
27 times the speed of sound! $10 billion and not a single one! The power is equivalent to 130 Hiroshima atomic bombs!

author:Talk about knowledge

In today's world military landscape, the development of missile technology has always been the focus of competition among all countries. From sonic to hypersonic, from tactical missiles to intercontinental ballistic missiles, we will analyze the speed characteristics of different types of missiles, as well as their strategic significance.

Let's take a look at who is the real "king of speed"!

27 times the speed of sound! $10 billion and not a single one! The power is equivalent to 130 Hiroshima atomic bombs!

The source of this article is from the official media, and the specific link is repeated at the end of the article, but in order to improve the readability of the article, the details may be polished, please read it sensibly for reference only

Low-velocity missiles (below Mach 3)

The Russian 3M54 cruise missile, also known as the "Caliber" cruise missile, is a multi-purpose cruise missile system. Its maximum flight speed can reach Mach 2.9, which is close to the upper limit of Mach 3 for low-speed missiles.

The missile uses a hybrid turbojet and ramjet system, which has strong stealth performance, can fly close to the sea, and effectively evade enemy radar detection.

27 times the speed of sound! $10 billion and not a single one! The power is equivalent to 130 Hiroshima atomic bombs!

With a maximum range of up to 2000 km and the ability to carry 450 kg of conventional or nuclear warheads, it has a powerful strike capability against both ships at sea and stationary targets on land.

The American MGM 140 tactical missile, with a maximum flight speed of Mach 3, uses a solid rocket engine, and has a maximum range of up to 300 kilometers.

27 times the speed of sound! $10 billion and not a single one! The power is equivalent to 130 Hiroshima atomic bombs!

Although both missiles belong to the category of low-speed missiles, they have their own characteristics. The 3M54 cruise missile has a longer range and better stealth performance, making it suitable for long-range precision strikes.

The MGM 140 tactical missile launches more quickly, has higher accuracy, and is suitable for rapid reaction strikes at the tactical level, and they all reflect the value of low-speed missiles in modern warfare in their respective combat fields.

27 times the speed of sound! $10 billion and not a single one! The power is equivalent to 130 Hiroshima atomic bombs!

Medium velocity missile (Mach 3-10)

The BrahMos anti-ship missile, jointly developed by India and Russia, has a flight speed of up to Mach 8 and is an important military and diplomatic bargaining chip for India.

China has also made a major breakthrough in the field of medium-speed missiles. The DF-17 conventional missile uses a hypersonic gliding warhead and flies at a speed of about Mach 5.

The missile has precision strike capabilities and can effectively break through existing anti-missile systems. In addition, China has also successfully developed the Starsky-2 rocket, which has reached a flight speed of Mach 6.

27 times the speed of sound! $10 billion and not a single one! The power is equivalent to 130 Hiroshima atomic bombs!

Russia is at the forefront of the world in the development of medium-speed missiles. The 3M22 Zircon hypersonic anti-ship missile flies at speeds of up to Mach 9 and is known as the "carrier killer".

The Kh-47M2 Dagger air-launched missile increases the speed to about Mach 10, which has a strong penetration capability and strike effect. These missiles have greatly improved Russia's long-range precision strike capabilities.

27 times the speed of sound! $10 billion and not a single one! The power is equivalent to 130 Hiroshima atomic bombs!

It is worth noting that the DPRK is also actively developing medium-speed missile technology. The Hwasong-15 ICBM, which allegedly flies at speeds of up to Mach 11, is highly recognized by the international community.

In the field of modern military science and technology, the development of high-speed missile technology has attracted much attention. This type of missile flies at a speed between Mach 10 and Mach 20, has a very strong penetration capability and damage effect, and has become an important part of the strategic deterrence of various countries.

27 times the speed of sound! $10 billion and not a single one! The power is equivalent to 130 Hiroshima atomic bombs!

