
During the brutal Japanese occupation of Hong Kong, what crimes did Japan commit in addition to the massacre?

author:Gaba has a pharmacist

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During the brutal Japanese occupation of Hong Kong, what crimes did Japan commit in addition to the massacre?

Text: Peng Yibin



On July 1, 1997, Hong Kong returned to the embrace of the motherland after more than 100 years, and now 27 years have passed.

However, throughout the history of Hong Kong, China, during the previous 100 years of "lend-lease", it can be said that it has experienced many ups and downs. In particular, the period when Hong Kong was occupied by the Japanese army after the mainland was "leased" to Britain was even more of a nightmare for Hong Kong......

During the brutal Japanese occupation of Hong Kong, what crimes did Japan commit in addition to the massacre?

(Japanese occupation of Hong Kong)

1. The Japanese occupation of Hong Kong

After the fall of Guangzhou on October 21, 1938, the Japanese army began to set its sights on Hong Kong, and after the outbreak of World War II, the Japanese army also formulated a plan to take Hong Kong. On July 2, 1941, Japan regarded the attack on Hong Kong as an established national policy, and the Battle of Hong Kong officially broke out on December 8.

With the cooperation of the bombers, the Japanese army soon entered the border line between Shenzhen and Hong Kong, and occupied Tai Po and Sha Tin. The British defenders of Hong Kong were unstable and placed all their bets on the 18-kilometer defensive line, and on the night of December 9, a Japanese squad broke through the weak link of the defensive line.

Soon the Japanese army surrounded the Stanley Peninsula, and on 25 December, the Governor of Hong Kong, Yeung Mo-kei, announced his surrender, and subsequently signed the instrument of surrender on behalf of the British government of Hong Kong. The Japanese occupied Hong Kong in 18 days, and from then on Hong Kong also became a Japanese colony, which lasted for three years and eight months until the surrender of Japan.

During the brutal Japanese occupation of Hong Kong, what crimes did Japan commit in addition to the massacre?

(Japanese occupation of Hong Kong)

2. Japan raped women and created comfort zones

Three years and eight months, this is a painful number for Hong Kong, and December 25 of this year is called Black Christmas. After the Japanese occupation of Hong Kong, they committed many cruel acts, and they are too numerous to mention.

During the Japanese occupation, Hong Kong's population plummeted from 2 million to 600,000.

According to the recollection of Leung Yu-ki, a first-hand witness, after the Japanese troops entered the station on the evening of the 25th, they immediately committed acts against Hong Kong residents. They went to the vicinity of the Lee stage and drove all the residents out to make them crouch, after which a Japanese officer came over and searched for "beautiful women" in the dark night with flashlights. ”

During the brutal Japanese occupation of Hong Kong, what crimes did Japan commit in addition to the massacre?

(The Japanese army drove the civilians)

Many female comrades were also worried about this, and deliberately messed up their hair to cover their faces from the Japanese. As a result, the officers still picked four or five girls. Soon there were girls who came downstairs in tatters and cloaks, covered in blood, and the Japanese officers selected new girls one by one.

On December 24, the Japanese army attacked Stanley and occupied St. Stephen's Hospital, and from the 24th to the 26th, the hospital was massacred, and most of these officers and soldiers were volunteers from Canada and Scotland.

The nurses in the hospital, Gordon, Fei Du, Simmensi, and four Chinese nurses, were all gang-raped by the Japanese army, and even the Japanese army brutally killed them after the gang rape and had their bodies chopped up.

During the brutal Japanese occupation of Hong Kong, what crimes did Japan commit in addition to the massacre?

(Japanese soldiers bullying women)

The Japanese army also tried to set up a "comfort zone" in the vicinity of Sai Wan in Wan Chai, and they came to find the director of the Hong Kong Sanatorium & Hospital, Lee Shu-fan.

"This is an urgent issue that must be addressed urgently." "I need 500 women, where can I find them?" Li Shufen could only answer tactfully, he couldn't do anything, and objected.

She wanted to protect the good people in the area, but soon the Japanese army developed a community in Wan Chai, with a large number of prostitution parlors, all decorated in the Japanese style, and the Japanese flag was hoisted everywhere.

A large number of women who were killed became prostitutes, and some were forcibly forced to come, and the Japanese army created a brutal comfort station here.

During the brutal Japanese occupation of Hong Kong, what crimes did Japan commit in addition to the massacre?

(Comfort women captured by the Japanese army)

3. The Japanese army tortured and killed prisoners and caused massacres

The Japanese were also very keen to abuse prisoners, and immediately after the occupation of St. Sti's Hospital, the Japanese rushed into the hospital and began to massacre patients and medical staff. Most of the wounded who were bedridden were directly stabbed to death by the Japanese soldiers, and some were even dismembered and humiliated.

