
A military strategist known as the "Soldier Immortal" - Han Xin

author:Heaven asks the dawn

#兵仙韩信的一生, do you know?##头条创作挑战赛##文章首发挑战赛#

In the long history of China, there is a military strategist known as the "Soldier Immortal", his name is Han Xin. His life is full of legends, from a poor boy, to grow into a commanding military commander, his growth process and military achievements, by future generations to pass on the eternal.

A military strategist known as the "Soldier Immortal" - Han Xin

1. In his early years, he was poor and ambitious

Han Xin was born in a poor peasant family in Huaiyin (now Huai'an, Jiangsu). His parents were ordinary farmers and had a difficult life. However, Han Shin has shown extraordinary talent and great ambition from an early age. He was intelligent, studious, diligent and hardworking, and especially liked to read military books and study the art of war. He often dreamed of one day becoming an excellent general and contributing to his country.

A military strategist known as the "Soldier Immortal" - Han Xin

Due to his poor family, Han Shin was unable to enter the academy to receive formal education, but he did not give up his desire to study. He took every opportunity to consult with the elders in the village and borrowed books to study on his own. His efforts have been recognized and supported by the villagers, who have sponsored him to continue his studies. With the help of his fellow villagers, Han Xin gradually grew into a knowledgeable young man.

Second, join the military and show your edge

At the end of the Qin Dynasty, the world was in turmoil, and peasant uprisings were surging. When Han Xin saw that the country was in danger, he resolutely decided to join the army and serve the country. He first defected to Xiang Liang, and then followed Xiang Yu, but he was not reused. In the Chu army, Han Xin offered advice to Xiang Yu many times, but Xiang Yu was brave and did not listen to advice, resulting in many defeats. Han Xin was deeply disappointed, so he left the Chu army and defected to Liu Bang instead.

A military strategist known as the "Soldier Immortal" - Han Xin

Under Liu Bang, Han Xin was not taken seriously at first. He first served as a petty officer in charge of a warehouse, and later was sentenced to death for violating military law. However, before his execution, Han Xin shouted: "If you don't want it, you don't want to be in the world?" What is a strong man! This sentence attracted the attention of Xiahou Ying, who felt that Han Xin was extraordinary, so he interceded with Liu Bang, pardoned Han Xin's capital crime, and appointed him as the governor of Su Du.

Third, Xiao He strongly recommends that he go to the altar to worship the generals

Han Xin's talent was finally appreciated by Xiao He. Xiao He was Liu Bang's important adviser, and he was well aware of Han Xin's military talents, so he recommended Han Xin to Liu Bang many times. However, Liu Bang did not trust Han Xin at first, believing that he was just an ordinary military officer. It wasn't until Xiao He strongly recommended Han Xin again and promised to guarantee Han Xin's loyalty and ability with his family's lives that Liu Bang decided to reuse Han Xin.

A military strategist known as the "Soldier Immortal" - Han Xin

In the first year of the Han Dynasty (206 BC), Liu Bang, under the strong recommendation of Xiao He, ascended the altar to worship Han Xin as a general, and was fully responsible for military command. Han Xin was grateful and swore allegiance to Liu Bang. From there, he began his brilliant military career.

Fourth, even the battle and victory, calm the world

After Han Xin became a general, he gave full play to his military talents and performed many miraculous feats. He first presented the strategy of "Hanzhong Pair", and formulated a strategic plan for Liu Bang to pacify the Three Qin and seize the world. Subsequently, he personally led the army to conquer Wei, Zhao, Dai, Yan, Qi and other countries, laying a solid foundation for Liu Bang to unify the country.

A military strategist known as the "Soldier Immortal" - Han Xin

In the course of the campaign, Han Xin displayed outstanding military command skills and unique strategic vision. He is good at using the art of war, is flexible and changeable, and often defeats more with less, and defeats the strong with the weak. His tactics and tactics were hailed as "soldiers and immortals" by later generations, and had a profound impact on the military development of later generations.

Fifth, success and fame, encounter suspicion

As Han Shin's military exploits became more and more prominent, his prestige in the army also grew. However, this also caused Liu Bang's suspicion and uneasiness. Liu Bang feared that Han Xin's power was too large and would threaten his dominance. As a result, he began to gradually weaken Han Xin's military power, and even set a trap to frame Han Xin.

A military strategist known as the "Soldier Immortal" - Han Xin

In the sixth year of the Han Dynasty (201 BC), Liu Bang arrested Han Xin and imprisoned him on charges of rebellion. In prison, Han Xin was severely tortured and brutally tortured. But he always adhered to his beliefs and loyalty, and did not bow his head to Liu Bang and beg for mercy. In the end, under the conspiracy of Empress Lu and Xiao He, Han Xin was killed in the bell room of Changle Palace and exterminated by the three clans. This is how a generation of soldiers and immortals came to an end.

6. Legendary life, forever in the annals of history

Although Han Xin's life was short and bumpy, his brilliant achievements and outstanding achievements will forever be recorded in history. With his extraordinary military talent and unique strategic vision, he became an outstanding military strategist and statesman in Chinese history. His thinking on the art of war and strategic tactics had a profound impact on the military development of later generations, and he was praised by later generations as the "soldier immortal" and "the godfather of ancient blitzkrieg".

A military strategist known as the "Soldier Immortal" - Han Xin

Han Shin's story has also been widely praised and interpreted by later generations. His legendary experience and heroic deeds have inspired countless followers to fight for the interests of the country and the nation for the rest of their lives. His image has also been portrayed as a heroic and brave military hero, which has become an indispensable part of Chinese culture.

Han Shin is a legendary historical figure. His life was full of ups and downs, but he always stood true to his beliefs and loyalty. With his extraordinary military talent and unique strategic vision, he left a strong mark on Chinese history. His story will forever inspire those who come after him to fight for the good of the country and the nation for the rest of their lives.