
The female spy "Wumei" of the Republic of China left a string of keys for 64 years without solution, and her granddaughter cried on the spot after deciphering it

author:History of rivers and mountains

In 1986, when Feng Xiuying was moving the grave of her grandparents, she found a "treasure" in the grave.

This is a delicate-looking iron box, Feng Xiuying thought it was some valuable treasure left by her grandfather, so she took it home.

The female spy "Wumei" of the Republic of China left a string of keys for 64 years without solution, and her granddaughter cried on the spot after deciphering it

However, when he opened the box, there was nothing but a diary, an old newspaper, and a lump that looked like he didn't know what it was.

Out of curiosity, Feng Xiuying began to study these things.

He opened the journal, and there were numbers and letters he couldn't read;

And that old newspaper is "Xi'an Daily", which reads: On November 28, 1937, the female spy codenamed "Wumei" was successfully arrested and will be handed over to the garrison department for justice in the near future.

There is also a photo below, the woman in the photo is young and beautiful, but she is tied up and escorted to the car.

Feng Xiuying looked at the woman in the photo, and the more she looked at it, the more familiar she felt......

Isn't this grandma!

Feng Xiuying chuckled in her heart, could it be that her grandmother was the female spy "Wumei" back then? But she learned from a young age that her grandmother died of illness, why did the newspaper say that she was a female spy?

What do the numbers and letters in the diary represent?

And the hard lump of things I don't know what they are, why are these things in my grandfather's grave?

Until one day, Feng Xiuying's daughter Xiaoxue accidentally saw the diary, and the female spy "Wumei" and the ghostly existence of "Wumei No. 2" were revealed.

Radio waves that never die

In order to find out whether her grandmother was a spy "Wumei", Feng Xiuying began to search for information about spies during the anti-Japanese period.

After the outbreak of the Anti-Japanese War, Xi'an, as an important area before and after the war, parked a lot of anti-Japanese military supplies.

Therefore, Xi'an was always bombed frequently by the Japanese army.

According to relevant statistics, from 1937 to 1944, Xi'an was bombed by the Japanese army to varying degrees.

More than 3,000 shells were thrown in 145 bombings, more than 3,500 people were killed or wounded, and more than 7,000 houses and industrial facilities were destroyed.

During that time, Xi'an was full of miserable lives and people's livelihoods, including those Chinese military enterprises, the losses were even more serious, and the rear supply was paralyzed for a time.

In order to preserve the remaining military supplies, the anti-Japanese army began to move locations frequently. However, the headache was that each time the Japanese were able to find a new hiding place with pinpoint accuracy.

After some searching and exploration, our army finally discovered the secret.

In order to completely destroy the mainland's important industrial facilities and military supplies, the Japanese army spent a lot of money to train a group of spies.

According to the records of the Xi'an Archives, at that time, the Nanchang enemy secretly trained a group of spies, and the number of more than ten spies was as many as ten by various methods such as coercion and inducement.

After some special training, these spies were sent to various places to listen to our intelligence in various ways.

They also have a special radio station, and when they get information, they use a red umbrella as a signal, which means that there is important information to report. At night, they used signal flares, and then, in a foolproof situation, sent information to the Japanese army in a manner similar to Morse code.

These spies are lurking in various places, and they are no different from ordinary people in peacetime, and our army has no time to guard against them.

In particular, a spy named "Wumei" passed our army's military base in Xi'an and some confidential documents to the Japanese army, resulting in the defeat of our army's anti-Japanese action and serious casualties.

After withstanding several heavy blows, our army still found key evidence from some details and locked on this spy codenamed "Ume".

In 1937, the identity of the codename "Ume" was exposed and captured by our army.

To everyone's surprise, "Ume" turned out to be a young and beautiful woman. On November 28, "Wumei" was taken to the execution ground and executed, and the Xi'an Daily made the headlines of the day.

The female spy "Wumei" of the Republic of China left a string of keys for 64 years without solution, and her granddaughter cried on the spot after deciphering it

"This person deserves to die, it's her who betrayed the motherland and became a little devil's dog, and she hurt us so badly!"

The "Wumei" incident gradually dissipated amid the scolding of the common people, and the anti-Japanese army breathed a sigh of relief.

However, in 1939, our army once again discovered the radio waves codenamed "Ume", which were like ghosts, elusive, but ubiquitous.

Wasn't the code name "Ume" shot? In response to the questioning, the Japanese bombed again and again.

An important military base in Xi'an was once again bombed, military supplies were burned, and countless revolutionary soldiers died as a result.

