
The "perpetual motion machine for making money" in the entertainment industry does not rely on singing to earn 500 million a year, netizens: He deserves to make money

author:Brand Officer
The "perpetual motion machine for making money" in the entertainment industry does not rely on singing to earn 500 million a year, netizens: He deserves to make money

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  • Brand Officer
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The "perpetual motion machine for making money" in the entertainment industry does not rely on singing to earn 500 million a year, netizens: He deserves to make money

Introduction: Everyone knows that Jay Chou is a favorite wife, whether Kunling wants to enter the entertainment industry or do business, Jay Chou is absolutely supportive, but he has repeatedly failed. In contrast, Jay Chou's business is getting bigger and bigger, and singing albums is just one of his hobbies.

Recently, a bakery and coffee shop called "Love in the Front" opened in Sanlitun, Beijing, a name that is hard not to be reminiscent of Jay Chou's "Love in the Front".

The "perpetual motion machine for making money" in the entertainment industry does not rely on singing to earn 500 million a year, netizens: He deserves to make money

There is gossip that this coffee shop was opened by Jay Chou, so it attracted a large number of netizens to check in. Someone even met Jay Chou himself in the store.

The "perpetual motion machine for making money" in the entertainment industry does not rely on singing to earn 500 million a year, netizens: He deserves to make money

However, this café is a "star IP incubation base" created by Superstar Legend Company, with a café on the ground floor and a clothing brand of Kunling, the sister-in-law of Tianwang. It can only be said that this store is just in the name of Jay Chou to attract traffic for Kunling.

A clerk revealed that Jay Chou himself didn't drink a cup of coffee after he arrived at the coffee shop. Sure enough, Jay Chou's love will always be only Kunling and milk tea.

The "perpetual motion machine for making money" in the entertainment industry does not rely on singing to earn 500 million a year, netizens: He deserves to make money

Business "ghosts" in the entertainment industry

Albums are the least lucrative business

In 2000, "JAY" became popular all over the country, and Jay Chou became an instant hit. not only became a hot singer in Taiwan Province at that time, but also became one of the most valuable artists in Taiwan in 2007.

The "perpetual motion machine for making money" in the entertainment industry does not rely on singing to earn 500 million a year, netizens: He deserves to make money

Today, Jay Chou is still the idol of many people, and every time a new song is released, he can rush to the hot search list on Weibo. "I don't know Jay is expensive when I'm young, and now the first capital charges", now if you want to listen to a Jay Chou song, non-member users can only listen to it for 60 seconds, and if you want to listen to a new song, you have to charge another fee.

The "perpetual motion machine for making money" in the entertainment industry does not rely on singing to earn 500 million a year, netizens: He deserves to make money

Also in 2007, Jay Chou left "Alpha Records" to set up his own door and established "Jewell Music". At the same time, it took away hundreds of millions of yuan worth of music copyrights. This is also the first piece of the puzzle on Jay Chou's business plate.

After making enough money in the music industry, Jay Chou seems to have gradually begun to slack off on his acting career, and it will take a long time for fans to wait for his new album. Jay Chou, who doesn't sing, put more energy into business.

The "perpetual motion machine for making money" in the entertainment industry does not rely on singing to earn 500 million a year, netizens: He deserves to make money


Neither of the two tests made much of a splash. Subsequently, Jay Chou began to invest in the catering industry. In 2006, he spent 1.25 million yuan to invest in a hotel called "MR. The Italian restaurant of "J Yifa Kitchen" chose the address as one of the filming scenes of the movie "The Secret That Can't Be Said".

The "perpetual motion machine for making money" in the entertainment industry does not rely on singing to earn 500 million a year, netizens: He deserves to make money

Not surprisingly, the restaurant business is very good, Jay Chou is making a lot of money, and the restaurant has even become a must-visit restaurant in the local area. After tasting the sweetness, Jay Chou began to copy this restaurant model.

For example, invested in the "DejaVu" music magic restaurant, and the address was selected as the filming base of "Panda Man"; In order to restore the scene, the restaurant "Fujiwara Tofu Shop" put an AE86 at the entrance of the store; The invested "rooftop canteen" also restores the restaurant into the scene of "Rooftop Love".

The "perpetual motion machine for making money" in the entertainment industry does not rely on singing to earn 500 million a year, netizens: He deserves to make money

Jay Chou, who has always preferred milk tea, also founded his own milk tea shop "J-tea Mojie's Tea" in 2019, and has since realized the freedom of milk tea. However, there are currently only 14 stores in Japan for "J-tea Mojie's Tea".

The "perpetual motion machine for making money" in the entertainment industry does not rely on singing to earn 500 million a year, netizens: He deserves to make money

The cross-border catering business is booming, and Jay Chou is still expanding his business sector. He once said in a program in Taiwan that he had "no concept" of money and didn't know how much money he made.

Jay Chou continues to show his strength in the business world, in addition to catering, he also established a piano brand, opened a KTV, invested in a headphone brand, and joined Aishang Media.

