
Can't touch "melon seeds" for weight loss? Doctor: If you don't want to grow fat on your waist, you can't help but eat less 4 staple foods

author:TCM doctor health talk

Weight loss is not an easy journey that can be achieved overnight, it is a protracted battle involving multiple dimensions such as diet control, regular exercise, and psychological adjustment. In the face of "melon seeds", dieters need to make a prudent choice. Among them, diet, as an important part of weight loss, often receives widespread attention. As a common snack, melon seeds are often listed as "taboo foods" by dieters because of their high-calorie and high-fat characteristics. In the journey of weight loss, should we say goodbye to the temptation of crispy melon seeds? And what are the staple foods that should be avoided as much as possible during weight loss?

Can't touch "melon seeds" for weight loss? Doctor: If you don't want to grow fat on your waist, you can't help but eat less 4 staple foods

The calories of melon seeds and their impact on the weight loss process

Melon seeds, as a member of nut foods, are relatively high in calories and fat, which cannot be ignored. While enjoying its delicious taste, we also need to pay attention to its impact on caloric intake. Melon seeds, which approach 600 calories per 100 grams, significantly exceed the same weight of traditional staple foods such as rice and noodles, and have become the representative of high-energy foods. However, whether or not to completely ban the consumption of melon seeds in people who are on a diet also needs to consider individual differences and intake.

First of all, melon seeds are rich in unsaturated fatty acids, healthy fats that can have significant cardiovascular health benefits when consumed in moderation. Secondly, melon seeds are rich in dietary fiber, vitamin E and other nutrients, which help promote intestinal peristalsis and antioxidants. Therefore, for people who are losing weight, it is not that they should not touch melon seeds at all, but they should control their intake and avoid excessive intake leading to excessive calorie excess.

Can't touch "melon seeds" for weight loss? Doctor: If you don't want to grow fat on your waist, you can't help but eat less 4 staple foods

3. Staple foods that should be eaten less during weight loss

High-sugar staple foods, such as white rice and white bread, are carbohydrates. Excessive intake of these staple foods will rapidly boost blood sugar levels, which will trigger the release of insulin and intensify fat accumulation and synthesis. Therefore, during weight loss, you should reduce the intake of high-sugar staple foods and choose low-sugar, high-fiber staple foods instead.

High-oil staple foods: such as fried rice, fried noodles, etc., these staple foods will add a lot of fat during the cooking process, resulting in a significant increase in calorie and fat content. Long-term consumption of high-fat staple foods is not only detrimental to weight loss, but may also increase the risk of cardiovascular disease. Therefore, high-fat staple foods should be avoided as much as possible during weight loss.

Finely processed staple foods: such as refined white rice, refined white noodles, etc., after these staple foods are finely processed, a large amount of nutrients are lost, and the digestion and absorption speed is relatively fast, which can easily lead to blood sugar fluctuations and increased hunger. In contrast, whole grains such as oats and brown rice are a treasure trove of nutrients, which are rich in dietary fiber and trace elements, which can effectively regulate blood sugar levels and promote healthy intestinal peristalsis.

High-salt staple foods: such as instant noodles and savory biscuits, these staple foods will add a lot of salt during processing, resulting in excessive sodium intake. Long-term indulgence in high-salt eating habits undoubtedly exacerbates the hidden dangers of high blood pressure and potentially threatens the health of the kidneys. During weight loss, it is advisable to prioritize low-salt staple foods such as homemade whole-grain bread or brown rice to reduce your sodium intake and contribute to healthy weight loss.

Can't touch "melon seeds" for weight loss? Doctor: If you don't want to grow fat on your waist, you can't help but eat less 4 staple foods

4. Diet recommendations for weight loss:

Rational combination of staple foods: During weight loss, the choice of staple foods should follow the principle of "low sugar, low fat, high fiber, and low salt". To maintain a balanced diet and control calorie intake, it is recommended to consume low-sugar, high-fiber whole grains, whole wheat products, and moderate protein and vegetables to achieve a healthy balance.

Adopting a small, frequent meal diet strategy can not only effectively reduce hunger and avoid overeating caused by excessive hunger, but also allow the body to absorb nutrients more stably and maintain energy balance. Divide the three meals into five to six small meals to ensure that each meal is balanced and appropriate, which will help stabilize blood sugar and reduce hunger discomfort.

Control snack intake: Snacks are a big "invisible killer" in the weight loss process. Although nut snacks such as melon seeds are nutritious, they are high in calories, which can easily lead to excessive calories. Therefore, the intake of snacks should be minimized during weight loss, especially those that are high in sugar, oil, and salt.

In the pursuit of weight loss, in addition to strictly controlling the diet, it is also necessary to increase the investment in exercise. With regular and moderate exercise, calories can be burned efficiently, which can speed up the pace of weight loss. Proper exercise can not only effectively burn excess calories in the body, but also promote fat burning, thereby increasing the basal metabolic rate and providing continuous motivation and effect for weight loss. It is strongly recommended to devote at least 150 minutes a week to regular moderate-intensity aerobic exercise, such as light walking, brisk running or swimming in the water, to inject a steady stream of vitality into the body.

Can't touch "melon seeds" for weight loss? Doctor: If you don't want to grow fat on your waist, you can't help but eat less 4 staple foods

During weight loss, it is not completely impossible to touch snacks such as melon seeds, but you should control your intake. When choosing staple foods, we should follow the principle of "low sugar, low fat, high fiber, and low salt", and reasonably match staple foods with nutrients such as protein and vegetables. At the same time, adopting a small, frequent meal, controlling snack intake, and increasing the amount of exercise can help achieve the goal of healthy weight loss. It is hoped that this article can provide useful reference and enlightenment for the majority of dieters.

I'm Dr. He, welcome everyone to like and follow, and say your views in the comment area, let's chat

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