During the two-hour massacre, the wounded lost their arms and had twenty or thirty wounds on their bodies.

More than 70 wounded people were stabbed to death, and medical personnel were massacred.

In order to force the British army to surrender, the Japanese tortured and killed the prisoners, taking out two or three people at a time, deliberately cutting off their fingers, ears, tongues, and eyes. The women in the hospital were raped and then killed, and the throats of two female bodies were directly slit.

During the brutal Japanese occupation of Hong Kong, what crimes did Japan commit in addition to the massacre?

(Torture of prisoners by Japanese soldiers)

Even after the surrender of the British army, a large number of prisoners were held in small rooms, and even they could not all sit down, and the wounded were physically exhausted, and the Japanese army demanded that these prisoners kneel to themselves. Most of the prisoners who had difficulty moving were beaten and scolded, and all the cash, wallets, and watches on their bodies were taken away by the Japanese army, threatening to kill all the British prisoners.

During the trial of Takashi Sakai, a large number of atrocities were also recorded.

On December 17 and 18, the Japanese killed more than 30 prisoners near Liyumen and 24 prisoners in Xihuan; On the 19th, the captured British soldiers were killed at Stanley; On the 27th, 15 captives were killed at Repulse Bay; On the 29th, more than 50 prisoners were killed in the mud chong pass, and most of these captives were beheaded.

On the afternoon of the 22nd, 48 residents were mascertained, including pregnant women who were raped and killed, and girls who were twelve or thirteen years old were gang-raped......

During the brutal Japanese occupation of Hong Kong, what crimes did Japan commit in addition to the massacre?

(Poor people)

During the Japanese occupation of Hong Kong, many massacres were committed. At the beginning of the Japanese offensive, the Kowloon area was successfully occupied, and the successive wars put Kowloon in a critical juncture of water, electricity, and food shortages. Because Japan promised to respect the will of the people, a large number of ordinary people took to the streets to demand that the Japanese army solve these problems.

The Japanese soldiers bit back, saying that these residents were mobs, and then countless machine guns opened fire on the residents, killing hundreds of people on the spot. Liang Ruji recalled that in the early days of the Japanese occupation, there were corpses everywhere, and in the railway station in Tsim Sha Tsui, some corpses were hung directly on trees, and the evil deeds of the Japanese army could be seen everywhere.

Chen Xiuhe also experienced it firsthand, saying that at that time, the Japanese army allowed the residents of Kowloon to cross the sea and leave Hong Kong, but the Japanese troops stationed at the pier deliberately made things difficult by taking off their clothes and throwing them into the sea to let them swim back to Kowloon.

Then the Japanese would shoot from the shore into the sea, killing and wounding countless people, and such accidents were happening every day.

During the brutal Japanese occupation of Hong Kong, what crimes did Japan commit in addition to the massacre?

(Japanese occupation of Hong Kong)

Japan's policy of returning home forced a large number of people to leave Hong Kong, and some were deceived into saying that Hainan, but as soon as they reached the high seas, Japan threw them directly into the sea, and many were killed or starved to death.

"As long as the Japanese army invaded, more than half of them were burned, and the rubble was everywhere and the devastation was full of devastation."

After seeing these crimes committed by Japan against China, it is difficult for us not to grieve at the tragic death of many Chinese people at the hands of Japan, and it is even more sad and indignant that Japan has caused misery to Hong Kong! Hong Kong will not forget this period of history, let alone the heinous crimes committed by Japan against China.

Fourth, Hong Kong after the shelling

More than 70 years have passed, and Hong Kong is still prosperous today, and Hong Kong was still occupied by the British after the end of World War II, but our party has never given up negotiations.

It was finally decided on 1 July 1997 to formally take back Hong Kong. Now, 27 years have passed since Hong Kong's return to the motherland, but we have not forgotten the dark experience of Hong Kong's Japanese occupation back then.

During the brutal Japanese occupation of Hong Kong, what crimes did Japan commit in addition to the massacre?

(Return of Hong Kong)

Some people have already touched on the sufferings that Hong Kong has suffered in the past, and many young people in Hong Kong today are unaware of the humiliation that Hong Kong has suffered.

More young people have become ignorant and indifferent to their own history, and even have great problems with their values. This point must be reflected, and history is the best textbook and the best sobering agent.


Ta Kung Pao: The three years and August when Hong Kong people were ravaged by the Japanese army are a sea of bitterness that cannot be forgotten. China News Network.2015-08-18

Eighty years ago, Hong Kong spent a "black Christmas".Phoenix TV.2022-01-22

The Japanese army's brutality in Hong Kong was exposed. Ta Kung Pao.2019-09-03

Before and After the Fall of Hong Kong: Remembering the Sad and Angry Moments of the Anti-Japanese War Experienced by My Father. Wenwei Po.2022-01-28

Kowloon Massacre. encyclopedia

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