The "perpetual motion machine for making money" in the entertainment industry does not rely on singing to earn 500 million a year, netizens: He deserves to make money

I have to say that Jay Chou's ability to absorb gold is really at the ceiling level. At a concert, Jay Chou once said that it doesn't matter whether he buys an album or not, after all, he is not making money from this. It seems that in the face of business investment, singing is just a hobby.

The "perpetual motion machine for making money" in the entertainment industry does not rely on singing to earn 500 million a year, netizens: He deserves to make money

And the superstar legend who has something to do with "Love Before the West Century", several founders are Jay Chou's "family and friend group". In 2019~2022, all products related to Jay Chou can account for more than 50% of the company's revenue.

As the saying goes, if a person attains the Tao, the chicken and dog ascend to heaven. Jay Chou not only single-handedly turned himself from a singer to a businessman, but also led the "family and friend group" to make a fortune.

The "perpetual motion machine for making money" in the entertainment industry does not rely on singing to earn 500 million a year, netizens: He deserves to make money

Praise his wife for losing all her money

Earn 500 million only to make up for the "800 million" hole?

As the king of the Chinese music scene, whether it is acting or investment in business, he can handle it to the death. And the name of "Jay Chou" also made the people around Jay Chou make a lot of money, except for Kunling, the king's sister-in-law.

The "perpetual motion machine for making money" in the entertainment industry does not rely on singing to earn 500 million a year, netizens: He deserves to make money

Kunling is a full 15 years younger than Jay Chou, and after marrying Jay Chou, she has changed from a small transparent woman in the entertainment industry to the luckiest woman in the universe.

As we all know, Jay Chou is a spoiled wife. After getting married, Jay Chou spent more time on his wife's career in addition to being busy with his own affairs. And Kunling is not satisfied with concentrating on being a "sister-in-law of the king", and does business while bringing capital into the group.

The "perpetual motion machine for making money" in the entertainment industry does not rely on singing to earn 500 million a year, netizens: He deserves to make money

For example, in 2019, Kun Ling starred in "Sky Fire", the movie invested 300 million, and Jay Chou also pulled Fang Wenshan to write the theme song "I Believe So Much", but in the end, the box office was only 170 million.

Forget it, after all, Jay Chou's average annual income is more than 500 million yuan. Later, Jay Chou even pulled Liu Genghong to shoot "Commanding the Storm" for Kunling, and he not only went into battle in person, but also invited Wang Junkai of TFBOYS to make a cameo.

The "perpetual motion machine for making money" in the entertainment industry does not rely on singing to earn 500 million a year, netizens: He deserves to make money

This movie is said to have invested 400 million, and Jay Chou invested 100 million. As a result, the box office was only 5.029 million, and the Douban score was also pitiful. The investment of 400 million yuan has not even come back 1/4, but fortunately, Jay Chou is a money-making perpetual motion machine.

The "perpetual motion machine for making money" in the entertainment industry does not rely on singing to earn 500 million a year, netizens: He deserves to make money
The "perpetual motion machine for making money" in the entertainment industry does not rely on singing to earn 500 million a year, netizens: He deserves to make money

Maybe because of this, there has been a rumor on the Internet that "Kunling lost 800 million to Jay Chou", whether it's true or not, we don't dare to talk nonsense. Some netizens even said, "Don't do porcelain work without diamonds", "It's better to have more children than to have this time".

The "perpetual motion machine for making money" in the entertainment industry does not rely on singing to earn 500 million a year, netizens: He deserves to make money

Take 10,000 steps back, maybe this is Jay Chou's way of expressing love.

The "perpetual motion machine for making money" in the entertainment industry does not rely on singing to earn 500 million a year, netizens: He deserves to make money

Seeing that you can't make money in the entertainment industry, then try to invest in business. In addition to being a women's clothing brand, Kunling has also made a contact lens brand and opened a coffee shop. But it didn't end well, maybe it would be better to buy a few more Hermes limited edition bags than to do business.

In 2018, Kunling established the clothing brand JENDES, and the first press conference was held in New York, and the battle was quite large. As a result, it was only 5 years before the official website stopped updating.

I thought JENDES would end like this, but I didn't expect it to appear in Sanlitun, Beijing. However, even under the name of "Jay Chou", Kunling still has no way to save his career.

The "perpetual motion machine for making money" in the entertainment industry does not rely on singing to earn 500 million a year, netizens: He deserves to make money

Some netizens complained that a random coat in the Kunling store costs more than 2,000, and the fabric is not as good as Uniqlo. No matter how many times Kunling's career fails, Jay Chou pays for her, and we can only grit our big teeth jealously in front of the screen.

The "perpetual motion machine for making money" in the entertainment industry does not rely on singing to earn 500 million a year, netizens: He deserves to make money

The star's "side dream" was shattered one after another

The "star effect" alone is not enough

In fact, in addition to Jay Chou, there are also a large number of celebrities who have started a business across the border, and the catering industry is their first choice. However, not everyone is as lucky as Jay Chou, no matter how popular the star restaurant was at the beginning, most of them ended up hastily.

