
C#: The all-rounder of programming that no other language can match?


A brief description of the current situation of C#

When the battlefield of programming languages is full of gunsmoke, C# has become the all-round king in the hearts of developers with its excellent performance and wide range of applications. Today, let's demystify C# and explore how it stands out from the crowd of programming languages and becomes the obvious choice for developers.

1. The Birth of C#: Microsoft's Ambition vs. Java's Contest

In the early 21st century programming language wars, Microsoft introduced C#, a modern programming language designed to compete with Java. C# not only borrows many programming ideas from Java, but also adds many innovations to the language design, such as attributes, indexers, events, etc., to make it more flexible and powerful.

2. The Challenges of C#: The Limitations of Closed Source and the Dilemma of Multiple Aspects

C# was initially closed-source and could only run on the Windows platform. This gives C# a natural advantage in areas such as client-side development, back-end development, and Windows Phone application development. Over time, however, C# has faced challenges on multiple fronts. The failure of Windows Phone, the saturation of client development, and the preference for Linux in background development have all made the road to C# bumpy.

3. The dawn of open source: the gorgeous turn of C# and the breakthrough of cross-platform

In 2016, Microsoft made a big decision to open source C#. This decision not only freed C# from the limitations of being only able to run on the Windows platform, but also allowed it to be based on . .NET Core runs and supports cross-platform. Since then, C# can run on Windows, Linux, macOS, Unix, and other operating systems, greatly expanding its application range.

Fourth, the performance contest: C# and Java comparative test

Performance is an important measure of how good or bad a programming language is. In a comparative test, C# showed excellent performance. For example, in the case of FFT operations in a sequence containing 1048576 complex numbers, C# is three times more powerful than Java on Windows and twice as fast as it is on Linux. This result is undoubtedly a justification for the performance of C#.

5. Example analysis: The charm of C#'s code

Let's take a simple example to get a feel for the charm of C#. Let's say we need to implement a simple calculator program, and C#'s concise syntax and powerful feature library make it a breeze:

using                 System;             class Calculator              {              static void Main()              {              Console.WriteLine("Enter the first number:");              double firstNumber = Convert.ToDouble(Console.ReadLine());                  Console.WriteLine("Enter the second number:");              double secondNumber = Convert.ToDouble(Console.ReadLine());                  Console.WriteLine("Choose an operation (+, -, *, /):");              char operation = Console.ReadLine()[0];                  double result;              switch (operation)              {              case '+':              result = firstNumber + secondNumber;              break;              case '-':              result = firstNumber - secondNumber;              break;              case '*':              result = firstNumber * secondNumber;              break;              case '/':              if (secondNumber != 0)              {              result = firstNumber / secondNumber;              }              else              {              Console.WriteLine("Error: Division by zero.");              return;              }              break;              default:              Console.WriteLine("Invalid operation.");              return;              }                  Console.WriteLine($"The result is: {result}");              }              }           

6. The power of cross-platform: the widespread application of C#

After the open source of C#, the scope of its application has been greatly expanded. Whether it's Windows, Linux, macOS, or Unix, C# is at ease. From client-side development to back-end services, from mobile apps to game development, C# has great support.

7. The Missed Outlet: C#'s Regret

Despite its excellent performance and application range, C# also faces the regret of missing out on the opportunity for technological change. When languages like Java, Go, Python, and others were already dominant in multiple areas, C# was belatedly open source and cross-platform. This time difference undoubtedly puts C# at a disadvantage in the competition.

8. Conclusion: The Tomorrow of C#

The story of C# continues, and its development has not been halted by missed opportunities. With the continuous advancement of technology and the continuous support of Microsoft, C# is expected to occupy a more important position in the future programming language competition. For developers, mastering C# will undoubtedly add a unique competitive edge to their technical careers.

At the end of the article, we might as well share some ways to learn C# to help developers who are eager to learn more about C#. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced developer, you'll find a path to improve your skills in these learning paths.

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