All of this comes from the leak of "Ume II".

Ume 2 was more cautious than Ume, and despite our best efforts to find out his identity, we still found nothing, not even knowing whether he was a man or a woman.

Until the founding of the People's Republic of China, the identity of "Wumei No. 2" was still a mystery.

The relocation of the grave led to the spy "Ume"

Looking at the relevant information, Feng Xiuying was shocked.

She found a clearer photo of "Ume" and carefully compared it with the photo of her grandmother when she was young, and the spy codenamed "Ume" looked exactly like her grandmother.

The female spy "Wumei" of the Republic of China left a string of keys for 64 years without solution, and her granddaughter cried on the spot after deciphering it

But Feng Xiuying clearly remembered that her mother told her that her grandmother's surname was Li, but the code name "Wumei" was surnamed Wu.

What's going on here?

Is grandma a spy "Ume"? And who is "Ume II"? What does his identity have to do with the numbers and letters in his grandfather's diary?

Feng Xiuying felt that behind the numbers in the diary, there must be a big secret hidden. In the days that followed, Feng Xiuying had been studying her grandfather's diary. He wanted to find out, but 17 years passed in a flash, and Feng Xiuying didn't find any clues.

During this period, Feng Xiuying's daughter Xiaoxue also grew into a slim girl. She inherited the good genes of her mother and grandmother, is very beautiful, and has a wonderful voice like a nightingale, and is currently working in the opera company.

One day, she called Feng Xiuying and said that she was going to take her engaged boyfriend home for dinner. Feng Xiuying was holding her grandfather's diary and reading it seriously.

After receiving a call from her daughter, Feng Xiuying casually put the diary on the bedside table and went out to buy groceries.

Xiaoxue returns home and sees that her mother is not at home, but she accidentally finds the diary on the bedside table.

The female spy "Wumei" of the Republic of China left a string of keys for 64 years without solution, and her granddaughter cried on the spot after deciphering it

Looking at the string of numbers on the diary, Xiaoxue, who is familiar with the rhythm, found that it was actually a beautiful tune. She excitedly told her boyfriend what she had found and hummed the tune to him. Her boyfriend also praised her as a rare musical genius.

None of them expected that it wouldn't be long before the two would break up because of this melody.

That day, Xiaoxue went to work in the troupe as usual, and she was preparing for work backstage, and she unconsciously hummed that tune.

At this time, the old head of the troupe pushed the door in, and when he heard Xiaoxue's humming, he was immediately a little displeased. The old leader, who has always been amiable, actually reproached Xiaoxue: "Where did you hear these obscene words, girls are not ashamed!" ”

At that time, many colleagues were also present, and Xiaoxue's face suddenly became hot.

Afterwards, Xiaoxue, who didn't know why, found the old head of the regiment and asked why she was scolded.

"That song was hummed by those prodigal people when they were visiting the secret door during the Republic of China, who taught you to sing it, it's just a mistake!" As he spoke, the old head of the troupe took out an old book and found the relevant singing passages for Xiaoxue to see.

The female spy "Wumei" of the Republic of China left a string of keys for 64 years without solution, and her granddaughter cried on the spot after deciphering it

Xiaoxue was shocked, the lyrics of the tune were indeed unsightly. After getting off work, she hurried home and chased after her mother Feng Xiuying to ask for her guilt.

"Where did you find these music scores, so I was scolded by the old leader!" As she spoke, Xiaoxue began to cry.

Feng Xiuying looked stunned, and hurriedly stepped forward to comfort her daughter and ask what was going on.

Feng Xiuying, who knew what happened, was even more shocked, she didn't understand why her grandfather copied this thing in a diary and put it in a coffin.

Is this thing that important?

Suddenly, she remembered an incident that happened when she moved the grave of her grandparents.

It was 1986, and Feng Xiuying was still living in Jilin. One day, she received a letter from a government unit in Xianyang, Shaanxi.

The letter said that Xianyang wanted to build an airport and expropriated the land of her family's ancestral grave.

The female spy "Wumei" of the Republic of China left a string of keys for 64 years without solution, and her granddaughter cried on the spot after deciphering it

Feng Xiuying often taught her daughter to honor her parents and elders. Every Qingming, she will take her children back to her hometown to sweep the grave, so the relevant units found her and hoped that she could negotiate with the relevant units to move the grave.

As the saying goes, "the poor don't change the door, the rich don't move the grave", the old ancestor left a saying, saying that the ancestors' graves will affect the fortune of the descendants of the entire family.