For example, Xianhezhuang, which was once prosperous, had more than 300 stores in 108 cities in 2020, and its popularity was comparable to that of Haidilao.

The "perpetual motion machine for making money" in the entertainment industry does not rely on singing to earn 500 million a year, netizens: He deserves to make money

During the most popular period in Xianhezhuang, many netizens could see Chen He's hot pot all over the world as soon as they opened Douyin, either with which star they ate hot pot with, or with which big V they visited the store. Even many consumers walked into Xianhezhuang with the idea of being able to meet Chen He by chance.

The good times did not last long, and Xianhezhuang was constantly complained by consumers due to health problems. In 2021, Xianhezhuang's stores closed down one after another, and Chen He also withdrew from Xianhezhuang's shareholders in 2022.

The "perpetual motion machine for making money" in the entertainment industry does not rely on singing to earn 500 million a year, netizens: He deserves to make money
The "perpetual motion machine for making money" in the entertainment industry does not rely on singing to earn 500 million a year, netizens: He deserves to make money

But it seems that food safety has always been a common problem in celebrity catering. Xue Zhiqian's "Shang Shang Qian" was twice detected to contain coliform bacteria; Haitao and Wu Xin's "Spicy Dou Spicy" was also found to be irregular, and they were ordered to suspend business for rectification; Zheng Kai's "Fire Phoenix" was found to be selling spoiled food.

Facts have proved that relying on the "star effect" alone is far from enough, once the catering brand overturns, the reputation of the star will also be damaged.

There are also some celebrities who don't engage in catering and start trendy clothing brands, but most of them are facing the dilemma of tomorrow. It can only be said that celebrities are becoming more and more unable to cut their fans.

The "perpetual motion machine for making money" in the entertainment industry does not rely on singing to earn 500 million a year, netizens: He deserves to make money

Last year, Ouyang Nana launched her self-created home furnishing brand nabi, which was scolded by netizens. However, it should indeed be complained about, a white bathrobe hat has two ears on it, and it doesn't need 1999 or 999, it only costs 988 yuan.

The "perpetual motion machine for making money" in the entertainment industry does not rely on singing to earn 500 million a year, netizens: He deserves to make money
The "perpetual motion machine for making money" in the entertainment industry does not rely on singing to earn 500 million a year, netizens: He deserves to make money

Similar products include: two pairs of pure white socks printed with nabi for 168 yuan, and a pure white eye mask for 148 yuan. Obviously, you can directly grab the money, but you still give a pair of socks and an eye mask that does not cover the light.

The "perpetual motion machine for making money" in the entertainment industry does not rely on singing to earn 500 million a year, netizens: He deserves to make money

In order to increase publicity, Ouyang Nana also filmed a vlog for this. The video content revolves around how the product is carefully polished and how bumpy it is during the period. That's enough! Ordinary people's money is also very bumpy.

If you say that you get what you pay for, it will not arouse the anger of netizens. Ouyang Nana said in VLOG that it was a very comfortable fabric, but it turned out that Gu Li wore polyester fibers that would be allergic. Quick knowledge: Polyester fiber is a relatively cheap kind of fabric.

The "perpetual motion machine for making money" in the entertainment industry does not rely on singing to earn 500 million a year, netizens: He deserves to make money

Some careful netizens calculated that the cost of polyester towels is 0.035 yuan/gram, so the cost of nabi's bathrobe is 65 yuan. As a result, the official website bought a piece for 988 yuan, and even had to be full of 999 before free shipping.

The "perpetual motion machine for making money" in the entertainment industry does not rely on singing to earn 500 million a year, netizens: He deserves to make money

After this incident, many netizens commented on Ouyang Nana's Xiaohongshu account in a weird way, "The best fried rice is in your exhibition hall, and the most expensive polyester fiber in the world is in your store", "Why don't you label 'nabi', you can sell it for 999 with a logo".

These things are unaffordable for the poor and unaffordable for the rich, and only fans are the ones who pay for them. Under the banner of celebrities, they sell high-priced products, but what they didn't think about was that everyone was a normal person with no bad brains.

The "perpetual motion machine for making money" in the entertainment industry does not rely on singing to earn 500 million a year, netizens: He deserves to make money

Write at the end

The "perpetual motion machine for making money" in the entertainment industry does not rely on singing to earn 500 million a year, netizens: He deserves to make money

Whether it is the entertainment industry or business investment, Jay Chou is a proper money-making perpetual motion machine. But in all fairness, he deserves everything he has now.

In fact, Jay Chou's music path was not smooth, but his persistence and efforts touched everyone. At the same time, his countless golden songs have also accompanied generations of people.

What do you think about celebrities doing business across borders? Welcome to leave a message in the comment area to share.

The "perpetual motion machine for making money" in the entertainment industry does not rely on singing to earn 500 million a year, netizens: He deserves to make money

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