
5 major advantages to "crush" the United States! American tourists only understand the gap between China and the United States when they see the truth in China!

author:Lane North South Cat
5 major advantages to "crush" the United States! American tourists only understand the gap between China and the United States when they see the truth in China!

Text|Yahara Yanagi

All of the statements in this article are based on reliable sources and are reproduced at the end of this article


"I'm a foreigner?"

In recent times, China's tourism industry can be said to have attracted countless foreign tourists from afar.

A large number of foreigners rush to China's tourist attractions in order to feast their eyes!

Seeing so many foreigners on the streets of China, many viewers couldn't help but laugh.

5 major advantages to "crush" the United States! American tourists only understand the gap between China and the United States when they see the truth in China!

And these foreigners have really seen the real appearance of China, and understand how outrageous the stereotypes used to be!

Among them, some American tourists even said that they only understood the gap between China and the United States after seeing the truth!

5 major advantages to "crush" the United States! American tourists only understand the gap between China and the United States when they see the truth in China!

Foreign tourists

Nowadays, with the implementation of the 144-hour visa-free policy, more and more foreign tourists are looking at China.

For some foreign tourists, China is a mysterious oriental power.

5 major advantages to "crush" the United States! American tourists only understand the gap between China and the United States when they see the truth in China!

Its every move not only has a huge influence on the international situation, but also attracts people all the time in terms of cultural customs and scenic spots.

A country with an excellent history of 5,000 years of China, we are not only unbeatable in terms of historical value, but even those places of interest and historic sites reveal the vicissitudes and majesty of time.

5 major advantages to "crush" the United States! American tourists only understand the gap between China and the United States when they see the truth in China!

Foreign netizens used to ridicule that "Chinese are all over the world", but now they want to come to our country and see with their own eyes what this mysterious eastern country is like.

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5 major advantages to "crush" the United States! American tourists only understand the gap between China and the United States when they see the truth in China!

Nowadays, the short video culture is rampant, and more and more people are putting their experiences and insights on the Internet, so that more like-minded partners can communicate together.

Therefore, we can also see more foreigners' views and attitudes towards China on the Internet.

5 major advantages to "crush" the United States! American tourists only understand the gap between China and the United States when they see the truth in China!

Among them, many foreigners feel that China is magical, not only for the shocking places of interest, but also for the cultural customs.

Some foreigners believe that China is one of the countries with the most history and culture in the world and the greatest value, and that the exquisite collection of cultural relics in the museum can be said to be ingenious and unforgettable.

5 major advantages to "crush" the United States! American tourists only understand the gap between China and the United States when they see the truth in China!

There are even some foreign tourists who think that China's cultural customs are more representative, and even people who have never met before will stretch out their hands to help others.

Recently, an American tourist came to China thousands of miles away, wrote down his feelings in China, and also listed China's "five advantages" in detail, directly crushing the United States!

5 major advantages to "crush" the United States! American tourists only understand the gap between China and the United States when they see the truth in China!

As soon as the article of American tourists was reported, it instantly aroused heated discussions among countless viewers and netizens, and some of the advantages were introduced to directly subvert the ideas of American netizens.

Due to the spread of public opinion and the Internet, many Americans who have never known China have always had a stereotype about it.

5 major advantages to "crush" the United States! American tourists only understand the gap between China and the United States when they see the truth in China!

Even in their hearts, China's economic construction and historical and cultural value are far less developed than they imagined.

For this outrageous concept, domestic netizens can't help but be laughed at, whether it is the degree of development of Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Shenzhen, or the places of interest of famous tourist attractions, any scenery that you want to see in China can be said to be readily available.

5 major advantages to "crush" the United States! American tourists only understand the gap between China and the United States when they see the truth in China!

The beautiful rivers and mountains of Yunnan, the vast grasslands of Xinjiang, and the cultural history of Shandong......

These are the unique cultural characteristics of China, which attract foreign tourists and allow them to discover China's advantages.

5 major advantages to "crush" the United States! American tourists only understand the gap between China and the United States when they see the truth in China!

Five advantages

One of China's greatest strengths, according to the American traveler who wrote the article, is its urbanized infrastructure, which alone surpasses any other U.S. city.

The reason why American tourists say this is because everything they see in China has subverted all previous imaginations.

5 major advantages to "crush" the United States! American tourists only understand the gap between China and the United States when they see the truth in China!

In fact, China has always placed an important position in urbanization, even in the world, China's infrastructure can occupy a place!

