
Ascending thinking, dimensionality reduction strikes, and learning cheats

author:Fujito's father said to learn

In 1519, Hernán Cortés led about 600 soldiers to conquer the Aztec Empire, with a population of 15 million; In 1532, Francisco Pizarro led 180 soldiers to conquer the Inca Empire, with a population of 6 million; The advent of airplanes has expanded warfare from a two-dimensional plane to a three-dimensional one; The emergence of aircraft carriers has changed the pattern of naval warfare; The United States dropped two atomic bombs, and Japan announced its unconditional surrender...... While you're still competing with me, I already have a spear and a cannon; When you're going to go head-to-head with me, I already have the Air Force, the Navy. In Liu Cixin's novel "The Three-Body Problem", the advanced civilization only emitted a "two-way foil" to reduce the entire solar system from three dimensions to two dimensions. The term "dimensionality reduction strike" comes from "The Three-Body Problem".

Different dimensions and huge differences in competitiveness. It's like humans looking at ants crawling on paper. It's not a mere amount of power, it's not in one dimension at all. Even if lions, tigers, elephants, and whales are a hundred times stronger than humans, they are fundamentally vulnerable to humans, because the cognitive dimension of humans is far greater than that of other creatures.

The same goes for the competition between people and people. Zhang Yiming said: "The understanding of things is the most important. Your understanding of things is your competitiveness in them. The more you know something, the more competitive you will be. ”

How to improve awareness? You can't just increase the quantity, but upgrade the dimension.


If your thinking is one-dimensional, it is equivalent to linear thinking, and one path goes to black. Black and white, either left or right; Either harsh or Buddhist; Either hit the child or get used to the child; Either make up the class and brush up the questions, or let it go......

People who think in a linear way often create a dilemma for themselves, and they can't find the way to get out of it. Because your cognitive dimension is singular and you think that all but good people are bad people, it is difficult for you to understand the complexity and grayscale of the real world.


If your thinking is two-dimensional, which is equivalent to flat thinking, you have more options and more possibilities than the previous type.

However, your choice is only at one level, just a lot: do you focus on getting your child to learn piano, art, or dance? Is it to attend a training class, find a private teacher, or go to a prestigious school? Which workbook to buy, which learning machine to use, which teacher's class to listen to? Although there are more options, you may never have thought out of the box, why make up classes? Why brush questions? Why Roll Study?

If you can't stand taller, see farther, and understand deeper, whatever choice you make may be wrong; It is also possible that which choice is correct, but you look around, left and right, and none of them are useful.


Once you have acquired a higher cognitive dimension and seen the essence of education, you will be able to start with the end in mind and have a long-term vision. It can also be strategically located and have a macro vision; More able to understand the essence and have deep insight.

1. Academic performance is not the first priority, the most important thing is that children can be physically and mentally healthy. According to the Report on the Development of National Mental Health in China (2019-2020), the detection rate of depression among Chinese adolescents is 24.6%, of which the detection rate of severe depression is 7.4%. This shows that 1/4 of parents ignore what is important in the first place.

2. The parent-child relationship is far greater than the parent-child education. Behind almost all top students, there are wise parents and a harmonious family environment. When the child is young, his parents beat and scold, or coerce and lure, but he can also make him obey and force him to learn; When he gets older, beating and scolding doesn't work, even if what you say is right, he can't listen to it. If a child closes the channels of communication with his parents, if he doesn't trust even the people closest to him, how can he not have psychological problems? How can you still study with peace of mind?

3. A growth mindset is the foundation of learning. Parents who know me well will know that I always go out of my way to emphasize the importance of this mindset. But parents who don't know it don't know that this dimension is so important. They only focus on methods, tools, and techniques, and expect their children's grades to counterattack. As everyone knows, the most effective method is right in front of you, but you can't see, can't understand, and can't use.

The essence of learning is never to be there. Because it won't, you need to learn. As long as you learn, you will inevitably face failures and make mistakes frequently. If parents don't have the right attitude towards mistakes, and they will scold and yell at mistakes, you don't blame your children for their bad grades and fear of making mistakes, all of which are caused by you, your own parents. I found that the vast majority of children's mentality problems come from parents, because parents do not have a growth mentality, often criticize and rarely encourage praise, so that children slowly learn to give up on themselves, thinking that they are really stupid and not learning material.

You see, what I said about these points does not involve learning methods and study habits at all, but these are important dimensions that determine whether a child can learn better and better. You don't even know these dimensions, and you have never made any efforts in these aspects, do you still want your child to become a top student? Do you know why children have made up a lot of classes and brushed a lot of questions, but their grades have not improved? Because whether it is a parent or a child, it may just be repeated at a low level, like a donkey pulling a mill and constantly going around in circles, without taking a step in the right direction, how can there be real improvement and progress?

Parents' perceptions determine children's perceptions.

If you can't see it, you can't do it.


At the end of the article, I give you a question. What is the shortest path for an ant at point A, crawling on the surface of a cube, to point B?

Ascending thinking, dimensionality reduction strikes, and learning cheats

When you really understand the connotation of this article, you will know that you will never find a way out by thinking only in two dimensions. Only by thinking about the problems of different dimensions together can we find the optimal solution.

For children's education is a complex problem, don't limit yourself in black and white, don't ineffectively repeat at a low level, stand higher, see farther, understand deeper, expand your cognitive height, breadth, depth, in order to really make scientific decisions that are beneficial to children, which can not only help him win the college entrance examination, but also let him win the future.

Only by thinking in ascending dimensions can we reduce the dimensionality of attack.

—— Related Reading ——

"Scholars are all ahead of their time! The question is how to learn? 》

"The competition of learning is not to fight for IQ, diligence, and resources, but to cognitively"

"You're never competing with the people around you!" It doesn't make sense to surpass your classmates and be the first in your grade"

Ascending thinking, dimensionality reduction strikes, and learning cheats