High-speed missile (Mach 10-20)

At present, several countries have successfully developed missile systems with a flight speed of Mach 20. China's Julang-2 submarine-launched ballistic missile, which can carry multiple nuclear warheads and has a range of more than 8,000 kilometers, is a good example.

Russia's RS-24 Yars ICBM also has a flight speed of Mach 20 and uses multi-warhead independent target re-entry vehicle technology, which can effectively break through the anti-missile system. The United States is not far behind in the field of high-speed missiles.

27 times the speed of sound! $10 billion and not a single one! The power is equivalent to 130 Hiroshima atomic bombs!

The Falcon 2 hypersonic vehicle is a key project of the US Research Projects Agency to develop weapons systems capable of cruising for long periods of time at Mach 20 speeds. In addition, the US Air Force is actively promoting the development of the AGM-183A air-launched rapid response weapon.

Russia's RS-28 Sarmat ICBM, with a maximum flight speed of Mach 20.44 and a range of more than 18,000 kilometers, can carry up to 10 heavy nuclear warheads or 15 light nuclear warheads, and is one of the most powerful strategic nuclear weapons at present.

27 times the speed of sound! $10 billion and not a single one! The power is equivalent to 130 Hiroshima atomic bombs!

Although Israel's Jericho 3 medium-range ballistic missile is smaller, its top speed can also reach Mach 20.44, which greatly enhances Israel's strategic deterrence.

The rapid development of high-speed missile technology is profoundly changing the global strategic landscape. These weapon systems not only shorten the strike time, but also greatly improve the penetration capability, posing a serious challenge to the existing anti-missile systems.

At the forefront of military science and technology in the world today, hypervelocity missile technology is leading a revolutionary change. With a flight speed of more than Mach 20 and an amazing penetration capability, this class of missiles has become a core component of the strategic deterrent forces of various countries.

27 times the speed of sound! $10 billion and not a single one! The power is equivalent to 130 Hiroshima atomic bombs!

Hypervelocity missile (Mach 20 or above)

China has made remarkable achievements in the field of hypervelocity missiles. The DF-5B nuclear missile, which flies at speeds up to Mach 22 and has a range of more than 12,000 km, can carry multiple nuclear warheads.

The more advanced DF-41 ICBM increases its speed to an astonishing Mach 26, making it one of the fastest land-based ICBMs in the world. Saudi Arabia paid $10 billion to buy it, but it was ultimately rejected by the mainland.

The DF-41 is solid-fuel propulsion, highly maneuverable, and has a short launch time, which enhances China's nuclear counterattack capability. The United States is also not far behind in hyper-velocity missile technology.

27 times the speed of sound! $10 billion and not a single one! The power is equivalent to 130 Hiroshima atomic bombs!

LGM-30 Minuteman III ICBM with a flight speed of up to Mach 23. The UGM-133 Trident II submarine-launched ballistic missile has increased its speed to Mach 24 and is the backbone of the US sea-based nuclear forces.

Both missiles use multi-warhead independent target re-entry vehicle technology, which can effectively break through the anti-missile system and ensure the nuclear deterrence capability of the United States. Russia has always been at the forefront of the world in the field of hypervelocity missiles.

27 times the speed of sound! $10 billion and not a single one! The power is equivalent to 130 Hiroshima atomic bombs!

The RS-26 Yars-M ICBM flies at a speed of up to Mach 23.5 and uses a new solid-fuel engine with strong penetration capabilities.

27 times the speed of sound! $10 billion and not a single one! The power is equivalent to 130 Hiroshima atomic bombs!

Even more striking is the "Avangard" hypersonic missile system, which can fly at a staggering Mach 27. The "Avangard" has a gliding body design, which can perform complex maneuvers in the atmosphere, and is extremely difficult to intercept by existing anti-missile systems.

27 times the speed of sound! $10 billion and not a single one! The power is equivalent to 130 Hiroshima atomic bombs!

