
Guo Bichen | Commenting on Zhang Haihong's "Autumn Love, Go Deep"

author:Ohno Boundless Platform


Guo Bichen | Commenting on Zhang Haihong's "Autumn Love, Go Deep"

She loves autumn

——Commenting on Zhang Haihong's "Autumn Love, Go Deep"

Author/Guo Bichen

On this day, there was another dinner, it was the former deputy director of the National People's Congress who invited guests, and with me, the guests naturally wanted to find some people I am familiar with, and I am willing to gather together every three or five times. It just so happened that the director's Fa Xiao was a regiment commander of the Beijing army, and when he returned to his hometown, he was treated as a package.

After a few rounds of drinking, the group of people who accompanied them talked about writing, and the head of the regiment introduced his wife, saying that he loved to write things, and published it in "Wild Boundless". As soon as I heard "Wild Boundless", I was naturally very sensitive, so I asked her what her name was, and the head of the regiment said the name, and among the many authors, I actually had a little impression of this name. The people here said how I was, so the head of the regiment called his wife's video, said how it was, and handed me the mobile phone, I am not too used to such a "meeting", and I don't like to talk about what I wrote, how and how. I don't like others to boo first, saying that your work is very good, but in fact, the ghost knows that he may not have read other people's articles at all, so he is full of praise. I just said hello, I already know the name, and it would be too much to ask. Say wait and read your article and submit it to us in the future. In less than a minute, the "meeting" ended.

Said to have an impression of this person, that must be the work attracted me, before the "meeting", I told Piao Piao Huayu about this thing, my original words are: This thing is good. I don't pay much attention to what is written, what is the topic of the article, and mainly look at the life of the text. Therefore, I don't read many works, unless it's a manuscript specifically for me, I won't be perfunctory, I will read it carefully, and I will follow the text and look for typos, and the rest is not moving.

Zhang Haihong's text "life" attracted me.

In terms of writing, I set myself the requirement to devote myself to the pursuit of the color, fragrance, taste, and shape of words. I can't meet the standards I ask of myself, but I've been working tirelessly.

Color, complexion, expression, kind. It is to mark oneself as special and distinguish it from other things.

Incense, words must also make people able to smell the taste, smell, taste, feel good, give confusion, even hearty.

Taste, taste, taste, taste, taste, experience, give people the feeling of conveying the interest.

Shape, I define it as shape, picture. If the text has a shape and a picture, then the text has life, not an empty and untargeted description. shape, but also the physical movements of the characters, including details.

I also forced myself to write to "emphasize" the feeling of the music, to "emphasize" the use of the music.

The connection, transition, or overlap between tones produces high and low, dense, strong and weak, dark and dark, rigid and soft, undulating, disconnected, and so on. In the text, I see it as "rhythm", the use of words, paragraphs, and sentences with elements such as sparseness, high and low, shade, ups and downs, etc., so that the rhythm comes out.

Guo Bichen | Commenting on Zhang Haihong's "Autumn Love, Go Deep"

Zhang Haihong's "Autumn Love, Going Deep" tells the story of the autumn when she was 50 years old, and this year her work has changed, she is waiting for the results of the change, the anxiety is beyond words, the days are off the rails, insomnia, and nothing to do on the derailed car speeding by.

It is this mood that makes the bored author go to autumn in nature, "The yellow leaves are scattered, the maple leaves are red, the autumn grass is wilting, and I slowly shake hands with myself as I walk." ”

The author "makes" the mood so that it cannot be hidden, and the autumn gloom is so heavy, and it is this situation that she "shakes hands with herself and makes peace", yes, whether it is suffering or depressed, the only way to be free is to rely on herself. This "harmony" is human, but also the transformation of the author, but also the sublimation.

Whoever can understand this "key" can make himself extraordinary. "I got close to it again and whispered silently: Autumn love rises, and it goes deep."

How subtle is this in describing the change of thought? How unspeakable are "close" and "silently whispering"?

Then the author described one of the trees, that is, the "silver boy" of the jade tree in the wind, and after anthropomorphism, he imagined and described the tree: "The leaves ...... Gradually, first ...... Small Hands...... Outline a yellow border, then ...... The little slap gradually faded into ...... "I am amazed by this description, delicate, and expressive, the whole text is smart, and the smart life is written alive this autumn." She didn't continue to describe, and then grafted the description to her mood. "Emotions are also brewing...... The prosperity of a tree is all my abundance! The breeze blew and provoked a tree's little hand to shake...... Tease each other...... Where is this autumn! ”

We say that this kind of description is wonderful, and in recent years, I have read many manuscripts that must be read, and there are very few texts that have been used to such an extent and used so subtlety.

