
Now all people learn to code? What can the hell do with the bombarded Python?

author:Study in Australia

There was an ancient prodigy who knew 1,000 words at the age of 3 and memorized Tang poems at the age of 5; Today's children learn to code at the age of 3 and write programs at the age of 5.

Children's programming is becoming more and more popular, and the fire of education has burned from elementary school to kindergarten, from language and mathematics to piano dance, and finally burned to the field of programming.

In the past, it was a word that only students in the computer department of the university would be exposed to, and the field that professional coders would focus on, but now why has it evolved into a field for all people to learn programming?

Now all people learn to code? What can the hell do with the bombarded Python?

Why does everyone need to learn to code?

Ten years ago, we said that we were not afraid to learn English well and go all over the world. In the future, we need to talk to machines!

In the first half of 2023, as soon as GPT came out, it began to change the world rapidly, including positive and negative impacts, but programming is undoubtedly the hottest skill in the 21st century, and many bigwigs have thrown out the idea that everyone should learn programming, and it has been more and more recognized.

When it comes to programming, we have to mention programming languages, and one of the most popular programming languages at the moment is Python.

What exactly can Python do?

Python was designed in the early 1990s by Guido van Rosumme of the Dutch Society for Mathematical and Computer Science as an alternative to a language called ABC.

Python is a cross-platform, computer programming language. In this language, developers do not need to pay attention to the underlying level, the syntax is simple and intuitive, and the expression form is consistent. It's more readable and simple, and it's a great way to learn how to solve problems and build the logic behind programming.

To put it simply, it's about doing more in a short sentence. It's very convenient to write a script to process data anytime, anywhere.

The main application fields of Python are as follows: web application development, automated operation and maintenance, artificial intelligence, web crawler, scientific computing, and game development.

What is the value of Python

In this era of big data, programming is a very practical skill. It has significant advantages in data crawling, data cleaning, data analysis, and data visualization.

Learning to code will bring you huge benefits, whether you are preparing for graduate school, pursuing academic research, conducting scientific research, or looking for a job, which is a super plus that can make a difference when it matters most.

1) For classmates of the target computer

ChatGPT artificial intelligence has exploded all over the Internet, do you know that in recent years, British computer majors have long been "skyrocketing"?

The University of Cambridge 2017-19 had 81% A*A*A* entrants, all of whom had studied Mathematics, 96% of whom had studied Further Mathematics, 85% of whom had studied Physics and 59% of whom had studied Computer Science.

Now all people learn to code? What can the hell do with the bombarded Python?

The University of Oxford requires A-level Mathematics to be compulsory + Mathematics/Further Mathematics/Computer A*.

Now all people learn to code? What can the hell do with the bombarded Python?

For students who study computer science in college, or plan to start learning computer science at A-level, in addition to having excellent mathematical ability, basic computer thinking is also very important, and learning Python in advance can give you a clear understanding of these.

Python is an easy-to-learn language and a great starting point for beginners. Its syntax is simple and straightforward, easy to understand and memorize, and can help students quickly grasp the basics of programming.

With Python, students learn how to write high-quality code, and they can use what they learn to improve their ability to design and implement algorithms and data structures.

2) Auxiliary role for other disciplines

Python is a high-level programming language that assists in learning across multiple disciplines. Students who are not aiming for a computer science major or an A-level computing course can also benefit from it.

An important trend is that no matter what discipline students learn in the future, there is a high probability that they will use python as a tool to learn, and how well they can master python determines how far they can go in their own disciplines in the future.

Like what:

Mathematics: Python can be used for solving mathematical equations, operations on linear algebra, statistical analysis, and visualization.

Physics: Python can be used for the calculation and visualization of physical quantities, and the results of macroscopic or microscopic phenomena can be calculated through the scientific computing module.

Biology: Python can be used for bioinformatics analysis, including gene sequence alignment and analysis, as well as image analysis and classification.

Economics: Python can be used for the calculation and visualization of financial mathematical formulas, statistical analysis, and data analysis and modeling.

Python is very friendly to newcomers, which is why so many people are recommending everyone to learn python.

Learning Python and writing your first code is a romance exclusive to this era!

A level-CS Python先修课程

Python is one of the most popular programming languages in the world, and it is also one of the basic programming languages used by the most popular ChatGPT.

Python is one of the most commonly used programming languages in the International Curriculum IGCSE/A-level/IB/AP in Computer Science.

For students who have not been exposed to computer science subjects, Wenlan offers A level-CS Python summer preparatory courses to help students master computer thinking, learn to train artificial intelligence, and adapt to the learning rhythm of A-level computer science in advance.

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Now all people learn to code? What can the hell do with the bombarded Python?
Now all people learn to code? What can the hell do with the bombarded Python?

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⊙ copyright notice: Most of the content of the picture comes from the Internet, and the copyright belongs to the author.

Now all people learn to code? What can the hell do with the bombarded Python?

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