As the only country in Europe with an independent nuclear deterrent, France's M51 series of submarine-launched intercontinental ballistic missiles have excellent performance and fly at speeds of up to Mach 25. The missile is the main weapon of the French strategic nuclear submarine, which greatly enhances France's nuclear deterrent capability.

27 times the speed of sound! $10 billion and not a single one! The power is equivalent to 130 Hiroshima atomic bombs!

India is also actively developing hypervelocity missile technology. The Agni-5 ICBM is India's strategic nuclear force, which also flies at Mach 25, enhancing India's strategic strike capability.

27 times the speed of sound! $10 billion and not a single one! The power is equivalent to 130 Hiroshima atomic bombs!

Countries are stepping up research and development of more advanced ultra-high-speed missile technology, and are also actively exploring corresponding means of defense. In the future, ultra-high-speed missile technology is bound to continue to become the focus of military science and technology competition, and its development trend will have a far-reaching impact on global strategic stability.

27 times the speed of sound! $10 billion and not a single one! The power is equivalent to 130 Hiroshima atomic bombs!

Future outlook

With the continuous progress of science and technology, the development of missile technology is still advancing. Scientists are exploring new missile systems that are faster, more accurate, and more capable of penetrating defenses, and promote the development of missile technology in the direction of higher speed, longer range, and more intelligence.

At the same time, new weapons technologies are emerging. With its advantages of high speed, accuracy and low cost, laser weapons are becoming a potential stock in the future battlefield.

The U.S. Navy has successfully tested a laser weapon system that uses electromagnetic force to accelerate launches, has an ultra-long range and ultra-high muzzle velocity, and is expected to become the workhorse of the next generation of naval artillery.

27 times the speed of sound! $10 billion and not a single one! The power is equivalent to 130 Hiroshima atomic bombs!

Despite the continuous progress of weapons technology, peaceful development has always been the common aspiration of mankind. The international community is striving to find a balance between controlling the arms race and maintaining global strategic stability while safeguarding national security.

Leaders and diplomats are engaged in frequent dialogue to explore the establishment of new arms control mechanisms to address the challenges posed by new weapons technologies.

In the future, we expect that technological development will benefit humanity more than become a tool that threatens peace. While pursuing technological progress, all countries should also strengthen cooperation to jointly safeguard world peace and security.

27 times the speed of sound! $10 billion and not a single one! The power is equivalent to 130 Hiroshima atomic bombs!


When discussing the development of missile technology, we cannot focus solely on the single indicator of speed. While high velocity is an important indicator of a missile's performance, factors such as accuracy, reliability, stealth, and penetration capabilities are also critical. A comprehensive missile system needs to strike a balance between performance in order to truly realize its strategic value.

What's more, a country's military strength is not determined solely by the advanced weapons it possesses. Comprehensive national strength, including economic strength, scientific and technological innovation capability, diplomatic influence, etc., is the fundamental guarantee for a country's status in the international arena. Over-reliance on military force could not only trigger an arms race, but also crowd out resources needed for economic and social development.

27 times the speed of sound! $10 billion and not a single one! The power is equivalent to 130 Hiroshima atomic bombs!

Therefore, we call on all countries not to forget the original aspiration of peaceful development while pursuing technological progress. The international community should strengthen dialogue and cooperation, jointly address global challenges, and build a community with a shared future for mankind.

Only in a peaceful and stable international environment can all countries truly achieve sustainable development and their people enjoy a happy and healthy life. Let us work together to contribute to a more peaceful and prosperous world.

Resources: To tell the truth, CCTV announced: Dongfeng-41 is the most powerful intercontinental missile in the world today

27 times the speed of sound! $10 billion and not a single one! The power is equivalent to 130 Hiroshima atomic bombs!
Global Network: CCTV rarely disclosed that part of the technology of China's intercontinental ballistic missile Dongfeng-41 surpassed that of the United States and Russia, and there was no record of failure in the test launch
27 times the speed of sound! $10 billion and not a single one! The power is equivalent to 130 Hiroshima atomic bombs!