
The 85-year-old nun told her apprentice on her deathbed: After death, do not burn it and put it in a large urn, and then open the jar after three years

author:History of rivers and mountains

On the evening of November 21, 1995, on his deathbed, Master Renyi of Tonghui Zenlin told his disciples: "After I pass away, don't be cremated, just put my body in a vat." Three years later, the apprentice opened the big water tank and was dumbfounded.

The 85-year-old nun told her apprentice on her deathbed: After death, do not burn it and put it in a large urn, and then open the jar after three years

In Anhui, China, there is a place called Tonghui Zen Forest on Jiuhua Mountain, where a far-reaching ceremony is taking place, "opening the cylinder".

In this event, everyone was full of awe and protected a body, which was the great person who shouldered the mission of "saving the country and saving the people".

She passed away at the age of eighty-five with a special last word: she expected her body to undergo a three-year ritual of sitting on the altar, which was one of the key steps on her path to Buddhahood.

Although this approach was very unique and had little chance of success, the monks followed her wishes and expressed their respect and gratitude for this great woman.

The ritual is full of sacredness and solemnity, and after the death of Master Renyi, her body is slowly placed in a specially made large earthen jar to ensure the stability of the internal environment and prevent decay.

The monks then applied it all over with a specific ointment and wrapped it completely in layers of linen cloth, completing a series of strict procedures.

After that, the huge earthen jar containing the human corpse was placed in a quiet corner of the Tonghui Meditation Forest, where monks would come every day to recite sutras and pray that the righteous master would finally reach nirvana.

Her reputation is not only well known in Buddhist circles, but also attracts a large number of believers among the people. Her life story is deeply inspiring.

In fact, Ren Yi Shi Taiyuan's name is Jiang Sumin, born in a wealthy family in northeastern China, she has a deep interest in Buddhism since she was a child, overcame the pressure of her family, secretly went to the temple to listen to the Dharma, and donated part of the family's food to the temple.

At the age of 17 or 18, she had the idea of becoming a monk, but was forced to marry under the strong opposition of her parents, a painful experience that lasted for ten years without children until 1940, when she became a real nun at Xiantong Monastery in Wutai Mountain, Shanxi Province, and changed her name to "Renyi".

The 85-year-old nun told her apprentice on her deathbed: After death, do not burn it and put it in a large urn, and then open the jar after three years

During the Japanese War of Aggression against China, Mrs. Renyi entered a medical school in Shenyang to study Western medicine and engaged in a medical rescue career for more than four years.

Subsequently, on the battlefield of resisting US aggression and aiding Korea, she also actively participated in the treatment of the wounded and sick as a military medical personnel, during that time she trekked through mountains and rivers, through difficult and difficult days, but always adhered to her faith, never wavered, after the war returned to Wutai Mountain to continue to devote herself to the medical cause, until 1982 did not leave her hometown again.

Kindness and Benevolence are always concerned about the suffering of others, and whether it is in the process of saving lives or in the process of spreading teachings, she is always fully committed and unreserved.

Even though she is old and frail, facing strong pressure, she still has great enthusiasm to pursue her longing goals and achieve the highest state in her heart, for which she abstains from eating and drinking, insists on drinking a small amount of light salt water for a long time, and recites the Diamond Sutra diligently every day.

The 85-year-old nun told her apprentice on her deathbed: After death, do not burn it and put it in a large urn, and then open the jar after three years

In 1995, Master Renyi left this world quietly, and in accordance with her last wishes, the apprentices carefully placed the body into a large ceramic jar specially built and began a three-year sealing ceremony.

In the blink of an eye, time flies, and it is January 2, 1999, when the tank is opened again, and the true body of the benevolent and righteous master has reappeared in the world. The disciples present all held their breath and looked forward to the incarnation of another bodhisattva in the flesh.

Seeing the true face of the teacher, the disciples were overjoyed, and the benevolent and righteous master not only had a vivid face and a serene face, but also had a few more strands of gray hair, and even the posture of the hands had changed, and there was no distinction between men and women, and it had become a solemn Dharma body.

The 85-year-old nun told her apprentice on her deathbed: After death, do not burn it and put it in a large urn, and then open the jar after three years

Everyone present sighed that the benevolent and righteous master is the master of Buddhist practice, and the benevolent and righteous master in the early years became attached to the Buddha, and then he hung the pot to help the world and purify all sentient beings.

It can be seen that the life of the benevolent and righteous master can be described as immeasurably meritorious. All the ways of doing things are all causes and conditions, and when they arise, they are all about the same, and nothing else.

Therefore, everyone made a golden body for it, solemnly enshrined it, and built a special Yueshu Hall for the golden body of the benevolent and righteous teacher.

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