
It's the opposite! The U.S. Congress asked the U.S. Department of Defense to investigate the Chinese military? Really?

author:History of Cloudscape

The U.S. Congress went so far as to ask the Department of Defense to investigate the Chinese military?

Recently, a piece of news shook the jaws of people around the world, a US congressman, in Congress, asked the US Department of Defense to investigate the Chinese military.

The reason is that the Chinese army began to use mechanical dogs, and the congressman could not accept the "man's best friend" as a weapon against American soldiers.

What's going on here?

It's the opposite! The U.S. Congress asked the U.S. Department of Defense to investigate the Chinese military? Really?

The United States actually wants to investigate the mainland army

At the annual U.S. National Defense Authorization Act discussion, a congressman suddenly proposed that the U.S. military investigate whether the Chinese military is equipped with a large number of armed robot dogs.

Is China equipped with a robot dog, and what does it have to do with you, the United States? We are not equipped, how much are equipped, and it did not cost the United States a single coin.

Moreover, what qualifications does the United States have to investigate us, China?

It's the opposite! The U.S. Congress asked the U.S. Department of Defense to investigate the Chinese military? Really?

This proposal was simply ridiculous to the extreme, but it was successfully passed and entered the Senate discussion process.

According to the analysis, this proposal is very "meaningless", and if you want to investigate, why not investigate some more powerful equipment?

Judging from the "tradition" of the United States, I am afraid that this time is another "show", and this congressman is obviously currying favor with the "animal protection organization" or "dog lover" in the United States.

Or those "extreme" patriots.

It's the opposite! The U.S. Congress asked the U.S. Department of Defense to investigate the Chinese military? Really?

In fact, this is not the only proposal with this purpose in mind, and this is just one of the many bizarre proposals recently passed by the US Congress.

In May, for example, there was a proposal to arrest opponents of Israel and send them to Gaza to serve their sentences.

The purpose is to curry favor with the rich Jews in the United States, after all, everything in the United States is on par with the dollar, and whoever can provide "political contributions" to help these politicians climb up will reap the benefits.

Sure enough, those who opposed Israel were eventually arrested and sent to work in Gaza, many of them university students.

It's the opposite! The U.S. Congress asked the U.S. Department of Defense to investigate the Chinese military? Really?

In September last year, there was a proposal to reduce the salaries of all high-ranking members of the US military to $1.

These seemingly incredible proposals were successfully passed in the House of Representatives.

The combination of democracy and foolish politics in the United States makes ordinary people who lack political literacy more likely to be attracted to these simple, stimulating proposals.

Politicians keep coming up with these kinds of proposals in order to curry favor with voters.

Even if it is against this part of the army that controls it, they will not hesitate to do so.

It's the opposite! The U.S. Congress asked the U.S. Department of Defense to investigate the Chinese military? Really?

Moreover, the United States is increasingly wary and hostile to China.

Recently, the U.S. Congress also issued a tender for the preparation of a study on the recruitment of the Chinese People's Liberation Army.

This shows that the United States is trying to collect China's military intelligence and assess China's combat readiness through various channels.

It's the opposite! The U.S. Congress asked the U.S. Department of Defense to investigate the Chinese military? Really?

However, this approach has been criticized by a number of military experts.

They argue that this is a low-level means of intelligence gathering that is not only inefficient but could put participants at risk of leaking Chinese state secrets.

Some experts have suggested that if the United States really wants to understand the Chinese military, the best way is to improve communication with China.

Of course, even if the relationship is good, it won't be revealed to them.

It's the opposite! The U.S. Congress asked the U.S. Department of Defense to investigate the Chinese military? Really?

The root cause is "mechanization"

But in general, the reason why the United States attaches so much importance to it is really the development and prospects of the mechanical dog.

A mechanical dog, as the name suggests, is a robot designed to mimic the shape and movement characteristics of a dog.

It has flexible limbs and is able to adapt to a variety of difficult terrains, even climbing stairs and jumping over obstacles.

