
Guangling County held the "Show the demeanor of party members and strive to be the pioneer of the times" to celebrate the "July 1st" language arts competition

Guangling County held the "Show the demeanor of party members and strive to be the pioneer of the times" to celebrate the "July 1st" language arts competition

"July 1st" is a special symbol shining with bright light, and it is a moment of great historical significance, which carries a heavy history and a lofty mission. On the occasion of the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, in order to further publicize the glorious history of the party, eulogize the vigorous development of the times, carry forward the traditional culture of the Chinese nation, and encourage the majority of party members and masses in the county to work together and forge ahead, on the morning of July 1, the Organization Department of the county party committee held a "July 1st" language art competition with the theme of "showing the demeanor of party members and striving to be the pioneer of the times" in the county conference center.

Guangling County held the "Show the demeanor of party members and strive to be the pioneer of the times" to celebrate the "July 1st" language arts competition

The relevant responsible person of the Organization Department of the county party committee and the contestants from all units and townships of the county gathered together to praise our great motherland in various forms such as poetry recitation, speeches, melodramas, three-and-a-half sentences, and group allegro and so on. A total of 74 contestants and 16 programs performed red classics such as "Don't forget the original intention, strive to be the pioneer of the times", "Youth dedicated to the party", "The power of faith", "As you wish", "Praise our party" and other red classics, and the contestants used impassioned and energetic recitations to pour out their gratitude and love for the Communist Party of China and the motherland. It expresses the love of the majority of party members and cadres for the party, and shows the determination to take responsibility, work hard, and dare to be the vanguard in the work.

Guangling County held the "Show the demeanor of party members and strive to be the pioneer of the times" to celebrate the "July 1st" language arts competition

After fierce competition, the competition finally selected one first prize, two second prizes, three third prizes, and several excellence awards.

Source: Guangling Fusion Media


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