
The 13th inspection team of the provincial party committee inspected Ye County and held a feedback meeting

author:Yexian Rong Media

On the morning of June 30, the 13th inspection team of the provincial party committee inspected Ye County, and the feedback meeting was held. At the meeting, Xiao Xianmin, deputy head of the 13th inspection group of the provincial party committee and deputy department-level inspection commissioner, gave feedback on the inspection opinions, and Chen Shanwang, leader of the 13th inspection group of the provincial party committee and department-level inspection commissioner, put forward specific requirements for strengthening the inspection rectification and the use of results, and Wen Xiaofan, secretary of the county party committee, presided over the meeting and made a statement.

The 13th inspection team of the provincial party committee inspected Ye County and held a feedback meeting

According to the unified deployment of the Provincial Party Committee, from March 3, 2024, the 13th Inspection Team of the Provincial Party Committee carried out a two-month routine inspection of Ye County. After giving feedback on the inspection to Ye County, the 13th inspection team of the Provincial Party Committee put forward opinions and suggestions on doing a good job in the inspection and rectification work.

The 13th inspection team of the provincial party committee inspected Ye County and held a feedback meeting

Chen Shanwang emphasized that it is necessary to study and understand carefully and strengthen self-consciousness. The Yexian County Party Committee should take the study of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech and important instructions on inspection and rectification as the primary task of doing a good job in rectification work, and accurately grasp the deployment requirements of the newly revised "Regulations on Disciplinary Actions of the Communist Party of China" and "Regulations on Inspection Work of the Communist Party of China" on inspection and rectification. It is necessary to correct the deviation by benchmarking and correcting the table. The Yexian County Party Committee should conscientiously benchmark the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's speech and important instructions on inspection and rectification, deeply examine the shortcomings and defects in their own ideological understanding and practical work, and implement the decision-making and deployment of the Party Central Committee and the work requirements of the Provincial Party Committee into the inspection and rectification plan, and refine it into the list of inspection and rectification problems, responsibilities, and tasks, and reflect it in the actual actions of inspection and rectification, so as to ensure that the direction of inspection and rectification is correct. It is necessary to face up to the problem of reflection. Always take the discovery of problems as the main task of the inspection, establish and improve the rectification work mechanism, consolidate the responsibility of the first responsible person of the main leader, implement the requirements of "one post and two responsibilities" for the team members, and include the problems fed back from the inspection, the rectification suggestions put forward, the letters and visits that are handed over, and the supervision notices issued are all included in the scope of rectification, and the "carpet" rectification is carried out as a whole, and the accounts are cancelled one by one, and one problem is solved one by one. It is necessary to deepen the application of results. The Yexian County Party Committee should seize the favorable opportunity of inspection and rectification, promote the "four integrations" of inspection and rectification, amplify the efficiency of rectification, promote source governance, promote both symptoms and root causes, and continuously deepen the promotion of reform by inspection, construction by inspection, and governance by inspection, and further give full play to the role of the party committee in overseeing the overall situation and coordinating all parties in the district, encourage party members and cadres to take responsibility, cultivate a clean atmosphere and a positive political ecology, and further improve the governance system and governance ability with high-quality rectification results, and contribute more to the practice of Chinese-style modernization in Henan.

The 13th inspection team of the provincial party committee inspected Ye County and held a feedback meeting

Wen Xiaofan said that the feedback from the inspection team of the provincial party committee is realistic, objective and to the point, and the opinions put forward are very pertinent and instructive. The first is to improve the political position and take the feedback issue seriously. All departments at all levels in the county should do a good job in the rectification of the provincial party committee's inspection feedback problems and do a good job in the "second half" of the inspection and rectification as an important yardstick for practicing the "two maintenances" and defending the "two establishments", firmly establish the consciousness of "failure to implement the rectification is disloyalty to the party", and always stand at the height of being responsible to the party and the masses, and fully understand the practical urgency of doing a good job in rectification. The second is to adhere to the problem-oriented approach and make every effort to implement rectification and reform. All departments at all levels in the county should take the rectification of inspection feedback problems as an important political task for the current and future periods, adhere to the problem orientation, grasp the essence of the problem, implement comprehensive policies, and make precise efforts to ensure that the reform is effective. The third is to pay attention to both the symptoms and the root causes, and comprehensively improve the effectiveness of rectification. Focus on system construction, further refine regulations and quantitative standards, and strive to ensure that where the work is promoted, the system will be covered, and where the problems appear, the system will be improved, and we will make every effort to promote the improvement of various systems. It is necessary to focus on the implementation of the system, strengthen the rigid constraints of the system, resolutely correct the problems of not carrying out orders and prohibitions, and earnestly use the system to manage power, people, and affairs, and do things according to the rules. Fourth, strengthen the application of achievements and promote efficient linkage of work. With this inspection and rectification as the driving force, we will resolutely shoulder the main responsibility of the county party committee, support the Commission for Discipline Inspection to fulfill its supervisory responsibilities, conduct pressure at all levels, and consolidate responsibilities at all levels, and consciously combine the implementation of feedback rectification with General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech when he investigated and guided Henan, combined with party discipline learning and education, and combined with the implementation of the provincial party committee's "two guarantees", "ten strategies", "ten major constructions" and the municipal party committee's "two tasks" and "ten major projects", and project construction, investment promotion, rural revitalization, ecological and environmental protection, Combine key tasks such as security and stability, take into account and promote each other, continuously amplify the positive effects of inspection and rectification, and create a clean and upright political ecology for the high-quality development and modernization of Ye County.

Relevant comrades of the 13th inspection group of the provincial party committee, members of the four major groups of the county party committee, the county people's congress, the county government, and the county CPPCC, the president of the county court, the chief procurator of the county procuratorate, other in-service county-level cadres, the executive deputy positions of the ministries and commissions (offices) of the county party committee, the director of the inspection office of the county party committee and the leaders of the inspection teams, the party and government officials of the townships (streets), and the main responsible comrades of the units directly under the county attended the meeting. (Mengqi Xiaolei)

Editor: Lu Jiaojiao

Proofreading: Li Yaqi

Review: Zhaojialu