
Unknowingly, 10 actors in "I Love My Home" have passed away quietly, and some of them have no children in their lives

author:Zhang Qingfeng of the ancient and modern

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"For a silent promise, I have followed you silently for so many years. When you are tired or lonely, it always appears to you wholeheartedly. ”

A sitcom in 1993 quickly became popular all over the country because of its novel theme, wonderful plot, and online actors' acting skills, and became an enduring classic.

Unknowingly, 10 actors in "I Love My Home" have passed away quietly, and some of them have no children in their lives

That is "I Love My Home", which has made countless post-70s and post-80s generations unforgettable, this drama not only has a good reputation, but even the ratings are record-breaking.

also became popular with many well-known actors such as Yang Lixin and Song Dandan in one fell swoop, and even director Yingda and screenwriter Wang Shuo became famous for this play.

Unknowingly, 10 actors in "I Love My Home" have passed away quietly, and some of them have no children in their lives

Now 31 years have passed, many of the actors who participated in this drama are no longer there, and some even have no children and no daughters in their lives......

The source of this article comes from the authoritative report [Netease Entertainment] [Beijing Morning News] [Baidu Encyclopedia] (the detailed source is attached at the end of the article). In order to improve the readability of the article, there may be polishing of the details, please read sensibly, for reference only!

Zhao Zhongxiang

"Zhao Zhongxiang is my idol"
Unknowingly, 10 actors in "I Love My Home" have passed away quietly, and some of them have no children in their lives

On the stage of the Spring Festival Gala sketch in 1999, Song Dandan's words were undoubtedly the voice of many fans at that time.

At that time, there were not many domestic TV programs, and there were very few hosts, but Zhao Zhongxiang was very handsome and had a decent and stable temperament.

Unknowingly, 10 actors in "I Love My Home" have passed away quietly, and some of them have no children in their lives

He has excellent business ability and is one of the most handsome in appearance, and he almost "dominated the screen" during that time.

He hosted programs such as "Animal World" and "Man and Nature" that seemed to have novel themes at the time, and also hosted the CCTV Spring Festival Gala many times, which can be described as a smash hit.

Unknowingly, 10 actors in "I Love My Home" have passed away quietly, and some of them have no children in their lives

So when "I Love My Home" was filmed, the screenwriter also wrote Zhao Zhongxiang into it, so Zhao Zhongxiang played himself in the play, a famous host, and fulfilled the dream of the old man's family.

As soon as he appeared, a familiar feeling came, not only as a surprise to the people in the play, but also as a big surprise to the audience.

Unknowingly, 10 actors in "I Love My Home" have passed away quietly, and some of them have no children in their lives

As he grew older, Zhao Zhongxiang reduced his workload, but he still came out from time to time to participate in some activities and variety shows.

It's a pity that in 2019, he participated in the two programs "Sound Immersion" and "Ace vs. Ace", and died of illness the following year and left this world forever.

Unknowingly, 10 actors in "I Love My Home" have passed away quietly, and some of them have no children in their lives

Ying Ruocheng

Ying Ruocheng is the father of Yingda, the director of the play, and plays the role of Hu Xuefan, a new neighbor who moved in the later period. Wearing a pair of gold-rimmed glasses, a brightly colored floral shirt, and a pipe, he is full of style.

However, when the director invited his father to star in this drama at the beginning, he was refused, because the old man had another drama being filmed at that time, and he really couldn't spare time.

Unknowingly, 10 actors in "I Love My Home" have passed away quietly, and some of them have no children in their lives

When the filming was over, Yingda's drama had not yet been completed, and the old man saw that the plot was interesting and the popularity remained high, so he moved the idea of participating in the show again.

But at that time, the role he was arranged to play had already been replaced, which made Yingda sad, and he had no choice but to write a new role, that is, his neighbor Hu Xuefan, and let his original neighbor Lao Zheng move away.

Unknowingly, 10 actors in "I Love My Home" have passed away quietly, and some of them have no children in their lives

In reality, Ying Ruocheng was born in a Kochi family, studied at a young age, and was later admitted to a well-known university in China, which can be described as a very outstanding talent.

This is also very similar to Hu Xuefan, who returned from studying abroad in the play, so Ying Ruocheng is very handy and has a high degree of completion when performing.