A few days ago, I saw a famous writer who won the Mao Dun Award and said, "Great beauty is simple, I don't want to continue reading, does he want to say that only Jane is the only great beauty?" I generally believe that there is no definite method for writing, and there is no certain standard for judging literature, I like Zhang Haihong's writing, at least tangible, flavorful, and colorful.

We see the text of the Mao Dun Award -

From Xiangyuan County to Qinyuan County, the road is also a little far. But Lao Han and Lao Niu are good friends. The two were not good friends, Lao Han's good friend in the past was Lao Ding, and the two often played rabbits and sang together; Later, because of the cloth bag, he fell out and became good friends with the old cow who grinded sesame oil.

When Niu Aiguo was thirty-five years old, his mother Cao Qing'e told him that Cao Qing'e married to Niujiazhuang in the second year, in the fourth month of the lunar calendar, ran away in the middle of the night, and did not go to Yanjin, but went to Xiangyuan County to find a classmate named Zhao Hongmei, who lived outside for half a month. I didn't go to Zhao Hongmei's house because I was angry with Wagyu Shudao and had nowhere to go, or because I was worried that Yanjin was far away, so I didn't go to Yanjin, but Cao Qing'e didn't want to go to Yanjin at all, and she didn't think of going to Yanjin. went to Zhao Hongmei's house, not to find Zhao Hongmei, but to ask Zhao Hongmei about her cousin. Zhao Hongmei's cousin is called Hou Baoshan.

Cao Qing'e is 16 years old and Zhao Hongmei is 17 years old. Zhao Hongmei did her homework well in the class, Cao Qing'e did her homework poorly in the class, and the two didn't have much interaction at school; But on Mondays they went to school from their respective villages and returned to their villages on Saturdays, and the two often traveled together. Wenjiazhuang is twenty miles away from the town, and Zhaojiazhuang is twenty-five miles away from the town. When Zhao Hongmei returned home from the town, she had to pass by Wenjiazhuang first. From Zhaojiazhuang Wenjiazhuang to the town, there is a mountain in the middle.

I thought that such an article turned over and turned to the past words, the text was "simple" enough, but the "simplified" words, but around a lot of words, in the end there was still no "Jane", and such a description, or not called a description at all, called a flat and straightforward narrative, is this beautiful?

I also believe that literature is literature, and there is an essential difference between literature and what is not literature. At that time, the government advocated that the standard for hospitality was "four dishes and one soup", why didn't it say "four dishes and one water"? Soup is soup, so you have to put some ingredients, soy sauce, or even coriander or something, right? Otherwise, it is not called "soup". "Soup" is not to eat, but to drink, and to drink is not to drink water, but to taste. Let's talk about egg soup, a good chef also pairs the egg whites and egg yolks into wisps, which are ethereal in the soup. How can literature be "simplified" to the level of soup, right?

Turning water into "soup" is the minimum requirement of literature, right?

The beauty is simple, the strings are several, and the natural sound can be played; The chess pieces are two-colored, and they can play stormy waves; A line of calligraphy can write infinite meaning; Danqing is left blank, which can paint the most beautiful charm...... Simplicity is the wisdom of giving, the condensation of beauty, and the sublimation of love.

In the above article, I can't see the meaning of strings, chess pieces, calligraphy, and danqing. Let's take a look at Yang Zhijun's "Collapse Around the Lake"


How many years have passed, and even if I had the opportunity to keep my mind blank, like when I sneezed for two seconds of forgetfulness, I couldn't stop the shiver. Every moment it wants to destroy my state of mind, it wants to pull me back to the wasteland, to the mysterious and terrifying, the silent and cold night of the wasteland.


The grass was uneven, and the wind hit wave after wave, and the car kept trembling while driving: "horn-la-la-la-......" compartments, canopies, window glasses, and everything that could move on the car were jumping in the bumps. The bulging grass mounds make the car stagger violently, and the muffled sound makes people feel that the car is about to run out of last drops of gas.

