
Zhen Huan didn't expect that Jinxi had betrayed her three times, and each time it was enough to kill her

author:Mo Zizhai's diary
"The slave and maid Broken Yuxuan are in charge of the palace maid Cui Jinxi, see Yun Chang is here."

In Zhen Huan's life, in addition to the Liuzhu River Huanbi who was brought into the palace from her mother's house, there should be only Jinxi.

Zhen Huan didn't expect that Jinxi had betrayed her three times, and each time it was enough to kill her

Jinxi, as a maid who once served the concubine, must know a lot about many things in the palace, so Zhen Huan is also relatively lucky.

Since then, Jinxi has indeed taught Zhen Huan a lot of ways to survive in the palace, let Zhen Huan know the situation in the harem, and avoid a lot of unnecessary troubles.

Zhen Huan didn't expect that Jinxi had betrayed her three times, and each time it was enough to kill her

Therefore, many people believe that Jinxi is Zhen Huan's life mentor, and has been following her faithfully since Zhen Huan entered the palace.

But Zhen Huan didn't know until she died that Cui Jinxi was not as loyal as she imagined, but betrayed her three times, and each time it was fatal.

Zhen Huan didn't expect that Jinxi had betrayed her three times, and each time it was enough to kill her

Cui Jinxi's betrayal of Zhen Huan

When Zhen Huan first entered the palace, the emperor arranged for Cui Jinxi to be Zhen Huan's palace maid.

This woman, who looks steady and gentle, is very satisfied by Zhen Huan, and at first glance she feels that she is a competent and very good person.

Zhen Huan didn't expect that Jinxi had betrayed her three times, and each time it was enough to kill her

That's right, Jinxi used to serve the concubine, so she must have been in the palace for many years, and of course she knows the rules and situation in the palace well.

In such a situation, Zhen Huan is very satisfied, after all, when she knows nothing about the palace, it must be very useful and worry-free to have such a person by her side to "guide".

Zhen Huan didn't expect that Jinxi had betrayed her three times, and each time it was enough to kill her

Just after these little masters entered the palace, the queen and Concubine Hua began to give gifts to win people's hearts.

At this time, many people don't know what this means, Xia Dongchun is regarded as a thorn in the side of Concubine Hua in this way.

And Zhen Huan only understood the truth from Jinxi's words, and also knew that the queen and Concubine Hua were incompatible.

Zhen Huan didn't expect that Jinxi had betrayed her three times, and each time it was enough to kill her

Therefore, Jinxi gave her a lot of help by Zhen Huan's side, and slowly, Jinxi became Zhen Huan's henchman.

But even so, Jinxi still betrayed Zhen Huan.

Zhen Huan didn't expect that Jinxi had betrayed her three times, and each time it was enough to kill her

After Zhen Huan returned to the palace, it was her highlight moment, after all, she did not come back alone, but with two small lives in her belly, although this was not the emperor's, but except for her people, no one knew.

Unexpectedly, Jinxi's betrayal is also gaining momentum.

Zhen Huan didn't expect that Jinxi had betrayed her three times, and each time it was enough to kill her

Because Zhen Huan is not pregnant with the emperor's species, and this time she returned to the palace to give her child a good household registration, so she has always been very cautious about this matter and did not show her feet.

And the Qi nobles were already unhappy with Zhen Huan, and she also found that the relationship between Zhen Huan and Imperial Physician Wen was very close, so the sentence "The concubine wants to accuse Concubine Xi of fornication" made Zhen Huan panic.

Zhen Huan didn't expect that Jinxi had betrayed her three times, and each time it was enough to kill her

At this critical moment, Zhen Huan, who has always been calm and thoughtful, also thought that this was her own death, but fortunately, Qi Guiren reported the wrong person and did not cause too serious consequences.

Especially the blood-dripping confession, Zhen Huan, who was about to be scared to death, fortunately discovered the clues, which brought this matter to a perfect end.

Zhen Huan didn't expect that Jinxi had betrayed her three times, and each time it was enough to kill her

However, during this period, Jinxi's speech pulled Zhen Huan into the abyss.

Originally, the emperor was still in the stage of doubt, but Jinxi's sentence "In order to prove the innocence of the mother, the slave is willing to bear any punishment", but it was directly determined that Zhen Huan had done such a thing.

Zhen Huan didn't expect that Jinxi had betrayed her three times, and each time it was enough to kill her

If Huanbi is tortured again, then Zhen Huan and King Guojun's fornication will be asked, and then Zhen Huan will really be speechless and will fall off the altar.

Fortunately, Zhen Huan still survived this danger and saved herself and her children.

But this is not Jinxi's first betrayal, the first time was when Zhen Huan was named a "concubine" and mistakenly wore Chunyuan's old clothes.