Unknowingly, 10 actors in "I Love My Home" have passed away quietly, and some of them have no children in their lives

However, Ying Ruocheng is not a full-time actor, and has only participated in a few works such as "I Love My Family" and "The Last Emperor", and there are very few shots.

In 2003, 74-year-old Ying Ruocheng died of illness, and his son Yingda divorced Song Dandan and devoted himself to the next marriage, and has been starring in film and television dramas and variety shows for many years.

Unknowingly, 10 actors in "I Love My Home" have passed away quietly, and some of them have no children in their lives

On May 1, he supervised the release of "The End of the Road", which became the biggest surprise during the blockbuster holiday, and the box office was far ahead.

Li Ding

A director with few scenes in the play also invited Li Ding to play.

Unknowingly, 10 actors in "I Love My Home" have passed away quietly, and some of them have no children in their lives

Li Ding is a famous drama actor, who has had the sensational drama "One Servant and Two Masters", both directing and acting, and can be described as an all-round talent.

During the special period, he experienced a lot of unfair treatment, but still did not give up his persistent pursuit of ideals and art.

Unknowingly, 10 actors in "I Love My Home" have passed away quietly, and some of them have no children in their lives

Later, after he returned to the entertainment industry, he starred in many film and television works.

Although there are not many works and many supporting roles, he still won the Golden Rooster Award for Best Supporting Actor nomination, the Golden Rooster Jury Special Award and other awards. He died of illness in Beijing in 2009 at the age of 83.

Unknowingly, 10 actors in "I Love My Home" have passed away quietly, and some of them have no children in their lives

Wen Xingyu

Wen Xingyu plays the role of Fu Ming, a retired cadre, because he has been staying at home since retirement, so he can't keep up with the pace of the times, which leads to a lot of jokes.

When he first received the invitation to this drama, Wen Xingyu was not sure that he would be able to act well, so he only said that he was not sure that he would continue to act if he tried it.

Unknowingly, 10 actors in "I Love My Home" have passed away quietly, and some of them have no children in their lives

Unexpectedly, he found the feeling of this role during the shooting, and the more he played, the more comfortable he became, so he kept acting. After the show was broadcast, Wen Xingyu felt a little "old and popular", and the film and television invitations multiplied all of a sudden.

Later, Wen Xingyu starred in classic TV series such as "Western Police" and "Never Look Away", and the character settings are also different.

Unknowingly, 10 actors in "I Love My Home" have passed away quietly, and some of them have no children in their lives

In 2007, at the age of 66, Wen Xingyu died of illness in Beijing.

Xie Yuan

As soon as the orange construction hat is worn, Xie Yuan, who can bring the role of migrant workers to life, is one of the best laughs in this drama.

Unknowingly, 10 actors in "I Love My Home" have passed away quietly, and some of them have no children in their lives

He plays Baocai in simple clothes, but often speaks surprisingly and makes people laugh.

In fact, he was already a well-known comedian long before "I Love My Home" became popular. He has lived a hard life since he was a child, but he has honed his tenacity because of this, and he was admitted to Nortel in one fell swoop after the college entrance examination resumed.

Unknowingly, 10 actors in "I Love My Home" have passed away quietly, and some of them have no children in their lives

Later, he starred in works such as "The King of Chess", "The Price of Madness", "Comedy Star", etc., which became popular all over the streets and alleys, and was one of the "Three Musketeers of Comedy" alongside Liang Tian and Ge You.

The Golden Rooster Actor, the Golden Rooster Best Supporting Actor nomination, and the Golden Phoenix Award were all won by him. After "I Love My Home", his fame became even greater, and he starred in "Born Timid" and won the Hundred Flowers Award for Best Supporting Actor.

Unknowingly, 10 actors in "I Love My Home" have passed away quietly, and some of them have no children in their lives

Golden Rooster, Hundred Flowers, Golden Eagle, Feitian, he has won all four authoritative awards in China, so he has the nickname of "Four Actors".

is such an actor with superb acting skills, but his life is extremely frustrated. Born in a divorced family, not to mention growing up from snacks, he may have been influenced by his parents, and he had no children in his later two marriages.