On the field, from time to time, large and small wild animals pierced through the beams of the car lights that shot obliquely ahead, making us remember all kinds of faces, postures and calls. Unfortunately, we are so unfamiliar with the wasteland that we can only monotonously and repeatedly shout: "Another roe deer!" Or: "Look! Wild sheep, more than just now. "It wasn't until later that we realized that although there were antelopes and roe deer in our field of vision that night, there were more four-elephant and wild asses.

......The wild creatures were probably attracted by the light, but they were frightened by the tremor sound, and they didn't dare to stop.

In fact, I was also frightened, I was my father's son, and my father was the captain of our reclamation team, and I was the youngest, so I didn't know what other use a man's wife would have besides cooking and mending clothes, so I had to be politely courteously next to the driver. The driver was a soldier who was not much older than me, and the drive to us was regarded as the support of the garrison around the lake for the development of the wasteland.

Suddenly, a Hessesen guy, like a heavy stone wall, stood in front of the car against the light. "Toot-toot-" the horn sounded. It didn't seem to have long ears, its forepaws fell sharply, and it crawled towards the car, and even the tremor sound of "horn la-la-la" had no deterrent effect on it.

Such works are immediately obvious compared to the above works, but I still want to say that I am not denying other people's works, this is a style, and I don't like it doesn't mean that the judges of the Mao Dun Award don't like it. Yang Zhijun's work is also a style, I like this style, as for whether the judges like it or not, I don't want to know.

Readers of such works have taste and pondering heads, which is the enjoyment of beauty.

Throughout the work, there is an irrepressible and shocking will and passion, a grandiose and profound sense of loneliness, "the real eagle is always lonely". All of this leads us to think that if the "I" in the novel were not the author himself, if the author's soul world was not as vast as the "me", if the author had only heard, observed, and imagined only to find material for his artwork, we would not have been so shocked in any case.

The works that we once admired that depicted nature, those that poeticized nature, symbolized nature, or historicized nature, were nothing more than "small jasper".

Because we were shocked when we read this work, the theoretical weapons and logical thinking that we usually use to evaluate works of art have become too regular, too shallow, and too monotonous. All I can say here is this: this is one of the most magnificent, passionate, trembling, and longest beautiful poems I have ever read.

This is someone else's evaluation, and I very much agree with it, and it is this kind of shock to the heart, even beating, and thinking to the reader, that I think can be counted as a good work.

Those homely styles are words, at best, they are stories, but the story of the novel is not the story of the story, the story of the story will only be told in the ins and outs, and it must also be "suspenseful" and exciting. The story in the novel carries the "task": in the narration, description of the story, and the promotion of the story, do not forget the important task of shaping the characters, if the story is not vivid, there will be no vivid characters, and the characters will lose their luster if they have no life, and the story and the characters cannot be separated or opposed.

For the sake of a solidified preference in my heart. seems to be a bit biased, so let's take a look at Yan Geling's "Lu Criminals"-

This goes back to the five "go" words that have been emphasized by the old ones. Five "go", all of them must. So he asked Deng Zhi to be gracious.

But a silence came. Silence rises from the boundless gray of the December plateau and expands steadily, spreading between the sinking sun and the rising moon. Two black thorns, one large and one small, stood five paces away, their thin thorn branches motionless in silence. Lao Ji suddenly found that Deng Zhi's nostrils were black, like all prisoners. Deng pointed out that he didn't look in the mirror when he washed his face this morning, and left his nostrils blackened by last night's lamp smoke on his face today. It turned out that a high-ranking cadre like Deng Zhi also used waste diesel fuel leaked from a tractor to light the lamp at home, just like in the prison number.

Lao Ji's carefully edited words, through a personal stumbling through lips, teeth and tongue, was sent out of the mouth or fell to the ground and died, and could not be saved. He also became a camel's thorn, standing motionless with dense and fragile nerves.

Suddenly, Deng Zhi burst into a toothy smile. The famine made people's rare smiles look toothy and wrinkled, and it turned out that Deng Zhi was no exception.

"Emphasized" and "must be". Does that urgency still need to be tedious?

The following description is very expressive, "December Plateau", "Boundless Gray", "Rising" and "Steady Expansion", "Sinking" and "Rising" in the dynamic "Sun" and Moon...... The formation is also vivid and dynamic in the wonderful.

Through a personal stumbling through the lips, teeth and tongue, he was sent out of the mouth or fell to the ground and died, and he could not be saved. He also became a camel's thorn, standing motionless with dense and fragile nerves.