Compared with traditional wheeled or crawler robots, robot dogs are more mobile and adaptable in complex environments.

It's the opposite! The U.S. Congress asked the U.S. Department of Defense to investigate the Chinese military? Really?

Over the years, Continental has made great strides in the field of robotics, among which the development and application of robotic dogs is particularly eye-catching.

This quadruped robot not only shines in the civilian field, but also shows great potential in the military field.

First, it can be used as a reconnaissance unit to enter dangerous or hard-to-reach areas for intelligence gathering.

Equipped with high-definition cameras, thermal imagers and other equipment, the mechanical dog can work 24 hours a day to provide commanders with real-time battlefield information.

It's the opposite! The U.S. Congress asked the U.S. Department of Defense to investigate the Chinese military? Really?

Secondly, the robot dog can act as a transport assistant.

In complex terrain such as mountains and jungles, mechanical dogs can carry supplies, ammunition and other materials to reduce the burden on soldiers and improve the mobility of troops.

Some models of mechanical dogs can even carry light weapons and become mobile fire platforms.

It's the opposite! The U.S. Congress asked the U.S. Department of Defense to investigate the Chinese military? Really?

In addition, the robot dog can also perform dangerous tasks such as mine clearance and search and rescue.

They can carry detection equipment and search for mines in mined areas, greatly reducing the risk of casualties.

At the scene of disasters such as earthquakes and fires, robot dogs can also play an important role in assisting search and rescue personnel in finding survivors.

It's the opposite! The U.S. Congress asked the U.S. Department of Defense to investigate the Chinese military? Really?

Continental has achieved remarkable results in the research and development of robot dogs.

A few days ago, during the Sino-Cambodian military exercise, our troops displayed the latest combat robots.

Among them, there are two types: reconnaissance and assault, the former is light and carries high-definition cameras, which can reconnoiter the environment and connect to the frontline situation in real time.

The latter can carry guns and act as a vanguard assault to clear the way for the fighters behind.

The mainland's mechanical dog technology has matured and has begun to gradually enter the army.

It's the opposite! The U.S. Congress asked the U.S. Department of Defense to investigate the Chinese military? Really?

With the continuous advancement of technology, the idea of a large number of mechanical units in the future mainland army is not a fantasy.

The use of robotic dogs instead of human soldiers in hazardous environments can effectively reduce the risk of casualties and protect valuable human resources.

The mechanical dog can move flexibly in various terrain conditions, which helps to improve the combat capability of the troops in complex environments.

Compared with human soldiers, the logistical needs of mechanical dogs are simpler, mainly energy supply and maintenance, which can reduce the logistical burden of the troops.

Moreover, the robot dog can be used as a mobile sensor and communication node, which helps to build a more complete battlefield information network.

It's the opposite! The U.S. Congress asked the U.S. Department of Defense to investigate the Chinese military? Really?


It is precisely because of the huge potential shown by the mechanical dog in the military field and the rapid development of the mainland in this field that it has attracted great attention from the United States and other countries.

The United States fears that China could catch up with and overtake itself in this emerging field, which could affect the balance of power on future battlefields.

I believe that this is also the motivation of the United States to eagerly want to know what kind of motivation the mainland mechanical dog develops.

It's the opposite! The U.S. Congress asked the U.S. Department of Defense to investigate the Chinese military? Really?


The process and pictures described in the article are all from the Internet, and this article aims to advocate positive social energy and no vulgar and other bad guidance. If it involves copyright or character infringement issues, please contact us in time, and we will delete the content as soon as possible! If there is any doubt about the incident, it will be deleted or changed immediately after contact.


[1] Reference news - "The People's Liberation Army is equipped with robot dogs, and the United States will not be able to accept ......"

It's the opposite! The U.S. Congress asked the U.S. Department of Defense to investigate the Chinese military? Really?

[2] Global Network - "Drones, robot dogs are on the battlefield!" China-Cambodia Joint Organization Land Exercise》

It's the opposite! The U.S. Congress asked the U.S. Department of Defense to investigate the Chinese military? Really?

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