Unknowingly, 10 actors in "I Love My Home" have passed away quietly, and some of them have no children in their lives

In 2020, Xie Yuan died of a sudden heart attack on the set and died early at the age of 61. After his death, several works that he participated in during his lifetime were broadcast one after another.

Beam left

Liang Zuo plays a small supporting role that is not very important, with few scenes, and is the director of the rodent control office.

Unknowingly, 10 actors in "I Love My Home" have passed away quietly, and some of them have no children in their lives

He is not a professional actor, mainly a cross talk writer, and has had cross talk works such as "Thief Company" and "Reverie in the Tiger's Mouth".

He is also the elder brother of the second wife of the director of the play, Yingda, and Liang Zuo died of illness in 2001 at the age of 44.

Unknowingly, 10 actors in "I Love My Home" have passed away quietly, and some of them have no children in their lives

Niu Xingli and Jin Yaqin

Niu Xingli is a well-known painter and has also starred in several film and television works, and participated in "The Last Emperor" in his short film and television career, which won him the Feitian Award for Best Supporting Actor.

His cameo appearance in "I Love My Home" is a paralyzed old man, although there are not many shots, but it also left a deep impression on the audience.

Unknowingly, 10 actors in "I Love My Home" have passed away quietly, and some of them have no children in their lives

And his wife Jin Yaqin played the role of "Aunt Yu" in the play. Jin Yaqin is a drama actor and has not starred in many film and television dramas. She has starred in works such as "The Two of Us" and "I Love My Home".

She has also won the honor of Tokyo International Film Festival and Golden Rooster Actress, and is a well-deserved "old drama bone".

Unknowingly, 10 actors in "I Love My Home" have passed away quietly, and some of them have no children in their lives

After Niu Xingli died of illness at the age of 81 in 2009, 91-year-old Jin Yaqin also left this world forever in 2016.

Zhang Tong

Zheng Qianli played by Zhang Tong was the role that Yingda had prepared for his father before, because Ying Ruocheng had no free time at that time, so he invited Zhang Tong to play.

Unknowingly, 10 actors in "I Love My Home" have passed away quietly, and some of them have no children in their lives

In the play, Zheng Qianli is a neighbor of the old Fu's family, and he and the old Fu are "happy enemies", and later because Ying Ruocheng joined, he arranged for this character to move away.

Zhang Tong is a national first-class actor, mainly engaged in drama performances. He also married world champion Chiu Jong-hye. Later, the two separated due to personality differences. He died in Beijing in 2007 at the age of 84.

Unknowingly, 10 actors in "I Love My Home" have passed away quietly, and some of them have no children in their lives

Wu Shukun

Wu Shukun was not young when she starred in "I Love My Home", but she was deliberately arranged as the blind date of the old man in the play, causing a funny contrast effect.

She mainly starred in drama works, such as "Cai Wenji", "Xianheng Hotel", "Teahouse", etc., and is an outstanding actor representative of Beijing Renyi.

Unknowingly, 10 actors in "I Love My Home" have passed away quietly, and some of them have no children in their lives

She died in Beijing in 2004 at the age of 99.

In addition, there are two actors in the play, Li Wanfen and Huang Zongluo, who played Lao Fu's sister and Xiao Huang's father, died of illness one after another, one was 69 years old when he died, and the other was 86 years old.

Unknowingly, 10 actors in "I Love My Home" have passed away quietly, and some of them have no children in their lives


Now that the years have passed, these actors have passed away one by one. We may not remember the plot, but the time of chasing the drama should be deep in the hearts of every audience.

Unknowingly, 10 actors in "I Love My Home" have passed away quietly, and some of them have no children in their lives

So who are the actors and characters in the show that impress you the most? Feel free to leave a comment. #长文创作激励计划#

Unknowingly, 10 actors in "I Love My Home" have passed away quietly, and some of them have no children in their lives
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The content information in this article comes from: Netease Entertainment, Beijing Morning News, Baidu Encyclopedia
Unknowingly, 10 actors in "I Love My Home" have passed away quietly, and some of them have no children in their lives
Unknowingly, 10 actors in "I Love My Home" have passed away quietly, and some of them have no children in their lives
Unknowingly, 10 actors in "I Love My Home" have passed away quietly, and some of them have no children in their lives