seeing that his wife's condition was getting better and better, Ma Jilong's father returned to the army after carefully admonishing the children.

Life has returned to the way it was before, but at this time, Ma Jilong felt a little lost and regretful.

Just because he felt that he might not be able to meet his Chinese friend Shang Jiyue.

He would look in the direction of the hospital by habit, his eyes would be misty and full of longing, and from time to time he would wonder what Dr. Shang was doing.

In 1977, a Chinese doctor saved a Pakistani woman, whose son spent half his life looking for grace across borders

Ma Jilong monk Jiyue

One day, Ma Jilong stood at the door in a daze as usual, thinking.

Suddenly, he noticed that the familiar figure he wanted to see again was slowly approaching him.

Ma Jilong rubbed his eyes in disbelief: That's right, it's indeed Doctor Shang Jiyue! He was joined by several other Chinese.

Ma Jilong couldn't wait to run up to them and asked excitedly:

"Why are you here?"

Shang Jiyue smiled at him gently:

"We're here to visit you and your family to see how your mother is doing."

"You're very welcome, come in and sit down!"

In 1977, a Chinese doctor saved a Pakistani woman, whose son spent half his life looking for grace across borders


Ma Jilong welcomed them into the house and quickly brought some delicious food, and under his warm hospitality, the two sides exchanged and talked as naturally as if they were old friends reunited.

This chat was talked about until the evening, seeing that the sun was about to go down, Shang Jiyue and his party had to leave, and Ma Jilong was very reluctant.

Shang Jiyue told him categorically that he would come over next week.

This made Ma Jilong full of hope again, and he was reluctant to wait for the doctors to visit again.

During the days of accompanying his mother's recovery, Ma Jilong also became more sensible and mature.

He would go to work in the fields with his mother, and when he saw his mother's slightly struggling expression, he would sit aside and do the work himself.

For Ma Jilong at that time, this time was precious and full of happiness.

In 1977, a Chinese doctor saved a Pakistani woman, whose son spent half his life looking for grace across borders

After 38 years of absence, they finally reunited

In 1979, with the completion of the Karakoram Highway, Shang Jiyue and some other Chinese doctors were about to leave Pakistan.

When he heard the news, Ma Jilong was heartbroken, but "there is no banquet in the world".

In 1977, a Chinese doctor saved a Pakistani woman, whose son spent half his life looking for grace across borders


One day, my benefactor will return to his homeland!

Ma Jilong felt that the only thing he could do was to adjust his emotions and send Shang Jiyue off with a smile on his face.

On the day of farewell, Majilong looked strong and did not cry.

And the close fate between him and Shang Jiyue was also "frozen" - they took a group photo.

It is also a source of strength to support the optimistic life of Majilong in the future!

When Ma Jilong returned home, he was depressed in bed, and the mother knew that her son was sad about the loss of his friend, and she comforted:

"Son, believe Mom, one day you will see each other again. When you have the ability, you can also find him! ”
In 1977, a Chinese doctor saved a Pakistani woman, whose son spent half his life looking for grace across borders

Ma Jilong felt that this was the reason, and he suddenly felt that life was full of hope.

In 1986, the Khunjerab Port, which represents the friendship between China and Pakistan, was opened.

Ma Jilong, who has grown up as a driver on the China-Pakistan Highway, often runs around here with a photo of the monk Jiyue.

At that time, whenever he met Chinese, he asked them for news, but to no avail.

Despite this, Ma Jilong did not give up the idea of finding a benefactor.

In 1995, he traveled to Urumqi, where Shang Jiyue had stayed, intending to try his luck.

When he got there, he spent his savings to learn Chinese so that he could use Chinese to ask the locals about his benefactor's movements.

Unfortunately, there is still no result.

In 2014, Ma Jilong's 86-year-old mother passed away.

In 1977, a Chinese doctor saved a Pakistani woman, whose son spent half his life looking for grace across borders

Majilon's mother

On her deathbed, she said to her son:

"Thanks to Dr. Shang, I am very satisfied that I am alive until now, and unfortunately I have not been able to see him again. I hope that you will fulfill this dream in the future. ”

It seems that God is merciful to this grateful family.

When Tian Niansheng of the Chinese road construction team went to Pakistan for exchange and study and met Ma Jilong, the interpreter, the family search incident ushered in a climactic moment.

Tian Niansheng decided to help him after learning about the touching deeds of both parties.

After that, Tian Niansheng found CCTV's "Waiting for Me" family search program, and finally found Shang Jiyue with the help of the media, and made an appointment to meet the two.

On July 2, 2017, Shang Jiyue appeared on the show.

And the moment Ma Jilong saw him, his eyes were full of tears, and he hugged him tightly at once:

"You're finally here, I've been looking for it for a long time!"
In 1977, a Chinese doctor saved a Pakistani woman, whose son spent half his life looking for grace across borders

Ma Jilong monk Jiyue

The audience at the scene also applauded warmly when they saw the two people hugging each other.

They have waited for 38 years for this reunion, and they have changed from high-spirited young people to gray-haired old men, which makes people sigh that time is unforgiving!

Fortunately, these two best friends finally ushered in the brightest moment of their lives, leaving a beautiful and warm friendship story for everyone.

This friendship is not only between Shang Jiyue and Ma Jilong, but also a direct manifestation of the closeness between China and Pakistan.


Pakistani Ma Jilong spent half his life across the country to find the benefactor who saved his mother------ Xinhua News Agency

Pakistani Ma Jilong's 38-year-old "cross-border search" to save his mother, Chinese benefactor, ------ Xinhua News Agency

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