
Notice on doing a good job in recruiting and training sergeants in 2024


In accordance with the requirements of the Ministry of Education, the Political Work Department of the Central Military Commission, and the National Defense Mobilization Department of the Central Military Commission's "Notice on Doing a Good Job in Recruiting and Cultivating Sergeants in 2024", combined with the actual situation of our province, we hereby notify you of the following matters related to the recruitment of targeted training of sergeants (including sergeants, the same below) in 2024:

1. Application conditions

Candidates who apply for the targeted training of sergeants must be graduates of senior secondary education schools who will take the national unified examination for admission to ordinary colleges and universities in 2024, under the age of 20 (born after August 31, 2004), unmarried, and volunteer to serve active duty for at least 5 years, and their political and physical conditions shall be implemented in accordance with the provisions on conscription.

2. Enrollment plan

In the 2024 higher vocational (junior college) level enrollment plan approved by the state for 38 local colleges and universities in our province, a total of 679 sergeants (including 8 female sergeants) will be recruited for the People's Liberation Army and the Armed Police Force (for the specific enrollment plan, please see the "Shanxi Province 2024 National Ordinary University Enrollment Volunteer Guide").

3. Enrollment Methods

The enrollment of targeted training of non-commissioned officers is included in the implementation of the national unified examination for enrollment in ordinary colleges and universities, and the policy of early admission of junior colleges (higher vocational) is implemented.

(1) Fill in the report voluntarily. Targeted training sergeants are arranged to fill in the volunteers in advance of the college (higher vocational) batch, and the candidates log in to the "Shanxi Enrollment Examination Network" as required to complete the college entrance examination volunteer filling within the specified time. For the specific filling time and requirements, candidates are requested to pay attention to the WeChat public account of "Shanxi Enrollment Examination Network" and "Shanxi Enrollment Examination Management Center".

(2) Determine the target. After the end of the online filling in the volunteers, the Provincial Military Recruitment Office, in conjunction with the Provincial Recruitment Center, will determine the list of candidates who will participate in the physical examination and political assessment of our province according to the order of the candidates' volunteers and college entrance examination scores from high to low, according to the number of enrollment plans 4 times the number of colleges, disciplines, and genders. On August 12, the Provincial Recruitment Center provided the candidates who participated in the physical examination and political assessment (name, ethnicity, ID number, graduation school, home address, contact information, etc.) to the Provincial Military Recruitment Office, which distributed them to the cities. At the same time, the provincial recruitment center notified candidates to participate in the physical examination and political assessment by text message.

(3) Physical examination. From August 12 to August 15, the physical examination of candidates applying for the targeted training of non-commissioned officers will be organized by the county-level military recruitment office where the candidates apply for the examination, and the physical examination shall be carried out in accordance with the standards for compulsory military recruitment, and the discipline inspection commission of the military service organ shall supervise the whole process. The conclusion of the physical examination shall be reported to the participants within 3 days after the completion of the physical examination, and the military recruitment office at the municipal level shall summarize the results of the physical examination in the jurisdiction (the conclusion generated by the physical examination system and the remarks of the special operations personnel shall be qualified), and the paper file and the physical examination data file (the document is an HTML format document exported by the physical examination system, and the file name shall be named after the candidate's ID number), and shall be reported to the provincial military recruitment office before 12 o'clock on August 16. If the candidate's place of household registration and habitual residence is not in the same county as the place where the candidate registered for the college entrance examination, the county-level military recruitment office at the place where the candidate registered for the college entrance examination is responsible for the physical examination, and the county-level military recruitment office at the place of the candidate's household registration and habitual residence shall cooperate in the relevant work.

(4) Political evaluation. From August 12 to August 18, it will be carried out simultaneously with the physical examination, and the county-level enlistment office will guide the county-level enlistment office in the place where the candidate applies for the examination, and organize and implement it with reference to the work regulations on the recruitment of conscripts, and the "Political Assessment Form for Conscripted Citizens" will be uniformly printed by the county-level enlistment office. The county-level military recruitment office may, in conjunction with the physical examination, issue the "Political Assessment Form for Conscripted Citizens" to the candidates themselves. The municipal military recruitment office summarizes the results of the political assessment in its jurisdiction, and submits the paper documents and the electronic version of the political assessment form (the file is in PDF format, and the file name is named after the candidate's ID number) to the provincial military recruitment office before 12 o'clock on August 18. Where the candidate's place of household registration and habitual residence is not in the same county as the place where the candidate registered for the college entrance examination, the county-level military recruitment office for the place where the candidate registered for the college entrance examination is responsible for the political assessment work, and the county-level military recruitment office for the candidate's household registration and habitual residence is to cooperate in the relevant work.

(5) Admission to the file. Before August 19, the Provincial Military Recruitment Office will provide the list of candidates who have passed the physical examination and political assessment to the Provincial Recruitment Center. The provincial recruitment center will be based on the enrollment plan, physical examination and political assessment of ordinary colleges and universities, according to the requirements of non-parallel voluntary submission, in accordance with the requirements of 120% of the file adjustment ratio, and the targeted training colleges and universities will select the best candidates and issue admission notices according to the regulations. When the number of candidates who volunteer to go online is insufficient, the number of candidates who have passed the physical examination and political assessment in the province will be recruited for voluntary admission.