Suddenly, Deng Zhi burst into a toothy smile. The famine made people's rare smiles look toothy and wrinkled, and it turned out that Deng Zhi was no exception.

Delicate, or "lips, teeth" and "artificial" "stumbling", "outbreaking", "toothy" and "cherishing...... is a witty sentence, every phrase is a highlight, a classic, and a profound description of action and look.

Well, we still don't have to compare, there are people who like all kinds of styles, and Mr. Bajie also likes beautiful women.

Guo Bichen | Commenting on Zhang Haihong's "Autumn Love, Go Deep"

Let's go back to Zhang Haihong's article.

One is age, the other is autumn, the double coercion, so that her mood has a melancholy thinking, she sees age as autumn, the arrival of autumn, and also sighs that her age has also reached autumn. With such concerns, isn't it strange to be depressed?

"When the wind blows a leaf, a big autumn is written", a Zen-like epiphany, "Every time I look back, I am sure that it is where my spiritual home is!" “

Assertion, the perception given to her by nature has been able to improve her spiritual realm.

Then I naturally thought of autumn as a child, and "the greener bark" "triggered" my "imaginary eyes"

The description of the previous leaf is "gradual yellowing", "small hands are outlined with yellow edges", "small slaps...... Smudge"

The two descriptions of Ye are different, different regions, different moods, so that the heart domain is broadened, and the broadening horizons of the heart domain are also broadened.

Then he describes the things on the dam vividly: "The golden waves of wheat, the blue-gray wheat fields with small lanterns shaking; With the warm black earth of the potatoes, I can also hear the soft crunch of naughty pods popping in the autumn fields......"

In this way, the "modality" of crops is displayed in front of your eyes one by one, you might as well go to see the earth on the dam in autumn, it is a painting of different modalities, different colors of danqing, those crops are neighbors of each other, each with its own color, highlighting its own unique life "anger".

"My boy grows like a tree at will, like a flower, and naturally grows the original intention of longing to open......

Looking back at the way I came, I suddenly had an epiphany: the joy of life is there, and the smell of the earth is the most nutritious moisturizer; The height of the sky is the openness of the heart; Spring planting and autumn harvest are the most simple logic......"

Undoubtedly, this is a reflection of the feedback given to her by the autumn of her childhood. like, or the love of life; Nourishment is the dirt; The sky is the freedom of the heart to fly, and then she gets a "logic".

Zhang Haihong's essay "drives" you with a vivid description, follows her experience to understand beauty, see beauty, and then tell you "reason", reason is epiphany.

Now her mentality is "fenced...... Struggling to ...... He obediently returned to the Shura field......

"The order of the order of the fall", "no hesitation" and "brittleness", I dare say that this is an extremely observant, extremely thoughtful woman, and knows how to be sentimental.

I especially appreciate the use of the word "righteous without hesitation" on mountain apricots and wild fruits, there was nothing new in the fall, but with the word "righteous without hesitation", the whole artistic conception has changed, the fruits are alive, and the words have vitality.

Zhang Haihong wrote about the leaves again: the leaves are yellow and bright; The red is crimson; And the half green, half yellow ones are stubborn in the branches. "Pianling", "Rhythm" and "Lingding" are all very expressive, and such a vivid description is the foreshadowing of "also surging with the heart", and it is also a surging background. "With worm eyes" and "join in this song of life"......

Zhang Haihong writes about things as people, so that the things that are full of eyes have become people who are vivid with "brains", thoughts, and romantic elements. If this world is made up of vulgar people, what is the difference between it and the chaotic animal world? It is precisely because humans and animals are different that there is so much beauty in the world.

She experienced, she had an epiphany: autumn is the taste of life in middle age, whether you return with a full load or empty-handed, it is time to wake up. Self-cultivation and morality, subtle and introverted, to brew the past of most of his life into a mellow and long wine......

This fall, I reconciled with myself.

The ending is very beautiful and far-reaching, reconciled with yourself, what other troubles can there be?

Guo Bichen | Commenting on Zhang Haihong's "Autumn Love, Go Deep"

Attached: "Autumn Love, Go Deep" was posted in today's headlines "Daye Borderless Platform" 2023.9.24, thank you for reading and sharing.

Editor-in-charge/Piao Piao Hua Yu

Guo Bichen | Commenting on Zhang Haihong's "Autumn Love, Go Deep"