Zhen Huan didn't expect that Jinxi had betrayed her three times, and each time it was enough to kill her

Zhen Huan mistakenly wore the former clothes of Queen Chunyuan, and Jinxi made trouble from it

Zhen Huan knows that there are a lot of disputes in the harem, today this calculation and that, tomorrow that makes that unhappy, and Zhen Huan just wants to spend her life well.

So in order not to be involved in the harem, Zhen Huan established an image of not fighting or grabbing, and lying in bed all day long.

But even so, he was still favored by the emperor.

Zhen Huan didn't expect that Jinxi had betrayed her three times, and each time it was enough to kill her

It can be said that from the moment he entered the palace, the whole person has been involved in the palace fight.

Fortunately, Zhen Huan has always been very liked by the emperor, Zhen Huan is intellectual, polite, and has a lot of common topics with the emperor, and the emperor is always fascinated by the emperor every day.

Because she is deeply liked by the emperor, Zhen Huan has also set up a lot of "enemies", but she doesn't care, she just wants to live a good life.

Zhen Huan didn't expect that Jinxi had betrayed her three times, and each time it was enough to kill her

And just when the emperor was about to crown Zhen Huan as a "concubine", the queen stumbled her behind her back and made her wear the clothes of Queen Chunyuan.

It was this incident that made her grounded, and made her recognize the emperor's heart, it turned out that she was just a stand-in for Queen Chunyuan.

Zhen Huan didn't expect that Jinxi had betrayed her three times, and each time it was enough to kill her

For this matter, many people put their eyes and the culprit on the queen, and ignored Aunt Jinxi beside Zhen Huan.

In fact, Jinxi had already discovered that something was wrong with this dress, he clearly said that this dress was very familiar, but he didn't let Zhen Huan take it off, but in a hurry, he directly let her wear it.

As an old man in the palace, how could Jinxi not know whose clothes it was? But she didn't break it out for the sake of selfishness.

Zhen Huan didn't expect that Jinxi had betrayed her three times, and each time it was enough to kill her

Because she knew that this was the queen's handiwork, and she didn't want to offend the queen, she chose to "sacrifice" Zhen Huan.

In this way, after Zhen Huan gave birth to the child, she invited herself out of the house, and Jinxi also "loyally" went with her, and moved Zhen Huan so much.

Unexpectedly, another betrayal was also on the way.

Zhen Huan didn't expect that Jinxi had betrayed her three times, and each time it was enough to kill her

In order to help Zhen Huan return to the palace, Jinxi did not hesitate to "eat" with Su Peisheng

After Zhen Huan became a monk, she and King Guojun came together, and the two fell in love, and signed a marriage contract under the witness of everyone, and lived the life they liked.

It can be said that this time is Zhen Huan's happiest time.

Zhen Huan didn't expect that Jinxi had betrayed her three times, and each time it was enough to kill her

But when Zhen Huan found out that she was pregnant, she got the news of the death of King Guojun.

So in order to avenge King Guojun and get a household registration for her children, she chose to return to the palace.

In order to be able to return to the palace smoothly, Jinxi did not hesitate to sacrifice himself and Su Peisheng to "eat".

Zhen Huan didn't expect that Jinxi had betrayed her three times, and each time it was enough to kill her

Su Peisheng is the closest eunuch to the emperor, if he can get his help, it will be much easier for Zhen Huan to return to the palace.

For Jinxi's approach, Zhen Huan is grateful to her from the bottom of her heart, and she can't help her from the bottom of her heart.

However, in fact, this seems to be Jinxi's sacrifice of himself, but it is actually Jinxi's real purpose.

Zhen Huan didn't expect that Jinxi had betrayed her three times, and each time it was enough to kill her

At that time, Jinxi was already in his forties, and it was time to leave the palace to pursue freedom in a few years.

But at this age, if she leaves the palace, it will be difficult for her to find a suitable person to marry, so looking for Su Peisheng to "eat", isn't it a good way out for herself?

Zhen Huan didn't expect that Jinxi had betrayed her three times, and each time it was enough to kill her

Although Su Peisheng is not a man in the real sense, he has a family property, if he can follow Su Peisheng, he must not have to worry about life in the second half of his life, and it will make Su Peisheng feel flattered, and he will be doubly good to her in the future.

Therefore, when Jinxi was making a living for herself, she helped Zhen Huan by the way.

Zhen Huan didn't expect that Jinxi had betrayed her three times, and each time it was enough to kill her

You must know that no one will always be loyal to you, let alone in this huge deep palace, in this environment where everyone is based on their own interests, there will be no one, and the only one who can believe in it is yourself.