The matter of moving graves is not big or small. She found a well-known local feng shui master in advance, looked at a piece of feng shui treasure, and prepared to dig the grave first and then move the grave that day.

That day, with the help of many villagers, they dug up the graves of their grandparents. The coffin has rotted, and the bones have changed beyond recognition.

A rusty iron box next to the bones caught Feng Xiuying's attention, the iron box was wrapped in oilcloth, and a layer of beeswax could be vaguely seen outside.

It was precisely because it was wrapped so tightly that Feng Xiuying thought that the box contained some valuable items.

The female spy "Wumei" of the Republic of China left a string of keys for 64 years without solution, and her granddaughter cried on the spot after deciphering it

But when I opened the box, I saw a diary, an old newspaper, and a hard lump that I didn't know what it was.

Feng Xiuying asked the villagers who helped move the grave, but they didn't know what it was.

Just when Feng Xiuying was puzzled, an elderly man in the crowd said, "Isn't this a signal flare?" ”


"Yes! Back then, I also joined the army to fight devils, which was a signal flare to convey information. ”

Flares, tunes, and "Ume", who looks exactly like my grandmother, all prove one thing:

Grandma is the spy "Ume"!

And what about "Ume II"?

After many years, the identity of "Ume No. 2" was finally deciphered

Feng Xiuying didn't dare to think about it, but she couldn't help but think about it.

Suddenly, she took out her grandfather's diary, asked her daughter Xiaoxue to sing the lyrics and songs on it, and then checked the date when she wrote the diary, and then checked the specific dates when Xi'an was bombed again and again.

An amazing phenomenon has emerged!

The female spy "Wumei" of the Republic of China left a string of keys for 64 years without solution, and her granddaughter cried on the spot after deciphering it

The date of my grandfather's diary was the same day as the date when Dahua Yarn Factory was bombed by the Japanese army! In the lyrics sung by Xiaoxue, there is also information such as flower cloth.

Feng Xiuying sat on the bed all of a sudden, he couldn't believe the facts in front of him.

He flipped to another page of his diary, which coincided with the date of the bombing of the Xi'an airport. Feng Xiuying asked Xiaoxue to sing the tune below the diary, and the lyrics mentioned important words such as the airport.

Since then, the identity of "Wumei No. 2" has completely surfaced, and it is Feng Xiuying's grandfather.

For many years, the identity of "Ume II" has been a mystery, and it took 64 years to be deciphered. It's just that no one expected that the person who deciphered it turned out to be the great-granddaughter of "Ume II".

I have to say that everything is predestined.

After learning this big secret, the fragmentary memories in Feng Xiuying's impression were able to be pieced together.

The female spy "Wumei" of the Republic of China left a string of keys for 64 years without solution, and her granddaughter cried on the spot after deciphering it

When she was a child, she went back to her grandparents' house with her mother, and she only saw a photo of the two together, but she never saw her grandmother, and no one even the old people in her grandfather's family had ever seen her grandmother. They only say that looking at the photo is a beautiful and fashionable woman.

My grandfather was originally a cheerful person who loved life, but with the death of his grandmother, my grandfather became reticent and at first lay in bed all day and did nothing.

Later, my grandfather often went out, and when his family asked him where he went, he didn't say anything.

After his grandmother died, his grandfather also developed a special habit of not allowing anyone to touch his bed.

One day, her mother took Feng Xiuying home, and when she saw that her grandfather's bed had not been washed for many days, she wanted to help him clean the sheets, but accidentally found a red umbrella under the bed board.

When my grandfather found out, he lost his temper. Since then, Feng Xiuying and her mother have not often returned to their grandfather.

Now everything corresponds, my grandmother is a spy codenamed "Ume", and my grandfather is "Ume II" in place of my grandmother.

Feng Xiuying, who learned the truth, burned her grandfather's diary and old newspapers. From then on, she began to eat fasting and recite Buddha, doing more good deeds, hoping to alleviate some sins for her grandparents.

The female spy "Wumei" of the Republic of China left a string of keys for 64 years without solution, and her granddaughter cried on the spot after deciphering it

But how can there be an impermeable wall in the world, Xiaoxue's boyfriend heard about it somewhere, and he, who was already engaged, canceled the engagement with Xiaoxue.

He said that his parents heard about it, and they did not allow him to marry a descendant whose hands were filled with the blood of countless Chinese people.

After returning home, Xiaoxue hugged Feng Xiuying and cried.

Seeing her daughter so sad, Feng Xiuying also cried bitterly, but she felt that this was karma, a cycle of heavenly principles, and it should be.

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