
The largest in the history of China! All 56 bridges on the Beijing-Hong Kong-Macao Expressway were demolished, and some people wondered: why did they blow up

author:Juvenile record
All content in this article is based on official and reliable sources, and the specific information is detailed at the end of the article


On June 30, a major operation was launched in a region of Hubei Province, and five "mushroom clouds" rose at the same time, which was a spectacular picture in the movie!

The largest in the history of China! All 56 bridges on the Beijing-Hong Kong-Macao Expressway were demolished, and some people wondered: why did they blow up

This is not filming, but a real large-scale bridge demolition operation, this action not only 56 bridges were demolished at the same time, but also the shocking scene of "five bridges exploded together", just look at the clips in the news, the magnificence can't help but make people feel shocked!

However, some people can't help but wonder about this, how can the bridge, which has been in good shape for more than 20 years, be demolished and demolished, or 56 at the same time, what is the reason behind this "blasting" operation?

Golden Passage - Beijing, Hong Kong and Macao

The Beijing-Hong Kong-Macao Expressway, numbered G4, with a total length of 2,285 kilometers (main line), is one of the important traffic arteries running through the north and south in our country.

The largest in the history of China! All 56 bridges on the Beijing-Hong Kong-Macao Expressway were demolished, and some people wondered: why did they blow up

The Beijing-Hong Kong-Macao Expressway passes through Beijing, Hebei, Henan, Hubei, Hunan, Guangdong, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region and Macao Special Administrative Region from north to south.

Among them, the Hubei section of the Beijing-Hong Kong-Macao Expressway has promoted the flow of goods in Hubei Province, which is an extremely busy area for freight transportation, and the vehicles are endless, and it is more crowded on holidays.

In addition, with the development and progress of the times, the northern section of the Hubei section of the Beijing-Hong Kong-Macao Expressway can no longer withstand the increasing number of vehicles, and the road must be improved and expanded to make the road smoother.

The largest in the history of China! All 56 bridges on the Beijing-Hong Kong-Macao Expressway were demolished, and some people wondered: why did they blow up

This will not only greatly increase the traffic capacity, but also effectively alleviate the traffic pressure during peak hours such as holidays, whether it is a business trip or a tourist tour, the north-south travel will become more relaxed.

Demolition scheme

The solution to this problem is to remove the 56 bridges and 27 gantries that block the road, so as to make the road wider and smoother!

However, due to the intricacy of the bridge's structure, it is not easy to dismantle a single bridge, let alone the number of bridges on this road, which makes it very troublesome to think about.

The largest in the history of China! All 56 bridges on the Beijing-Hong Kong-Macao Expressway were demolished, and some people wondered: why did they blow up

However, our country's team of engineers was not afraid at all, not only developed a detailed demolition plan for each bridge, but also specially invited five academicians to assist to ensure that nothing went wrong.

In the end, an efficient plan of "five bridges and explosion" was implemented, which is not only superb and amazing, but also reflects the country's deep concern for the daily needs of the people, which makes people feel nostalgic!

Since the "blasting" operation is a weekend, there will be a large number of vehicles circulating on the expressway, so once the bridge demolition operation begins, the traffic pressure on the northern section of the Beijing-Hong Kong-Macao Expressway in Hubei Province will be extremely high.

The largest in the history of China! All 56 bridges on the Beijing-Hong Kong-Macao Expressway were demolished, and some people wondered: why did they blow up

Therefore, in order to carry out the operation smoothly, the day before the implementation of the blasting operation, that is, on June 29, the traffic police corps of the Hubei Provincial Public Security Department began an emergency organization and drill one day in advance to ensure the smooth completion of the operation that day.

In addition, during the day of the bridge demolition on June 30, the Hubei section of the Beijing-Hong Kong-Macao Expressway will be closed for construction, which will destroy 56 bridges and 27 cross-line door frames across the highway at one time.

At 8 a.m. on June 30, all the preliminary preparations were ready, and it only took the command center to order the operation to begin, and the large-scale demolition operation in the history of mainland transportation would be immediately launched.

The largest in the history of China! All 56 bridges on the Beijing-Hong Kong-Macao Expressway were demolished, and some people wondered: why did they blow up

At this time, some people may wonder, although the construction of the bridge is not easy, but there will be so many difficulties and difficulties in dismantling the bridge?

The demolition plan was successfully implemented

In fact, the Beijing-Hong Kong-Macao Expressway is the main traffic road connecting the north and south of China, and this section of the road that has been removed has more than 50,000 vehicles passing every day, so if there is an accident in this operation, it is likely to cause significant economic losses.

Thus, not only was the two provinces working together, involving 110 different units, but also about 3,000 pieces of equipment were mobilized to assist in the demolition operation, including more than 5,400 staff members in addition to the traffic police.

The largest in the history of China! All 56 bridges on the Beijing-Hong Kong-Macao Expressway were demolished, and some people wondered: why did they blow up

In order to ensure that the demolition work can be carried out perfectly, the relevant departments also specially invited five academicians from the Chinese Academy of Engineering to participate in it to ensure that the entire demolition task can be successfully completed in accordance with the scheduled process.

After all the preparatory work was completed, the operation team drilled 1,800 gun ports on the bridges expected to be dismantled, and used 600 kilograms of explosives and 2,000 detonators, under the command of the command room, several bridges successfully collapsed as expected, and after a loud explosion, 56 bridges and 27 cross-line door frames were successfully blown up, followed by warm applause in the control room.

The largest in the history of China! All 56 bridges on the Beijing-Hong Kong-Macao Expressway were demolished, and some people wondered: why did they blow up

With the gradual advancement of the expansion project of the Hubei section of the Beijing-Hong Kong-Macao Expressway, we have reason to believe that in the near future, this expressway will become a smoother and more convenient traffic channel.


In fact, by the end of 2022, the total length of highways in the mainland has reached an astonishing length of 5.35 million kilometers, of which 1.12 million kilometers can be increased every ten years, of which the highway mileage is as high as 177,000 kilometers, ranking first in the world.

The largest in the history of China! All 56 bridges on the Beijing-Hong Kong-Macao Expressway were demolished, and some people wondered: why did they blow up


The largest scale in the history of China's transportation! 56 bridges in the northern section of the Beijing-Hong Kong-Macao Expressway in Hubei were demolished at the same time today-Jiupai News2024-06-30

The largest in the history of China! All 56 bridges on the Beijing-Hong Kong-Macao Expressway were demolished, and some people wondered: why did they blow up

The 56 bridges in the northern section of Hubei of the Beijing-Hong Kong-Macao Expressway are demolished at the same time, the largest in the history of Hubei, and five academicians lead the guidance - Jingchu.com2024-07-01

The largest in the history of China! All 56 bridges on the Beijing-Hong Kong-Macao Expressway were demolished, and some people wondered: why did they blow up

The demolition of 56 bridges on the Beijing-Hong Kong-Macao Expressway is imminent, and the Hubei Expressway Traffic Police will drill in advance to ensure smooth traffic-Jingchu.com2024-06-29

The largest in the history of China! All 56 bridges on the Beijing-Hong Kong-Macao Expressway were demolished, and some people wondered: why did they blow up

Ministry of Transport: The mileage of the mainland expressway has reached 177,000 kilometers, ranking first in the world-China News Network2023-11-23

The largest in the history of China! All 56 bridges on the Beijing-Hong Kong-Macao Expressway were demolished, and some people wondered: why did they blow up

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