Before September 1, the provincial recruitment center will send a copy of the admission list to the provincial military recruitment office. Before September 15, the Provincial Conscription Office will report the admission list to the Enlistment Office of the Ministry of National Defense for the record, and send a copy to the military arms and armed police force (hereinafter referred to as the recruiting force), establish and improve the archives, and transfer the "Conscripted Citizen Physical Examination Form" and "Conscripted Citizen Political Assessment Form" to the targeted training colleges and universities, and put them in the targeted training of sergeant files. Hotline: 19311018518 (Please inquire during working days).

Fourth, joint training

The training system for non-commissioned officers is 3 years, and after graduation, he obtains a college degree. The training of the first 2.5 academic years is the responsibility of the targeted training colleges, and the organization of enlistment internships in the last 0.5 academic years, including enlistment training and pre-job training, is the responsibility of the recruiting troops.

(1) Teaching management. Colleges and universities for targeted training shall set up separate classes, with no more than 50 students in each class (if there are fewer enrollment plans and belong to different majors of recruiting troops, classes may be mixed and opened if the training goals are the same). Before enrollment begins, in accordance with the principle of professional matching and facilitation of guidance, the teaching and guidance institutions uniformly designated by the recruiting troops shall, in conjunction with the colleges and universities for targeted training, formulate personnel training plans, set up specialized courses, and make good preparations for teaching; During the period of study at the school, the teaching guidance body shall strengthen the training tracking, promote the connection between teaching and use, and other units must not arbitrarily participate in the teaching management of colleges and universities for targeted training. The military enlistment office at or above the county level where the targeted training colleges and universities are located shall strengthen guidance and supervision of the relevant targeted training colleges and universities.

(2) Elimination. Within 1 month of the enrollment of the targeted training of sergeants, the military recruitment office at or above the county level where the targeted training university is located shall guide the targeted training college to organize a physical review; If they do not meet the requirements, their qualifications for targeted training will be cancelled, and the colleges and universities where they are located will be adjusted to study in other shifts according to ordinary local students. If the target of the targeted training of non-commissioned officers is not suitable for active duty due to physical reasons during the period of study, the qualification for targeted training will be cancelled, and the university where the targeted training is located will be adjusted to study in other shifts according to the ordinary local students; Those who fail to complete on-campus courses due to personal reasons, fail to pass examinations, are punished for violating school rules and discipline, or violate the law or commit crimes, as well as those who refuse to enlist in the military and whose education is invalid, shall be disqualified from targeted training, and shall be dealt with in accordance with relevant laws, regulations, and regulations on the management of students in the targeted training colleges and universities. The training plan for vacancies after elimination will no longer be filled.

(3) Graduation. Targeted training sergeants who have completed enlistment training are allowed to graduate, and do not return to the targeted training colleges and universities upon graduation, and the recruiting troops will notify the targeted training colleges and universities to directly handle the relevant procedures for graduation; For those who have not completed enlistment training, or who are unfit for active service due to political, physical or other reasons during the enlistment internship, the enlistment office of the people's government at the county level where the targeted training colleges and universities are located shall cancel their enlistment formalities upon approval by the political work department that has the corresponding approval authority for recruiting troops, and the targeted training colleges and universities shall be responsible for picking them back and resuming their studies as ordinary local students.

5. Enlistment

The targeted training of non-commissioned officers who have completed the prescribed courses and completed the prescribed credits shall be organized by the military recruitment office at or above the county level where the targeted training colleges and universities are located, together with the recruiting troops, in conjunction with the recruitment of conscripts in the first half of the year, to organize physical examinations and political assessments; Those who meet the requirements for active service shall go through the enlistment formalities at the enlistment office of the county-level people's government where the targeted training colleges and universities are located, and the enlistment time is March 1 of the year of graduation. The recruiting troops will send the personnel to receive the troops, and complete the handover of the files in conjunction with the military recruitment office at or above the county level where the targeted training colleges and universities are located, and uniformly integrate the recruited sergeants into the troops.

The dossiers for recruiting and training non-commissioned officers mainly include: "Approval for Enlistment", "Physical Examination Form for Conscripted Citizens", "Political Assessment Form for Conscripted Citizens", as well as student files and party (regimental) member materials established before enlistment.

VI. Appointment and Treatment

After the completion of the internship of the targeted training sergeant, the unit to which the sergeant belongs shall determine the rank and award the sergeant rank in accordance with the relevant provisions on the level of the first sergeant (including police rank, the same below) awarded to the sergeant, and the military rank time shall be calculated from September 1 of the year of graduation. During the period from the approval of enlistment to the first awarding of military ranks, the sergeants will be paid allowances, guaranteed meals, and enjoy corresponding medical treatment, insurance and bereavement benefits in accordance with the standards of compulsory soldiers in the first year; After the sergeant rank is awarded, the sergeant's salary and related treatment standards shall be implemented from the date of the calculation of the military rank.

Source: Shanxi Provincial Enrollment and Examination Management Center


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