
Wen Xiaofan investigated the work of grassroots party building

author:Yexian Rong Media

On the morning of July 1, Wen Xiaofan, secretary of the county party committee, led the heads of relevant departments to Duzhuang Village, Yeyi Town, to investigate the grassroots party building work, emphasizing the need to keep in mind the original intention of serving the people, respond to the demands of the masses, increase training, strengthen the management of assets, funds and resources, and continuously improve the people's sense of happiness and gain.

Wen Xiaofan investigated the work of grassroots party building

Wen Xiaofan inspected the living environment of Duzhuang Village on the spot, and visited the staff at the convenience service center, talked with the staff in detail, and learned about everyone's work.

Wen Xiaofan investigated the work of grassroots party building

At the symposium, Wen Xiaofan listened carefully to the reports of town and village cadres and learned about the work of grassroots party building.

Wen Xiaofan investigated the work of grassroots party building

Wen Xiaofan pointed out that Yeyi Town has a wide jurisdiction, a large population, and a large work task, and the Party Committee and Government of Yeyi Town have bravely shouldered heavy burdens and overcome difficulties, and have achieved good work results, and realized the orderly progress of the overall work, and the achievements are worthy of recognition. In the next step, Yeyi Town should do a good job of implementing it in accordance with the work requirements of the county party committee and county government. Town and village cadres should always keep in mind the original mission of serving the people, and know the people's feelings, listen to the people's opinions, and solve the people's worries through various forms such as being on duty and visiting households, so as to ensure that the people's demands are answered. Cadres at all levels should consciously take the initiative to learn, adapt to the new situation of development, and improve their ability and level of service for the people.

Wen Xiaofan emphasized that the organization department should further revise and improve the strategy of upgrading the development of the village collective economy, so that the village collective economy can continue to develop and grow. All townships (streets) should thoroughly analyze and judge the situation village by village, guide each village to revitalize the assets and capital resources in the village, and do a better job of doing practical and good things for the masses. All villages should strengthen asset management, avoid the loss of assets, and further give full play to their benefits. It is necessary to strengthen the management of funds, study reasonable processes, and ensure that the use of funds is not only fast and flexible, but also safe and orderly. It is necessary to strengthen resource management, fully explore the resources in the village, turn resources into assets and assets into funds, and use funds to ensure the orderly progress of industrial development and human settlements in the village, so as to continuously improve the people's sense of happiness and gain.

Gu Zhongqi, member of the Standing Committee of the County Party Committee and Minister of Organization, and Zhang Junhui, member of the Standing Committee of the County Party Committee and director of the office, participated in the investigation. (Feng Li, Xin Mingming)

Editor: Lu Jiaojiao

Proofreading: Li Yaqi

Review: Zhaojialu


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