Reference source: International News 2024.06.28 "5 major advantages "crush" the United States, American tourists see the truth in China! The U.S. sets a new trap for China》
5 major advantages to "crush" the United States! American tourists only understand the gap between China and the United States when they see the truth in China!

When we walk on the street, do we pay attention to the greenery on both sides of the road, whether it is loess or stone bricks under our feet?

China's streets are famous in the world, whether they are high-rise buildings or public places for people to enjoy and entertain, China is committed to making the country's infrastructure the best and improving and developing all the time.

5 major advantages to "crush" the United States! American tourists only understand the gap between China and the United States when they see the truth in China!

This alone has opened a gap with the United States, which is far from meeting China's standards for the number of green belts alone, let alone other basic assumptions.

Many foreign tourists come to China and are amazed by China's development, and this feeling is even more obvious when sitting on China's high-speed rail.

5 major advantages to "crush" the United States! American tourists only understand the gap between China and the United States when they see the truth in China!

The second advantage of China is the cleanliness of the city, and the first reaction of many foreigners when they come to China is to marvel at our cleanliness.

Garbage on both sides of the street can be said to be extremely rare, and the roads can even be described as spotless.

5 major advantages to "crush" the United States! American tourists only understand the gap between China and the United States when they see the truth in China!

The reason why we have such an excellent and clean environment is not only due to the hard work of sanitation workers, but also the quality of the people.

Everyone in our country has the right and duty to maintain things that do not harm public places, and now we can have such clean and tidy streets without people's care.

5 major advantages to "crush" the United States! American tourists only understand the gap between China and the United States when they see the truth in China!

After foreigners came to China, they were also amazed by the cleanliness of this place, which has such a large population base, but the garbage and debris produced every day are carried out in an orderly manner.

A large and well-developed disposal system is a luxury for many countries, after all, it is possible to cause garbage everywhere if you are not careful.

5 major advantages to "crush" the United States! American tourists only understand the gap between China and the United States when they see the truth in China!

In addition to these two advantages, the most commendable thing about China is that there are almost no homeless people!

For the United States, homelessness has become common, especially in many neighborhoods where security is not regulated, and the number of homeless people can be said to be increasing day by day.

5 major advantages to "crush" the United States! American tourists only understand the gap between China and the United States when they see the truth in China!

Americans have developed a habit of ignoring homeless people, which seems to be a normal phenomenon in their eyes.

And just recently, the U.S. Supreme Court announced a ruling that allowed homeless people to be banned from sleeping abroad.

5 major advantages to "crush" the United States! American tourists only understand the gap between China and the United States when they see the truth in China!

To some extent, this sentence directly exacerbates the situation of homeless people, who have no shelter from the wind and rain, and have to sleep on the streets during the cold season.

Lawyers representing homeless people have expressed strong dissatisfaction with the ruling, arguing that the U.S. Supreme Court has somehow deprived homeless people of their right to live.

Reference source: 2024.06.30 "U.S. Supreme Court Ruling: Allowing Homeless People to Sleep Outdoors in All Places"
5 major advantages to "crush" the United States! American tourists only understand the gap between China and the United States when they see the truth in China!

That's why foreign tourists are so surprised when they come to China, and they wonder how China is trying to protect everyone's livelihood to the greatest extent.

In addition to these three advantages, the two advantages of China's police and no longer wasting a penny on war have also shocked foreigners.

5 major advantages to "crush" the United States! American tourists only understand the gap between China and the United States when they see the truth in China!

In the minds of the Chinese people: if there is a problem, go to the police, and the police who serve the people will always stand on the people's line.

But in some countries, they will never seek help from the police unless absolutely necessary.

5 major advantages to "crush" the United States! American tourists only understand the gap between China and the United States when they see the truth in China!

The last advantage is that China will never waste a penny in a war, and what the United States has done in the international situation can be said to be obvious to all.

However, China has never done such a thing that harms international exchanges and harms the interests of other countries, so on this point alone, many Americans have personally admitted that China is already ahead of the United States on this point alone!

5 major advantages to "crush" the United States! American tourists only understand the gap between China and the United States when they see the truth in China!

brief summary

As more and more foreign tourists choose to see the truth in China with their own eyes, they are slowly understanding how outrageous the stereotypes used to be.

China has long surpassed others, and the Chinese people are also proud of China's development and change! #长文创作激励计划#

Reference source: 2024.06.30 "U.S. Supreme Court Ruling: Allowing Homeless People to Sleep Outdoors in All Places"

International News 2024.06.28 "5 major advantages "crush" the United States, American tourists see the truth in China! The U.S. sets a new trap for China》


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